The last children by Truthgetsbusy

born 91, but i remember the baseball games, word to the sandlot
Damn truth this is so true. Props on this, I can truly relate to all you said in there. Born in 87... the WORST was calling your girls house phone and her popspicking up being like "YEA SHES HOME... WHO IS THIS?!" smh.
Born in 1990 and I can relate, and already see how different this kids are this days and people a little younger than me are.

Growing up watching Power Rangers and being amazed by it.
Even remembering Barney And Thomas traintracks.
Watching cartoons on saturdays and thinking it was the best ever.
Pokemon and Digimon
Fox Kid's
Fresh prince and saved by the bell re runs.
Goin to school and everyone wearing the same pair of jay's.
Staying after school for after school programs.
Getting those scholastic magazines to order books and things and hatin cuz ur parents never bought u any.
Super soakers and buying action figures.
Seeing the yankees win every game
Going to mcdonalds as a kid and thinkin it was the best day ever and now u can it that crap everyday.
Something I wrote on my blog that is along the same lines...

The quality of life isn't what it used to be. People aren't what they used to be. People aren't as well rounded as they used to be… or should I say as they used to HAVE to be. I love technology, and while I feel like there are many obvious benefits in the advancement in technology, there are also many not so obvious drawbacks. Technology has made people lazy. Some of the ways technology is used has kind of taken away from the "authenticity" of life. If a lot of technologies just suddenly disappeared, a lot of people wouldn't know how to survive. They wouldn't know what to do. Try to understand what I am trying to say...

When there was no TV, man had to do be creative in what they did to occupy there time. More time was spent reading, in conversation, and participating in activities. This time made people's relationships better, got people more educated, kept people in better shape, and created an overall more thorough human being. Now people spend hours on end sitting in front of this tube, watching this fantasy world to entertain themselves. Think of all of the things we lose out on by doing this. I am not even going to go into how we are manipulated by news networks. That is an entire different topic for a different time. Think about how many people you know who sit there toddlers in front of the TV all day, instead of reading to them, drawing with them, or just talking to them??? How many kids do you know who would rather sit in there room and play video games on a bright sunny day, instead of going outside to play a sport, or just play with other kids??? When did this become acceptable??

People don't even have to know how to cook anymore. There is a fast food restaurant five minutes away from wherever you are reading this from. With the advancement of the internet, you might even be reading this in a restaurant. With this fast paced world being what it is, who has time to cook? Now with every other piece of advancing technology, this can be good in moderation. Leave it to the people of our generation to take advantage of this convenience and just stop cooking all together. And no... TV dinners and pre-made oven pizza doesn't count as cooking.


Dating has even changed. On social networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace, you don't even need to leave home to meet people. You create your own profile which consists of putting up personal pictures, adding your likes and dislikes, and pretty much giving a full description of yourself. Now this can be good, because it may give people the opportunity to meet who may have not have met otherwise, but there is just something about seeing someone in person, knowing absolutely nothing about them, and having the courage to introduce yourself and start a conversation. With this new way of "meeting" people, you can actually mold yourself into being compatible with someone by viewing and adjusting your personality to coincide with that persons self described profile. I don't totally knock it, but the whole idea does seem kind of weird to me.


Remember those ice-breaking phone conversations after meeting someone of the opposite sex? Nah... we don't need those anymore. We have text messaging for that! Remember the feeling of dialing every digit except the last one of a girls phone number, then hanging up the phone because you were nervous knowing you were actually going to be speaking to her? Now with text messaging, you can have a whole conversation, ask all of those tough questions, all without actually having to speak to the person! Again, I think there is something wrong with that.

Now I will be the first to admit, in some way, shape, or form I am guilty of some of these things. I have become conscious of my actions, and I am trying to better myself. I want to be a well rounded human being. The easy way isn't always the best way. I think we all need to raise the status quo up. I am going to start with myself.
I kind feel bad for em, they cant hide from they girlfriends anymore. Gps!!! I know you not at the movies by yourself, "you lie, Naw im with my boys"She can come and check at anytime, so you either have to leave or hope. lol. All these internet sites make it hard to keep a girl.

