The Oakland Athletics 2013 Season Thread

He's in AAA right now, not doing too hot. They probably won't bring him up for a while.

In the meantime, this team just cant hit.:smh:
The lineups are starting to look better as people return from injury, but second base is just a black hole. I'd really like to see Rosales there full time right now, if they aren't going to bring up Weeks.
I wish Weeks would just force the issue by proving without question he needs to be in the majors. It's disappointing to see what he was capable of doing and not having it again.
We just have to wait for Coco to come (to his regular play) back and for Cespedes to stay in the lineup. The pitches will come to everyone else in time.

EDIT: lol I knew Coco was back, needed to clarify what I meant.
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Definitely didn't see a 1-0 win today coming. Good win. Parker needs to follow up tomorrow.
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