*The Official 2008 NBA Finals Game 1 Post ~~ CELTICS vs LAKERS Vol. Stern got his way

i cant believe we got dudes in here saying Rondo is better than Fisher and how Rondo is playing Better than Fisher in the Playoffs

Rondo is maad young and causes alot of turnovers off dumb passes..he cant make open jumpers and he doesnt good D...on the other hand , Fisher scores thebasket..and isnt scared to go for a layup and draw contact. and his defense is up to par...how is rondo better in any category?
Originally Posted by Mayor of NYC

i cant believe we got dudes in here saying Rondo is better than Fisher and how Rondo is playing Better than Fisher in the Playoffs

Rondo is maad young and causes alot of turnovers off dumb passes..he cant make open jumpers and he doesnt good D...on the other hand , Fisher scores the basket..and isnt scared to go for a layup and draw contact. and his defense is up to par...how is rondo better in any category?

word, i just get the feeling like there's a lot of mad young people in here and on these boards, like they dont realize that fishers been in theplayoffs and in the finals before

in terms of this year though, i remember during the hawks and cavaliers series where they were challanging rondo to make jumpshots and he wasnt coming through,where as fisher just plays solid cause not that much is expected of him other than handling the ball which he happens to share with kobe sasha jordan and evenlamar on some occasions
Fisher been in 148 PLAYOFF games vs Rondo 155 reg season +20 playoff games....


Fisher is the NBA All-Time Playoff 3pt % leader, with over 300 3pt shots attempted...at 43.8%......

put in perspective career playoff numbers ...Steve Nash 41.3%,Reggie Miller 39%, less than 300 attempts ...Steve Kerr 37%,.Larry Bird 32%

Dont try to tell me Kapono career playoff 3pt is 53.6%...but dude only shot 28 times..... Fisher just cracked 400 attempts so far.

Thats pretty clutch if you ask me.
Originally Posted by Slow Motion G35

Fisher been in 148 PLAYOFF games vs Rondo 155 reg season +20 playoff games....


Fisher is the NBA All-Time Playoff 3pt % leader, with over 300 3pt shots attempted...at 43.8%......

put in perspective career playoff numbers ...Steve Nash 41.3%,Reggie Miller 39%, less than 300 attempts ...Steve Kerr 37%,.Larry Bird 32%

Dont try to tell me Kapono career playoff 3pt is 53.6%...but dude only shot 28 times..... Fisher just cracked 400 attempts so far.

Thats pretty clutch if you ask me.

I learn something new everyday.

Fisher SHOULD have the advantage against Rondo due to his experience, shooting, and decision making, and other aspects, but I guess you could say it could be aclose matchup. We will have to see.
First of all, it feels sooo good to be back in the Finals!

Should be an exciting matchup...I'm really hoping we could steal game 1. That would be huge...Obviously, i haven't been able to post much due to workcommitments...i had a lot to say but i couldn't be bothered typing all that up now.

I just wanna see us win and be on top again. It's been a great ride thus far, and we're 4 wins away from one of the most improbable championship runsin history. No let ups now guys.
personally, i'm a warriors fan.

however, this was the matchup i (and everyone else probably) wanted.

as much as i like (and i mean it in a way that i hate him so much that i like him) kobe bryant, i want KG (the kid) to finally get a championship.

i really REALLY think the celtics will win in 6.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by acidicality

there isn't much of a difference between rondo and fisher to me, but fisher gets the edge because he has experience. Rondo does some things much better than Fisher can, but Fisher also does some things much better than Rondo (like shooting).
not much diffrence???? are you crazy how about the jump shot!!!!!! and not to mention hes a much better defender!!!!!
I agree. rondo is better. plus hes faster. we only have one shot blocker on the team and thats turiaf...
I can't belive these people how can you even compare the 2 look at the stats posted above dude is gona be a HOF player and you gona tell me rondois better 3rings and rondo is better? People must have jumped on the NBA this year to think that..... Look what fish has done to fast point gaurds this seasonwinning records against; Nash, CP3, and willams In the west!!!!!!!!
DFish has the advantage and its because experience. I really don't like him but he does have the advantage.

I see Ray Allen being the X-Factor in the series...if he hits his shots I think the Celtics will be the favorite in this series..if he doesn't expect theLakers to wrap it up in 5 or 6 games.
We're not talking about Fisher did in the past or how he has rings or any of that. This is the 2008 NBA Finals, not the comparison of two players careers.Come Thursday, what Fisher did in the past means NOTHING.

