Jul 7, 2005
onelittle bump and they calling offensive fouls i don't know if its the refs or these guys are just good actors Gibert Arenas is looking like DenzelWashington on the flops
Originally Posted by DA MATRIX 1

one little bump and they calling offensive fouls i don't know if its the refs or these guys are just good actors Gibert Arenas is looking like Denzel Washington on the flops

Yea it is the same %%+! in college. Guys camp in the lane. Word to Duke and then they call these $%*@%#*@ calls.
Lebron just tried to draw a charge on Roger Mason...dude weighs 260 and he's whining cus he didn't draw a charge on Roger Mason...

What can we do though? The refs keep calling the fouls, so the players keep trying to draw them.
And as long as the weak offensive fouls keep getting called, the Spurs will keep winning championships.
Yes the league has become too soft. So soft that teams (Suns) don't even feel the need to play defense. And as long as teams (Suns) don't play defense,they will never win a championship.

btw I like the Suns

Go Lakers
I agree the NBA is softer than in the '90s, this has nothing to do with offensive fouls though. For the people who are bashing offensive fouls, have youever played organized basketball? It's kinda a big part of the game, it's not corny, or cheap. In fact, it is a legitimate way to stop the opponentfrom scoring, and get them in foul trouble in the process.

Why all the hate towards offensive fouls being called? I'm not in favor of flopping all over the place, but offensive fouls are a good part of the game.It's up to the officials to determine if its a flop, block, or charge.
used to be NBA : No Boys Allowed
keep in mind that none of this
these dudes did got them ejected
This Cavs Wizards game is how it should be.

It should be this physical, minus all the ticktacky calls. And that foul on LeBron should have been a flagrant 1, not 2.
Originally Posted by zona0924

And that foul on LeBron should have been a flagrant 1, not 2.

Just as Reggie said, if it wasn't LeBron they wouldn't have called a flagrant 2.
Of course, it's the NBA...where star treatment happens.
Originally Posted by Nike God

Originally Posted by zona0924

And that foul on LeBron should have been a flagrant 1, not 2.

Just as Reggie said, if it wasn't LeBron they wouldn't have called a flagrant 2.
Of course, it's the NBA...where star treatment happens.

Nike God, what are your thoughts on Horry's hip check on Nash last year? That wasn't that bad of a play where Nash had to be sprawled out on thesideline like that. Def. unappreciated.
ZoDogg is asking to get banned again. Dude playin dumb so he won't get banned on site.
The NBA is so soft because the players are too sensitive and too immature. Stern knows that if he let the stuff they did in the 80s and 90s go on now we'dhave a basketbrawl almost every game.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by Nike God

Originally Posted by zona0924

And that foul on LeBron should have been a flagrant 1, not 2.

Just as Reggie said, if it wasn't LeBron they wouldn't have called a flagrant 2.
Of course, it's the NBA...where star treatment happens.

Nike God, what are your thoughts on Horry's hip check on Nash last year? That wasn't that bad of a play where Nash had to be sprawled out on the sideline like that. Def. unappreciated.
I thought it was a pretty dirty play, and uncalled for in the situation. There's a difference between hitting someone while a guy's attemptinga layup and sizing someone up in the open court. It's like what Posey did to Hinrich in the 2006 playoffs. You don't just take a guy down in the opencourt because you're losing a game. Completely bush league.
All these dudes saying that the league is too soft are probably the same guys that !*$%+ and complain about how dirty a player is when something like thishappens...
A lot of you younger cats really don't know how physical the NBA used to be during the 80's-90's....its a joke now.
Originally Posted by tmay407

All these dudes saying that the league is too soft are probably the same guys that !*$%+ and complain about how dirty a player is when something like this happens...

unless people can accept that a fight here and there to release the anger from players like how theres hockey fights, theres just no way they can go back tothe aggressiveness from the 90s, you'll have Melo vs Nate Robinson every night
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