black jerseys

cool greys
when this team defends (2nd half), they can be really damn good. Just have to hope it finally clicks in to sustain it game to game, for 40 minutes.

Austin was great.

Julian bounced out of his rough stretch in a big way. Jerrelle was great and really has been solid lately. Seems like III just can ride the hot hands as far as the bigs go. It had been Nate/Henry for a stretch, tonight it was Julian and Jerrelle.

Chris played a pretty good floor game but had a few of his old mistakes.

Very solid all around, and a really nice job to finish this out of conference schedule 11-1. Now, it's time to go get a Big East title. NO let downs.

(Nike -- it's time to release those black shorts
one thing we gotta do is hit the boards better. memphis had no bigs and were killing us on the glass.

would like to see henry become a little more aggressive on the block. i like that he looks to pass and stay within the system, it wouldn't hurt to put up some shots there.




and for good measure...
Big test for the defense here. if it's not improved, it'll probably be a frustrating night.

I want to see the press from the opening tip until the final buzzer. won't happen, but at least use it in heavy doses. Willing to bet Brey tries his stall ball crap like last year.

Chris has to be in control, bigs have to clean the glass.
lets go irish.

catching this on the flight back east, hoping we don't have too much turbulence and it cuts off the tv.
if we even had a below average offensive game..we probably win.

That was amazing. I haven't seen anything like it since @ BC in III's first year.

and considering we were the best shooting team in the country entering the game, it's really something.

One thing I despise...there is depth this year, so when Chris goes into wrecking ball mode, sit his ##%. When Jason is pulling from 30ft on an off night..sit his ##%. Go right down the line.
One thing I despise...there is depth this year, so when Chris goes into wrecking ball mode, sit his ##%. When Jason is pulling from 30ft on an off night..sit his ##%. Go right down the line.

as much as shi+ on JT3, i thought he was past that this year. he's kept players accountable for bad play.

this was an extremely undisciplined game. dudes were sleeping on D. chucking up threes when they had lanes. knowing the refs were calling cheap fouls they continued to put themselves in bad positions to get called for another cheap foul. poor rebounding in the first half (when will we ever learn to rebound).

don't worry though, we'll come out blazing in our home game against depaul...
he's kept players accountable for bad play.
yeah, he has so far this year. I just wish he had an extended 'hook' on some guys tonight.

You would think this group would have a 'focused' game tonight by their standards to open Big East play..which they haven't exactly set on fire the past 2 years. It's just a tough group to get a read on mentally game to game.
death by the what point during a 4-20something effort do you stop and say, not happening tonight
i'm preparing to be let down again this year. trying my hardest not to get wrapped up in the wins we get.
This team better get it together quickly.

Austin played well today. And outside of the last 5 minutes, That's it.
section 36, black #5 gtown jersey from a couple years back. lets hope this team shows up.
Do Austin and Chris realize how many games are left in their career?

Hollis, Nate and Julian actually put forth some real effort and throw in some nice plays from Jason late; almost dragged them to the finish-line.

But with Jason...holy christ. Nobody can worse guarding the ball in the Big East. I don't care if you hurt his feelings, that last possession you have to throw Vee to do the job because the 'Big 3' sure as hell have no pride in stopping the ball.

Start Nate Lubick-- this is obvious after tonight. And I would move Hollis to SF and let Clark be a jack of all trades 6th man for the back court. Playing with size is what got this team to a Final 4, and we haven't gone back to in since. Time to give it a try. Something needs to be shaken up. Hopefully Austin and Chris realizing they won't sniff an NBA roster at this rate helps as well.
that was frustrating to watch. good effort to make get it down to the wire, but really shouldn't have gotten there to begin with.
I just don't understand how these can guys can come out flat again after the past 2 games.

The one thing I question about III (and I absolutely love him as a coach) is his ability to motivate. Pre/game In game, he apparently just doesn't do it. The few times he has light a fire in them during timeouts and halftimes (and because it happens so rarely, they actually get documented post-game) the team has always responded. Motivation and Intensity has been a problem for a while.

But Chris/Austin have got to get themselves and the team in gear from the jump. We are not nearly good enough to flip any switch on the road in the BE and think all will go well.

Jabril Based Trawick
Smh @ Gtown - I'ma bring that ANIMAL with me next year; Them %$@@!# need some Philly in them; I'm riding !!! #phillyheart . . . .
Can't wait for this kid and wish his mentality could be supplanted amongst the current guys. Trawick = Sapp on steroids.

We have WVU followed by Pitt. This week can pretty much determine the way this season is going to go. I hope they respond and win both. I'm not optimistic.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I just don't understand how these can guys can come out flat again after the past 2 games.

