The Official Black Mirror Thread: Season 6 on Netflix Now

yea I caught that..

was just wondering why dude showed up to the house at the end, flickering between reality and whatever actual was.. and then when we saw his face his eyes looked like he had been blinded, again

i figure it's him coming 'home' off a tour of duty and that since they can control how soldiers see the world, the soldiers memories and how they see the world are entirely controlled by the while the soldier thought it was only for the battlefield but the program actually seems extend into their whole lives; it makes you wonder if the memories of that woman were ever even real?
I liked ep 5. It was cool and had a nice ****** up ending. The entire concept and premise is lifted from an ep of The Outer Limits though.

Only difference is that was set on the moon or Mars and instead of implants they made up some lie about a disease so they needed to have daily injections of a vaccine which was really just the brainwashing agent. They had their enemy looking like alien monsters. It was basically an America vs. Russia/China war and the twist in the end was the enemy was doing same thing to make American soldiers look like monsters.

This Black Mirror take on the concept was a bit more detailed given this wasn't a war situation but extermination. The revelation that this is some eugenics based genocide was all the way ****** up. That psychological toll is crazy.

And there's something I've been noticing most of this season and in the entire series. They've made that whole implant/internet contacts/computer eye implant a mainstay in so many was like they hinting this is about to be the real future.

That eye **** is crazy as we can all see from the video game to social media use. Not to mention for soldiers.

Anyway, all in all I dug Men Against Fire. My boy Kunta put in work as the lead.

Was anybody else thinking his dream girl looked like Rhianna? When 6 of her showed up the dream did not have to end. I would've enjoyed all of them. Also is son just gonna stand in front of that busted house crying running an imaginary scenario? :lol: I half expected to see the dream girl in the real world come out the house looking like a busted meth head :lol:

Ep 6 though :smokin :pimp: 8) :nthat: it was ******* great. Really good topic to cover about these lame social justice warriors going on attack campaigns on social media. This could've easily been a movie. I know the ppl behind Transcendence wish their movie was half as good as this story. Everything was on point.

At first it started off like all the British detective stories on tv :lol: and I was digging it but the. It leaned in to the sci fi heavy touching on the technological advancement with the need that are really dying the ecosystem/environment and through a dash of gov. corruption to spice up the conflict. After that this went full on horror mode in the best way. This was like Birds but with drone bees. Unstoppable and too scary.

This murderer was on his Death Note Light just as planned swag. Its messed up cuz the majority of this could happen in this day of technological advancement and that kinda gave it the Columbo realness to it.

Out here killing over 300k ppl though :smh: Eghck!

:rofl: @ the chancellor. Son aint want to die by any means.

:smh: @ the Asian gov. stooge. Son just had to push the button. He probably cried like a ***** when he got to that part in his testimony.

The ending was even dope. Gave me a James Bond, Bourne feel.

My only complaint is the Waif did not let her girls breathe at all for a whole 90 min.
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It was a pretty good 3rd season. Really liked about half of the eps but the ones I liked is more like I loved them the more thought ingive them. Expect an even better s4.

I'd rank it like:

1/2 (probably a tie)

So you just gon' spoil the whole episode, huh? :lol:
Hey, I was nice enough to not binge the whole season on Friday night and go in depth on every ep Saturday :lol:

I aint even really spoil everything but hey nobody should really be in here until they watch every ep anyway.

Thread is for discussion. Ep6 was just too good.
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^ Just kidding man....all good. Looking forward to knocking out ep 6, as everyone is giving it high praise in here.

San Junipero has resonated the most with me so far. There's something about it that makes me want to watch it again.
Every single one of these episodes always have me :wow:

except for white bear, had me like "WHAT?!"
Yo Asian dude was feeling himself for second too after he hit the button "someone had to do it" :wink: then five second laters :wow: |I

the ending was the only part i wasn't feeling about that ep...way too soft

The Creator of the show made some comments saying that the characters might be back in a later season. I think he made the ending to leave that possibility open.
the ending was the only part i wasn't feeling about that ep...way too soft

The Creator of the show made some comments saying that the characters might be back in a later season. I think he made the ending to leave that possibility open.

interesting...i think one of the best things about the series is that all the episodes are standalone stories, you don't need any prior knowledge...
interesting...i think one of the best things about the series is that all the episodes are standalone stories, you don't need any prior knowledge...

So far it's just talk. if you think about it compared to other episodes, you had characters who were clearly good guys and they were strong heroes. Most other episodes the characters are victims of the world around them and its circumstances. People I think saw that and felt a connection to he characters. Plus because of the world that episode built you felt that there is more stories to tell.

Again it just talk but it could lead to a separate series. I think it would work. It's wouldn't be black mirror, just sister spin off.
Yo Asian dude was feeling himself for second too after he hit the button "someone had to do it"
then five second laters

When reality sets in.
Asian dude was def feelin himself Big Willie style :rofl:

"Relax mr. Chancellor. Watch this vid of some soldiers destroying all the bees. We got this *points finger guns and winks*"

40 seconds later, every soldier gets murked by the bees :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Episode 6 was really good, it does have a movie feel.

My favorite ep probably was 1 or 3. I think 4th was my least favorite, even though it was nice seeing Gugu.
Episode 1 was dope, crazy how obsessed people are becoming with social media presence.
Episode 2 had some promise but was meh.
3 was pretty deep, goes to show what lengths people will go to protect those private moments. Major troll job though.

Didn't think son was pulling off to kids though :x
Just finished episode 4,i wasn't really feeling it until the concept was revealed. Crazy combination of sweet trippy and deep.
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