But yall have it nice, i feel like my 88 year has it bad !*! too. But we're turning into to history, some of us will be forgotten and know only by family.Some of us with be famous, and be known for life. All these other scenarios also.
The new generation is gonna go ham when it comes to technological advances in 30-40 years...IMO
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

These kids are growing up soft, they are eating horrible, they getting fat, they don't have people skills, and by 18 they can't even get a date. As much good technology has done it has done bad. Please discuss NT.
Great post; great conclusion. These kids are as soft as marshmallows. There a lot of examples of them on NT too.
- the hypebeasts asking what shoes are hot so they can get a pair - you shouldn't have to askwhat's hot. you should know.
- the dudes who admit that they'd wife p0rn stars - there are some p0rn stars that i would like tolease, but not buy. don't be captain save a h0.
- that guy who has 3-4 relationship posts a month, but swears that he's a player - get a clue dude.that chick is cheating on you.
- all these geeks with "swagger" who would prolly get punched in the mouth by a chick - word to Charles Hamilton
Paper bag book covers...

trapper keepers...

actually having captains PICK teams in gym class....(not so much consideration for the feelings of the kid who was picked last
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

actually having captains PICK teams in gym class....(not so much consideration for the feelings of the kid who was picked last
Being the skinny _ w/ the glasses and -43 coordination in middle school FTMFL.
Thank you OP for your words, your flow, and your memories. Considering the Wasteland we are living in nowadays, I'm not surprised by some of thesereactions. It is true that society has become more individualized: we all live in these bubbles, using technology (in particular, the internet) to project whowe are. Children are forced to grow up earlier than before (e.g. standardized tests). Sure, the differences between generations are stark in terms of the toysand it seems easier to berate the newer generation's shortcomings (a bit ironic); but I feel as if we all share similar childhood experiences. We all havefond memories of laughing and romping with our chums, waking up to the sun's kisses and mom's breakfast, going out with no direction and just feel theworld, nervously approaching and talking to our first love, having butterflies in our stomachs for the first day of school, and daydreaming about our futures.Instead of criticizing the youngsters, we should, like our parents, help them grow up by sharing our stories. The last child lies within ourselves; the lostchild lies in front of us.

Apologies for the long-winded response.
Originally Posted by 603458644

Thank you OP for your words, your flow, and your memories. Considering the Wasteland we are living in nowadays, I'm not surprised by some of these reactions. It is true that society has become more individualized: we all live in these bubbles, using technology (in particular, the internet) to project who we are. Children are forced to grow up earlier than before (e.g. standardized tests). Sure, the differences between generations are stark in terms of the toys and it seems easier to berate the newer generation's shortcomings (a bit ironic); but I feel as if we all share similar childhood experiences. We all have fond memories of laughing and romping with our chums, waking up to the sun's kisses and mom's breakfast, going out with no direction and just feel the world, nervously approaching and talking to our first love, having butterflies in our stomachs for the first day of school, and daydreaming about our futures. Instead of criticizing the youngsters, we should, like our parents, help them grow up by sharing our stories. The last child lies within ourselves; the lost child lies in front of us.

Apologies for the long-winded response.

I never said the new generation didn't do those things.
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

@ dude saying he was born in 94 and went through a god damn bro was born in 95 and i know his !*$ didnt....90 is the latest i'll accept...anything after that is an extreme reach....dudes trying to clinch on to our memories because yalls generation is computer aided and lame......
Im guessing your little brother grew up with some sort of wealth around him..
Cause I know I wasnt using a computer at 11 or 12 and didnt get a cell phone till 15..

Dudes be too quick to hype up their generation like their the only people to ever go outside and play and have fun without internet and super advanced videogames..
I really feel for them. They don't have +@$ but they have everything. They get stupider and lazier everyday. They don't know how to get up and get outand work for +@$. Everything is handed to them. They don't know the true meaning of "fun"
The just sit in front of the tv or computer.

I give the world 50 more years. Everyone is gonna be stupid by then.
the black cable box with the red numbers.. i used to have the unlocked joint with PPV.. my whole block would come over to watch WWF/WCWevents
a few more things

seeing the Braves being an NL power and dominant and always seeing them on TBS
Midnight rescue on the old Tandy computers
Hungry Hippos, Mouse Trap, Candyland on a weekend night
Hide and Seek, Tag, and Marco Polo in the playground
Treating the playground like the obstacle course on Double Dare
Berenstein Bear books were my favorite children's books, and so is Goodnight Moon
Skip Its - those spinning leg braces with a counter to determine how many times you jump over the spinning ball

Good god I'm reminiscing.
I was born in 89, graduated HS in 07, and experienced all the @+!% OP mentioned. It helps that I have an older sister I was around alot that was born in'79.
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