The Official Black Mirror Thread: Season 6 on Netflix Now

[h1]Season 4 Episode Titles[/h1]
ArkAngel. Directed by: Jodie Foster

USS Callister. Directed by: Toby Haynes

Crocodile. Directed by: John Hillcoat

Hang the Dj. Directed by: Tim Van Patten

Metalhead. Directed by: David Slade

Black Museum. Directed by: ??
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Hillcoat, Slade, and Maybe Haynes episodes could be lit. Didn't even know Jodie Foster directed and Van Patten got a solid resume.
[h1]Season 4: All episode storylines[/h1]
"Crocodile" // Directed by: John Hillcoat
"Overtly comic, much more overtly comic than anything we've done.", It's got fairly mainstream comic elements, but also some really unpleasant stuff that happens. Also reported to be an Australia-set episode.
"Black Museum" // Directed by: ???
Three stories tied together as one, like they did with White Christmas. "We went back and forth. Charlie Brooker writes everything. There wasn’t a chance of me actually typing. I sent him my short story. We brainstormed for a few hours. It ended up being that the whole story was framed by a carnie in Vegas who has a museum that includes the helmet that was worn by the original pain addict. He’s telling the story to a young woman who was at the museum. He’s this washed-up carnie guy, 20 miles outside of Vegas, running his little museum there."

The Black Museum quote is from Penn Jillette, who came up with the original idea.

During that time, I got this idea for this short story called “the Pain Addict.” I was postulating a future where you could put a gizmo on your head and feel someone else’s pain. So there would be doctors whose whole job it was to feel pain and say “His left arm is broken. That’s not actually apendiciitus, that’s a cancer thing.” They felt every pain. Like prizefighters and childbirth and child cancer. And this guy gets addicted to it and starts beating people to feel their pain. He also goes through S&M and all he wants to do is jack into Jesus on the cross. He wants to feel that pain. I wrote this story. It was the first story I wrote when I got a computer. When we did Penn and Teller’s first book, we had short stories in it. I submitted this and the editor said “That’s too dark.” I’ve been trying to find a place for this story, which I thought was really good. I tried to write a comic book and they said no. I pitched it as a movie and they said no. So I told Charlie Brooker all of this and he said “Oh, pain addict. That’s good.”

"USS Callister" // Directed by: Toby Haynes
Is in deep space and deep trouble.
"ArkAngel" // Directed by: Jodie Foster
Got the tone of an indie movie, an indie drama. There's a mother and daughter relationship in it.
"Metalhead" // Directed by: David Slade
A crime/thriller.
"Hang the Dj" // Directed by: Tim Van Patten
This episode got relationships at the heart of it.
Just binged the ish out of this show .. not in order of course .. man it's a Tripp .. I don't look at my phone or technology the same..

Heck I'm even thinking of deleting my social media accounts haha it opened up my eyes
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TBH the first time i saw that episode i wasn't a big fan of it. I liked the concept though. But after a couple of watches it is easily in my top 3 black mirror episodes.
^^It's #2 for me(White Christmas will always be my favorite) but San Junipero really got me emotionally. I didn't think this show was capable of that. I just figured at the end of every episode I'd be the Alonzo.gif
San Junipero with a Primetime Emmy :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Well deserved. I think it slides into my #1 spot. The entire history of you hit home on a more personal level. But I'm thinking SJ is the better quality episode when you break it down.
^^It's #2 for me(White Christmas will always be my favorite) but San Junipero really got me emotionally. I didn't think this show was capable of that. I just figured at the end of every episode I'd be the Alonzo.gif

White Christmas was dope. San Junipero would be a decent standalone flick but it was wack in comparison to the other Black Mirror episodes imo.
This show is absolutely amazing. I mean every episode has had me locked in. Even S03 E05 was good although the twist is pretty obvious early. But the fact that that tech doesn't seem so far fetched is what makes me not dismiss the episode. Hell, the overall premise is something that already happens in society as is without MASS. (ex: The Holocaust, Tulsa Massacres, Haiti/DR relations). I do think it's possible this all occurs in the same universe, just separate time periods. I only say that because that song in 15M Merits is a recurring thing AND the show refered to in Nosedive.

Favorite Episode in an almost particular order:

White Bear (I mean this episode is absolutely nuts. It's sick and twisted. I can talk about this episode for hours. Easily my favorite.)
Entire History of You (You could totally see that being the new 'Let me see your phone'.)
Shut Up And Dance (You kinda feel bad about feeling sorry for Kenny)
NoseDive (I mean this isn't very far off. So many fake people trying to impress others. First episode I watched and it locked me in due to the parallels b/t FB, IG, Twitter, and SC)
White Xmas (It's good, but I don't think it's as great as everyone raves. May need a second viewing)
Be Right Back (She was right, that was not fair at all)
San Junipero (So many subjects touched here within personal, moral and religious avenues)
The National Anthem (A ******* HOUR B!!!)
Man On Fire

I have S03 E06 lined up and ready to go this week. I can't wait.

TL;DR - I like the show....A LOT!

White bear is crazy. Chick ain't taking no showers.
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