The NT baby names thread vol. What would you name your offspring?

Dec 14, 2007
What would you name your kids and why?

If I had a son, he would be named Logan (my fave comic character and an awesome name overall).

If I had a daughter, she would be named Skye (name of the first girl I ever had a crush on).
Not having any kids but...

Possible boys:
D. Lee III - just to start up a long line of D. Lee

and twins

Zeus Knight Lee - I just think the name Zeus is badass / I play too much GoW.

Bruce King Lee - For t3h lulz / I highly respect his philosophy
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i just want something that can be shortened to one syllable bc i like nicknames
like lorenzo but i call him zo

id just pick a name for aesthetic reasons for how the ful name sounds tbh
Always wanted to name my son Mac (jr) , but I'm contiplating changing that to my brothers name who died this year. Tim
Girl name Alexis, Laura , idk w/e my wife wants. I feel like if I have a son I'll pick the name if I had a girl my girl would pick the name.
I like unisex names for girls.

Like Devon or something.

I'm gonna pick the boy names for sure if I'm lucky the daughter names too.

The plan is for me to pick the 1st name of the boys and my wife picks the middle names. Wife picks the 1st name of girl and I pick the middle name
Boy-Gilbert I (I'm a Jr. n it usually goes III, but I want him to be I)

Lucifer for a boy.
Ivanna for a girl.

Reason why I didn't name my current son that was because I think to much heat would come. But if you research the name it had a positive meaning and I don't care about what people say. Just hope my son inherent my strong mind and will. If not he will hate me for ever.
Lucifer for a boy.
Ivanna for a girl.

Reason why I didn't name my current son that was because I think to much heat would come. But if you research the name it had a positive meaning and I don't care about what people say. Just hope my son inherent my strong mind and will. If not he will hate me for ever.

If you love it so much change your name to that, don't put what comes with that on a child man.
I named my son chase. Idk why, it seemed like a cool *** name to have growing up and he can get a job
boy - I'm named after my father, im a jr, so im kinda obligated(bad choice of words) to keep it going.

girl - no idea.
If I have a son I won't give him a name initialy.

Im just going to call him son or boy, or a nickname.
Wen he's 18 and I've taught him how to be a man I'll send him out into the cruel world and he'll come back with a name.

If I have a daughter ill call her draya
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