The end of Best Buy??

Ive been enjoying all the news of Best Buy's drop off over the past few weeks.  'Bout time 
There's a range of stores down here in Australia called JB Hi-Fi. They are probably the biggest electronics consumer brand in Australia and are killing off all of their competition.

They literally swagger jacked Best Buy, I'm convinced the guy that started the company went to a Best Buy in the U.S. and said to himself "I'm gonna steal this idea and profit beautifully."
This will suck for the buying new CDs aspect. I'll have to turn to pretty much Target only if I want to get something on release day. But Best Buy definitely has become less interesting as of late. They really don't offer much that I would want to go buy. It is nice to check out stuff before you buy it but Fry's has most of the stuff they have and Costco has a great selection of TVs these days and way better prices.

As for high end electronics, there's plenty of independent high-end stereo stores around that are better than Magnolia. If it happens it'll suck for a minute but people will adapt and get past it.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by secretzofwar

Originally Posted by Wr

whats the amazon scam?
IMO, Amazon is a bit of scam that's good for consumers in the short-run, but probably destructive in the long-run.

Right now they sell a bunch of stuff at cost or below cost, so they don't actually make very much money at all. They also are exempt from sales tax, which gives them another leg-up. So either the playing field is leveled, or Amazon puts everyone out of business until they are the last one's left.

Which is enormous, especially in states like mine, Massachusetts where sales tax is ridiculous.  In the past people would head north to New Hampshire to avoid the sales tax on bigger ticket items, now they dont even have to leave their homes.  I see this changing though, just has to.
South Carolina is starting to tax online shopping.  I got an email from amazon saying that I was supposed to pay 92 dollars in sales tax for things i bought over the year. 
Amazon is the death of Best Buy. I'm glad though, because they were madd shady with the whole TouchPad fiasco. Had me heated. They lied right to my face.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Why don't you guys just ask for help? Seems a lot are not happy about not being asked if they need help. I can understand that it's poor customer service when no one says hello to you but if I need a sales associate and I see one, whether they are busy or not (as long as it's not with another customer), I just go and ask them.

I have asked for help True Story wanted a bigger tv. Saw one I liked asked worker about tv not my department. Finally got a guy in department to tell that said tv is not in stock and the nearest best buy that had it was an hour away. This took me an hour of my time. No one apologized or cared about my plight so I booked and they lost my business. Frys gained mine in the last year 4 tvs 2 laptops and a sorround system and various other software for my comp.

After that incident I told my wife no way they are going to survive. Its not the associates fault either when you are paying them 9 bucks an hour what the hell do they care if I leave happy or not.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

They're not going anywhere.

I agree.  Too many people still shop at best buy.  Yea you can buy stuff cheaper online but the majority of people still prefer brick and mortar stores.  
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by Jking0821

What is best buy good for honestly?  Digital Cameras, maybe so car audio equipment, and geek squad? 

No, no, and hell no.

Honestly can't think of a single thing Best Buy is good for.
So you're going to compare television quality online? You're not going to want to go into an actual store and actually see what you're buying before you give your money to someone?
People are too lazy nowadays. Stores are closing and as soon as Christmas comes around everyone will look around like "damn, I wish I had an actual store to do some last minute shopping like back in the day" 

Best buy needs to fix them prices
If best buy goes down this will make wonder even more. How the hell is Radio Shack around.

They make alot of the stuff they sell, very convinient stores are everywhere.

Best buy has great selection so does Frys but do not have very helpful people, no knowledge either.
Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by Jking0821

What is best buy good for honestly?  Digital Cameras, maybe so car audio equipment, and geek squad? 

No, no, and hell no.

Honestly can't think of a single thing Best Buy is good for.
So you're going to compare television quality online? You're not going to want to go into an actual store and actually see what you're buying before you give your money to someone?
People are too lazy nowadays. Stores are closing and as soon as Christmas comes around everyone will look around like "damn, I wish I had an actual store to do some last minute shopping like back in the day" 

people are just going with what the see and read online
they should have had delivery trucks like furniture stores....charged a fee and made extra income off that.
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