The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Someone posted this on CR and damn


Haha damn his genes are weak.

And how you gonna have a kid with your sister :smh:
Both are out
One Piece
man, these fights are gonna be real good. It's a shame that they didn't show block A fight though. Hopefully they show something in the anime

Side note:
I love the names that they give some of these people. it's fun trying ti figure out who they are parodying. Jean Ango, Orlumbus, Damask, Suleiman, Elizabelio The Second. :lol:

I wonder what Urahara is gonna make them do in order to save her. :nerd:

Haha damn his genes are weak.

And how you gonna have a kid with your sister :smh:
I believe those pics are from the portable game, which is primarily tailored to lolicons. So of course you want the kids to look more like the potential mother than the father in that situation. :lol:
as for the other thing...
They are cousins. Seriously. :lol:
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I didn't read the spoiler, but if Oreimo uses the 'Oh, we weren't related this whole time?!' plot, I'm going to insanely pissed.
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Saw the cousin thing coming. They look nothing a like and they always do stuff like this as a cop out. No surprise.
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Both are out
One Piece
man, these fights are gonna be real good. It's a shame that they didn't show block A fight though. Hopefully they show something in the anime

Side note:
I love the names that they give some of these people. it's fun trying ti figure out who they are parodying. Jean Ango, Orlumbus, Damask, Suleiman, Elizabelio The Second. :lol:

I wonder what Urahara is gonna make them do in order to save her. :nerd:

:lol: I haven't watched the anime in forever, gonna get back into soon. At least I'll have a lot of episodes to watch. The bit with Bellamy was cool, especially since he didn't hold any ill will towards Luffy but the opposite.

Bleach was interesting. Urahara, is the man, my favorite character. But yea I wonder what he has up his sleeve. I imagine that we'll find out why Isshin lost his powers real soon.
Hataraku-maou-sama! ep 3-

Maou came out lookin like the hulk :wow:
Man this episode left off right when it was getting good! I am pretty damn excited for next week.
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Hataraku-maou-sama! ep 3-

Maou came out lookin like the hulk :wow:
Man this episode left off right when it was getting good! I am pretty damn excited for next week.

the cat fight in the cafe had me :rofl:
Super demon king mode was pretty badass though.
I also liked all the random death threats that the hero kept saying in public, which got the attention of strangers, And when she was talking about the other girl's boobs and how armor is cheaper. :lol:
the cat fight in the cafe had me :rofl:
Super demon king mode was pretty badass though.
I also liked all the random death threats that the hero kept saying in public, which got the attention of strangers, And when she was talking about the other girl's boobs and how armor is cheaper. :lol:

Talkin bout less metal for chest plates :rofl:

I'd have to agree all the people hearing her death threats were some of the funniest scenes this ep, "Anyway make sure some no name loser doesn't kill you before i take your head!" :lol:

And dudes poor Uniclo clothes were getting dissed :rofl: "Apologize to the number 1 brand in the fashion industry!"
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naw cuz fuedal lords are kinda like through family and history. kages are just the head of the army. takes the orders. the muscle so to say
God, that Daru the super hacker knockoff friend of his has got to go. He is annoying and brings nothing to the plot. :lol:
Also, those darn traps..:lol:
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