With that said, I still think Fish has the slight advantage, but its not a monstrous gap like you guys think. And if you wanna talk about how Fish playedagainst the top PGs, Rondo did fine against those same guys. In a loss to the Suns, Nash completely outclassed him (held his own in our other Suns game), butRondo put up 23 and 6 dimes or something against CP3 in one game.
Derek Fisher a Hall of Famer???? He's basically a 2 guard in a point's body. I like the guy's game and I don't doubt he will make a couple ofclutch shots in these Finals.

And Rondo with a lot of turnovers???? Under 2 a game. There are going to be games where he doesn't look great, but he really has more good games than badones.

Rondo is putting up 11 and 7 in these playoffs. Fisher is putting up 10 and 2 and I have people laughing my comment off???
I'll never understand why people argue and bicker so much about who's better before the game. You can argue all day about who's better but it stillhas no effect on the outcome. That being said, this Thursday start is killing me.
Seriously, I guess Boston fans completely forgot how they were cheering MVP for Kobe in their own house. Now they're cheering Beat LA.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Seriously, I guess Boston fans completely forgot how they were cheering MVP for Kobe in their own house. Now they're cheering Beat LA.
I was at the game and there were about 100 Kobe stans cheering this. There would be 100 KG stans doing the same thing in the Staples if the Lakers weresucking. All of these teenaged clowns were heckled to death by words like "have fun losing in the first round of the playoffs", which they did.
as Byron Scott quoted after his Hornets bowed out - "You don't go from not making the playoffs to winning a championship. It just doesn't workthat way. ..." nuff said...
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Seriously, I guess Boston fans completely forgot how they were cheering MVP for Kobe in their own house. Now they're cheering Beat LA.
I was at the game and there were about 100 Kobe stans cheering this. There would be 100 KG stans doing the same thing in the Staples if the Lakers were sucking. All of these teenaged clowns were heckled to death by words like "have fun losing in the first round of the playoffs", which they did.
Making the playoffs > not making the playoffs.
I love how anyone who roots for their favorite player is automaticall labeled a "stan".
WHat the hell is wrong with cheering for Kobe? A stan is someone who will defend their fav. player/rapper/etc. to death... not someone who cheers for him atgames.
You don't know those people man
So when Kobe retires they are free to root for whatever team they want? I am sorry, but that is not really being a fan IMO.

And I would actually argue that making the playoffs with no chance of winning a ring is worse than not making it and getting a good pick.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

So when Kobe retires they are free to root for whatever team they want? I am sorry, but that is not really being a fan IMO.

And I would actually argue that making the playoffs with no chance of winning a ring is worse than not making it and getting a good pick.

I think the point is when your team stinks. Making fun of someone else losing in the playoffs ain't exactly a good look.
Well what else are you to do? Shut up while these clowns are popping their Kobe jerseys when you know they were the first ones to pick up KG jerseys this year?Sorry, if you couldn't tell, bandwagon fans get to me worse than anything in sports, except for Bennett Salvatore.

And when you can heckle them with the facts it's all fair game.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by acidicality

there isn't much of a difference between rondo and fisher to me, but fisher gets the edge because he has experience. Rondo does some things much better than Fisher can, but Fisher also does some things much better than Rondo (like shooting).
not much diffrence???? are you crazy how about the jump shot!!!!!! and not to mention hes a much better defender!!!!!
I agree. rondo is better. plus hes faster. we only have one shot blocker on the team and thats turiaf...
I can't belive these people how can you even compare the 2 look at the stats posted above dude is gona be a HOF player and you gona tell me rondo is better 3rings and rondo is better? People must have jumped on the NBA this year to think that..... Look what fish has done to fast point gaurds this season winning records against; Nash, CP3, and willams In the west!!!!!!!!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. You think Fisher is going to be in the Hall of Fame? With career averages of nine points and three assists per game? True, he was apart of some great Lakers teams and had a big role on them and hit big shots, but he's never been an all-star type player. You might as well say Rick Foxshould be in the Hall of Fame too.
This isn't sitting right with me at all. Boston won 66 freaking games and has homecourt advantage, how the heck are they underdogs? This team won 66 games,best defensive team in the league. I just don't get it, the media is acting like this is some forgone conclusion that the Lakers are taking this.
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