The one thing I question about III (and I absolutely love him as a coach) is his ability to motivate. Pre/game In game, he apparently just doesn't do it. The few times he has light a fire in them during timeouts and halftimes (and because it happens so rarely, they actually get documented post-game) the team has always responded. Motivation and Intensity has been a problem for a while.

But Chris/Austin have got to get themselves and the team in gear from the jump. We are not nearly good enough to flip any switch on the road in the BE and think all will go well.
that's exactly what it is. III may or may not be a master motivator...but these "leaders" on our team should not need a tony d'mato inches speech before every game. it's god damn big east play, it's your SENIOR year, it's YOUR team...!++*%$+ do work! this is their 4th, and final, year in the big east, they KNOW what these games mean, they KNOW you can't come out flat, they KNOW the last place team is a threat to win on any given night. someone needs to step up and be the leader on this team. players need to hold each other accountable...shouldn't only have to come from up top.
Who didn't see this coming? Two years ago we blamed it on Summers messing up chemistry, last year we blamed it on Monroe not taking this year the truth comes out. Wright and Freeman just can't lead a team. Love the guys, but if the coach can't motivate then as a player they need to take it upon themselves to rally the troops.

Luckily for us, this is happening early in the BE schedule. We have time to correct these issue, although I don't know if this team is capable of it. I'm bracing for the worst, hoping for the best.
I just don't want to see Chris Wright play ever again. I'm just over it. He's had 3 1/2 years to figure it out, and he can't. He shows flashes but it's not good enough to get it every third game. I think someone should develop the Chris Wright Theory which dates back to his freshman year back off injury when Pitt ran us out of MSG and followed it up with Davidson. Then, we know how the rest has gone..

Julian is a waste. Austin now comes and goes.

How a senior class can perform like this is incredible.

It is NOT a coincidence they have been losers for 3 years straight now. III is loyal to them to a fault. WHY? Markel gives you 5 quick points and a spark and then you go back to the wrecking ball? why?

It's time to go in a new direction, even if those guys play well again, we know they will come undone again.

If the team looks like crap next year and the year after, I'll lay a lot more blame on III, but for's the older guys. He is to blame for having this blind faith in them when they've won NOTHING.

Until they show some sign of life again. Markel needs 20 minutes. Vee needs 20 minutes. Nate needs 25+. Hollis should be on the floor for 30+.
wow. didn't expect that type of rant from allen.

these guys just don't show heart. i see what you're saying about wright, but i'm a fan. the wrecking ball type of play is horrible, but hes the only one trying to do something and break down the D. everyone else is standing around watching. with that said, markel should have seen a ton more minutes.

JT3 literally coached the crowd out of the game. after the 5 quick points by markel, and a steal we come back with the crowd in full force, mind you not even 1 student section was filled. what does JT3 do? calls a time out. we all know jt3 can't call a play from a time out. what follows? markel benched for wright. then 1 pass tipped out of bounds. tv timeout. next play, turnover. crowd is dead. so much for the momentum.

freeman just doesn't seem to have that killer instinct i expected. i would not mind if he got in everyone's face, jordan-like, and told them to get him the damn ball.

would it really hurt to see more vee on the floor?

tooo many turnovers.
tooo many rebounds given up.
just an overall lack of discipline on both ends.

i'd really like for this team to go unranked. 
I just wanna say as an outsider, that Nate Lubbick impresses the hell out of me. Very well rounded player for a big man. You would think with his ability to find his teammates and GTown for the last few years having big men that you could run your offense through, he would make a easy transition to the starting line-up.
Nate has to start asap.

Offensive rating of 120, rebounds well, actually doesn't mind contact, makes his FT's and is the only big on this team that can finish with a dunk. (Julian can but he also needs about 3 seconds to gather himself with no defender around).

Since Missouri, Nate has had 17 assists and only 4 turnovers. He came here to play the Jeff Green role, hey, might as well get a head start on that now since no other big is even thought of as being a threat in the high post.

He and Hollis have been the two bright spots recently. They need to start together and demote one of the guards to a 6th man role (Jason, although at this point, I wouldn't care who)

6'7, 6'9, 6'9 can be thrown out there instead of 6'3 (!!), 6'7, 6'9. Hollis has played the 3 more than the 4, but right now it's to the point I'd rather just not see him there at all. Not if Nate is a viable option to play 25-30 minutes, which he is now.

Small just hasn't worked and it won't work. not in this conference.

A lineup of


with Clark as a 6th man would give this team a shot in the arm and leave it with a considerable amount of upside. Who knows if it'll happen.
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