The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

I don't allow people to steal my care packages. I call for them right in front of me, in a secluded area.
man my 360 got the RRoD, again.

I don't even play COD but I just had to let out my anger in this forum.
Been kicking @!# lately

the camping isnt as bad as people make it out to be, just develop quick reflexes and fire from the hip. Also use flash bangs, i tend to use atleast 10 flashesa game and they ALWAYS help. I always catch somebody slipping

I went back to playing regular team death matches and i feel like im playing COD4 all over again. Getting hella killstreaks. Dont have to worry about one toomany enemies in the area like in Ground War
I've been pretty hard on this game so far, but I think you're just a little too nostalgic for the old game.

I mean - if you really liked the old game so much, i'm sure there's still thousands of people on there to keep playing with, why did you need a new game to begin with? Seems petty to me to be trashing a game because it's not enough like another game that you're still entirely capable of playing still. Sell your MW2 to somebody who wants a new experience.

What do you mean? I had 100.000+ kills in COD4 and my playing time was over 25 days. Of course I was excited about a new game when I played the first MW thatmuch.

The camping bugs me as much as anything - I curse up a storm and get red in the face when somebody ruins a kill streak of mine by camping or something of that matter, I've written like 3 separate diatribes in here *****ing out the campers in this game. But in terms of how this game was made, how it plays, the weapons, the maps, the details, the additions to killstreaks, weapon attachments, perks, etc... I can not be mad at infinityward whatsoever. They did their thing.

Where have I complained about all these things? That's the tragic part. That such a minor detail (getting killed extremely fast) can ruin all these greatadditions. They could adjust this through a patch, but they won't.
hahaha @ everyone complaining, it happens with a sequel to any good game, the OG heads whine like babys because there's a new learning curve they have toadjust too
dont worry they wont go back, give it until christmas andcod4 servers are a ghost town
but i am glad I never played MW1, so I have nothing to compare too, but what I can say is this game is human crack in the flesh
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

I've been pretty hard on this game so far, but I think you're just a little too nostalgic for the old game.

I mean - if you really liked the old game so much, i'm sure there's still thousands of people on there to keep playing with, why did you need a new game to begin with? Seems petty to me to be trashing a game because it's not enough like another game that you're still entirely capable of playing still. Sell your MW2 to somebody who wants a new experience.

What do you mean? I had 100.000+ kills in COD4 and my playing time was over 25 days. Of course I was excited about a new game when I played the first MW that much.

The camping bugs me as much as anything - I curse up a storm and get red in the face when somebody ruins a kill streak of mine by camping or something of that matter, I've written like 3 separate diatribes in here *****ing out the campers in this game. But in terms of how this game was made, how it plays, the weapons, the maps, the details, the additions to killstreaks, weapon attachments, perks, etc... I can not be mad at infinityward whatsoever. They did their thing.

Where have I complained about all these things? That's the tragic part. That such a minor detail (getting killed extremely fast) can ruin all these great additions. They could adjust this through a patch, but they won't.
I'm not suggesting you wouldn't be excited for a new game, but it sounds like you wanted just a new map pack to me, not a new game. You're complaining because the bullets don't hit you the exact same way as the last one, and acting like it's completely ruined the game?

I don't even know how much I played COD4 - a lot, like you. I mean, a year straight pretty much. And I don't entirely understand what you'recomplaining about in terms of this bullet thing - I feel like you go down just as quickly as you did in the first one, you never had a shield like in halo orsomething.. if somebody started shooting you, you were going to die. Same thing in this one.

In fact, of all the guys I play with who were all 10th level prestige, you're the first I've heard make this statement... So excuse me if it soundslike whining about something minor, but nobody I know has mentioned yet on their long list of grievances.

I have never played against a team who used flash bangs as much as the past team I used.. .I was hit with at least 20 of them.. still managed to go even on themap
I've definitely had to change my way of play from MW to MW2. I don't run & gun so much as I used to. Much more careful and checking corners now.

One pet peeve of mine is in the levels where there are buildings with windows to hide in/shoot out of (Rundown, Skidrow, Overpass, etc). Dudes just staycamping in there and it's so hard to notice them, while they easily notice you running through the open field.
People need to stop complaining... YES the camping is annoying, but usually after getting killed by a camper you can go around and get them.

Now riot shields annoy the hell outta me.. why would you ever want to use one?

Game is amazing IMO
Originally Posted by Cragmatic


I have never played against a team who used flash bangs as much as the past team I used.. .I was hit with at least 20 of them.. still managed to go even on the map
isnt it tight when you get hit with a flash/stun grenade and you still get the kill, your gun moving in slow motion
I hate team-mates who steal your care package, especially when Icall in a emergency airdrop and the beasts sit there and wait to steal your !$%$
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by Cragmatic


I have never played against a team who used flash bangs as much as the past team I used.. .I was hit with at least 20 of them.. still managed to go even on the map
isnt it tight when you get hit with a flash/stun grenade and you still get the kill, your gun moving in slow motion

I murked someone with a throwing knife while flashed
... granted, i was murked instantly afterwords cause he was like 2 feet in front of me
But stilli got a challenge with it.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Been kicking @!# lately

the camping isnt as bad as people make it out to be, just develop quick reflexes and fire from the hip. Also use flash bangs, i tend to use atleast 10 flashes a game and they ALWAYS help. I always catch somebody slipping

I went back to playing regular team death matches and i feel like im playing COD4 all over again. Getting hella killstreaks. Dont have to worry about one too many enemies in the area like in Ground War
Has anyone else killed someone with a Flash Bang? I did that crap like 3 times yesterday

I'll admit, I noticed a rapid increase in the amount of camping going on but it isn't game breaking. Flash bang > Grenade > Flash Bang > Fireblindly.. problem solved
Point taken doosta, though I'm not in a party every time. I agree with the whole dieing easier in MW2 compared to MW. In MW you could survive multiplebarrages of bullets, in MW2 you don't have a chance. I'm gonna jump on 1 10 est.
For whoever was asking about the ACR. I use it sometimes when playing TDM. I like it cus its really accurate and has little or no recoil... M16

For Hardcore I use the FAL or Inervention w/ M9 and tactical knife... Oh and for dude asking about tactical knife, it's worth it imo. plus it looks str8lol
I finally got off a nuke! took some work. lucky for me wasteland doesnt have many buildings to hide in. i had the enemies running like crazy.

i upped my kill streak to 42.

Sentry gun, pave low, chopper gunner.

ill try to be on after the Pats game.
Originally Posted by daemacho

I finally got off a nuke! took some work. lucky for me wasteland doesnt have many buildings to hide in. i had the enemies running like crazy.

i upped my kill streak to 42.

Sentry gun, pave low, chopper gunner.

ill try to be on after the Pats game.
Something disturbing about this.
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