the FRIENDZONE....... (update on pg. 4)

Wow, good thread. I think everyone goes through the friendzone once (and hopefully only once).
The reality is that nothing's going to change or progress as long as you simp and treat her like a queen while allowing her to disrespect you and while being afraid of causing any potential friction.

I'm a believer that things could work out in the future, but you're not going to get there by continuing in the friendzone. Force the issue and see what happens. Or separate yourself from her, talk to other girls, and see what happens. At worst you haven't put all your eggs in one basket. At best you give your relationship a chance to progress to something new.
Get out of it by hollering at her friends, she'll be jealous in no time. If she's not jealous then you just got with her cute

Don't be hittin' women up on the regular like that, if its someone you're interested in cut the cute !@*$ with the texting and just get straight to the point, just tell her lets hang out and grab a drink.
Some of y'all are right. Sticking around trying to get out of the Friend Zone usually doesn't work unless you lose contact for a while and you up your status.
Originally Posted by TheRav4

GrimlocK wrote:
Idk where kix said you need to have a 2 year friendship in his post...that's just twisting what he was saying...but your right, OP should not take Kix's advice in his situation although I can attest that some girls want a friendship before they get into it with a guy...nobody said it was gonna be 2 years though...i'm talking about a month tops.

And I never said it wasn't rare for a person to get out of the friendzone...the main point is that it isn't entirely not possible.  I think you should re-read my post about my friend because no where in there am I advocating that people should stick it out in the zone...from re-reading you can see that it was because Harris didn't stick it out  in the friendzone and came to terms with what he needed to do so that that certain situation that happened to him in h.s. never happened was actually because he kept maggie as a fb friend as well as being friends with some of her friends that she got interested in him and he changed himself up to a point where he didnt let the past take control of him and he saw that maggie was looking good and he went in for the kill....actually I think the whole time she was getting at him to be with her.

True, noted. I just thought I'd make sure people don't take what kix said seriously, and trying to promote people to get out of that zone

In spite of I still think that people want to be friends first, meaning a non-romantic relationship- I mean maybe your game is strong enough to smash within the first minutes, but I assume you chillin for a bit first ya dig?..... I didn't mean 2 years either. More like 2 weeks, I usually measure the time I'll wait to smash by the time Stuart Scott takes to host sports center again. which is usually a week and a half cycle or so.

I don't want to smash a chick I can't get along with. Sorry, been there done that with the chicks I can't stand at first. Not for me.

Also, I got the 2pac line *#%%$@!. I was saying girls are the same way. Don't be too available, girls like chase too. OP sounded dehydrated.
Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

ok guys. 

today, ive come to the realization, and accepted the fact that i've definitely been friendzoned

me and her were texting today, and she told me that she texted a pic of herself to this guy and that she regretted it 

then i just said playfully, why dont you ever send me those kinds of things?

then she says, cause youre my bestie.... 

so i guess in a while, ill be able to offical absorb the fact. but what am i supposed to do the next time im interested in a girl and she goes to me with those kinds of things?

it seems to be the consensus that the best way out of the friendzone is to avoid in whole.  how do you avoid it? 

Damn OP, that is not a good look.
Originally Posted by kobe82410

you were involved in a 1 way emotional relationship will do nothing but make kill you softly from the inside everytime you hang out.

Just came in here again to say that i've never seen the NT gang rally together and offer a lot of sound advice... Good job!
Originally Posted by RayRay84

Just came in here again to say that i've never seen the NT gang rally together and offer a lot of sound advice... Good job!
The FriendZone is serious business.
Originally Posted by Carver

Originally Posted by RayRay84

Just came in here again to say that i've never seen the NT gang rally together and offer a lot of sound advice... Good job!
The FriendZone is serious business.
It is! I've experienced it already and it's not a good feeling at all...
You cut down your communication with her...not totally...

But start talking to her friends. As you get older, you'll realize that all these things dont matter if the world is your oyster. A girl you're friends with doesnt like you? Her choice.....and loss.
Good to see you've come to some sense OP. It does sound like a mutual friendzone. Perhaps you at the start and then when you started to show a little more interest she got confused. But hey, we all chop and change now and then.

Been there done that, I had the whole "damn we keep liking each other at different times" and it just never happened. Even got labelled the two that would be most likely to get together after school. Smh.

You just need to move on and do you.
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