The Official Black Mirror Thread: Season 6 on Netflix Now

Just finished episode 4,i wasn't really feeling it until the concept was revealed. Crazy combination of sweet trippy and deep.
i dont get it though, why didnt she join her husband? did she have a chance too?

and the other night club was suppose to be hell?
I'm assuming she didn't die normally because they didn't know what the afterlife held in a normal death. Since she was familiar with San j, she felt obligated to stay and somewhat enjoyed it. Her proposing was a bit predictable too.

I see why someone said the ending was bittersweet... They were basically living in an imaginary world that doesn't really exist. Reminds me of how older people are beginning to get more and more familiarized with Facebook, tablets etc. The creators of this show are legit brilliant.
I've seen M. Night Shamalayns The Village probably like 10 times and JUST now found out that's why Bryce Dallas Howard looks so familiar. Had no idea she was the blind girl in that movie :lol:
the waldo moment was probably the only episode I didn't really like.. I thought a couple more could have been a little better executed..
So, is no one gonna comment on how thick Bryce Dallas Howard was in Nosedive? She was looking GOOD 
was surprised when i went on twitter there wasn't more talk
i dont get it though, why didnt she join her husband? did she have a chance too?

and the other night club was suppose to be hell?
The husband died but isn't in San Junipero because he didn't feel right being there without their daughter (who died before this technology existed).
Going assume 'the entire history of you'..

Outside chance of 'be right back'
Finally got a chance to watch "Hated in the Nation". Meh.

I gotta stop letting NT get me hyped because while it was good, you cats in here had me thinking it was some must-see masterpiece. :lol:

The ending was weak as hell.
I love the concepts but some of the episodes were painful to watch. 15M merits especially. I love the way white Christmas started out but wasn't crazy about the second half. Waldo episode was poor. Very poor. White bear was eerie but pretty deep. The new one with the traveling guy and the crazy spider had potential but fell off horribly.
Finished the 3rd episode. Couldn't put my finger on where I recognized dude from then I realized that was Bronn from GOT.
yooo I forgot to give my reviews/ratings for season 3 of Black Mirror.... I'll do that starting on ep 3

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
the ending was the only part i wasn't feeling about that ep...way too soft

The Creator of the show made some comments saying that the characters might be back in a later season. I think he made the ending to leave that possibility open.

interesting...i think one of the best things about the series is that all the episodes are standalone stories, you don't need any prior knowledge...
They can make it work so that it's stand alone if you haven't seen Hated in the Nation.

Just finished episode 4,i wasn't really feeling it until the concept was revealed. Crazy combination of sweet trippy and deep.
i dont get it though, why didnt she join her husband?
San Junipero is a choice seemingly only for old ppl about to die or terminally ill ppl. Mostly old from the looks of things.

Her husband chose not to even try it. He died like we all do not knowing if there's even something after.

did she have a chance too?
Yes she could've died the regular way but again who knows what happens.

and the other night club was suppose to be hell?
:lol: Nah, the other club was just a goth/heavy metal/bdsm spot.

Nothing represented heaven or hell. San Junipero is like a 3rd option if you believe in those things. Your body expires while a copy of your mind "lives" on in a static state which is represented by being in the prime of your life in some coastal town.
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So, is no one gonna comment on how thick Bryce Dallas Howard was in Nosedive? She was looking GOOD :nerd:

View media item 2210860
Man she looks amazing at that weight. She's lost a little but still keeping it gangster with the Mom weight, I see her on the Chew or The Circle (one of those day time talk shows) a few days ago and Good lord....chubby in my sweats like immediately

Just finished episode 4,i wasn't really feeling it until the concept was revealed. Crazy combination of sweet trippy and deep.
i dont get it though, why didnt she join her husband? did she have a chance too?

and the other night club was suppose to be hell?
. If you're talking about the club where the white girl ran into that white dude that was sprung off the black chick, that was just a different week (remember they only get that escape one a week) and she was going to different eras/decades trying to find the black chick.
Son I been binging this series for the last few days and I have to say "White Christmas" has my brain in a frenzy right now 
 never watched a tv show that messed with you head so much. This is definately our era's twilight zone. 
Bryce Dallas Howard is the milk of magnesia.

She definitely a 4.8 in my book.
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I really think we were seeing both 'player 1' AND 'player 2' endings are the end of san junipero.. I posted the article above.. but I don't think that line in the arcade about the endings being different depending on which player you were was just a throwaway line
Just watched San junipero again. I gotta say man, this might be the most brilliant story I've ever seen. It's also impossible to only watch once, given what you learn after watching.


-I love how every song is meaningful "ooh heaven is a place called earth" being the most relevant but then later "girlfriend in a coma by The Smiths". You have no idea why that's significant until after watching

-all the little details with yorkie seeming aloof or just shy or not a good dancer. Shots of her always touching things with her legs and feeling the waves on her feet. You don't realize she was paralyzed until later

-all the different styles they perfectly nailed with each different era, right down to the relevant movie billboards. Totally thought they were all gonna be connected after the second viewing (Lost boys being about vampires; immortality and Bourne identity about government implanted stuff;technology) But then Scream didn't really make sense.

-The hint near the beginning when Yorkie is playing the video game "you know this game has different endings.....depending on if you play with 1 player or 2 players." Then the actual episode cutting to credits as Yorkie passed over by herself and drives into the sunset in the red Miata..........then BOOM! Cue player 2, kelly showing up on the scene for an extended credit ending!

-and my absolute favorite part of the episode is that you could take the ending as being either positive or negative depending on how you look at it.

Positive: yay after your body dies, your brain can live on forever in this virtual reality dream world! "Uploaded to the cloud. Sounds like heaven." Kelly explains sarcastically. But what an amazing thought to have a confirmed "real" life after death.

The negative: the actual God in heaven does not exist and when you die you just die orrrrrr people are postponing their reunion with him in the "real heaven"

Plus the fact that your soul or every ounce of what you were is now just some data on some mainframe that a ******* robot manipulates with its buttons and gadgets.

Your dream world doesn't matter. What is real? Damn I keep wanting to think deeper and deeper about this episode. Well done show runners. Well ******* done.
I don't know if it necessarily means that God doesn't exist. I think what it does mean is that in this world, they have found a way to preserve some part of your consciousness. In a way though, is it really paradise? It's almost like limbo. Like they're in a coma but there's no body. And if those machines containing their consciousnesses would be destroyed, then perhaps they go to Heaven after that.
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^right, there is a theory that it is a not insignificant probability that WE ARE IN A SIMULATION RIGHT NOW...but even if this were the case it wouldn't necessarily exclude the existence of 'god'...the question this brings about for those that are believers in the afterlife, is consciousness equal/equivalent to one's 'soul'? could one's consciousness be put into the machine while their soul goes wherever souls go? is the set of experiences that is uploaded into the machines really those people once life leaves their body or is it just some representation of those people? does that make it less real for those representations that are aware that what they are experiencing isn't 'real' but feels much like what they knew to be real?
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