gonna be another tough game, we need this win so bad for confidence and NCAA tourny hopes...I'm not feeling great about it. We didn't play well vs Cincy...hopefully we show up.

Gonna be good.
Welcome change to the lineup, and it's not been because Hollis has been bad..he's probably been our most consistent guy in conference play.

But, we needed to play bigger and it gives a chance for Hollis to play a lot more at the 3 and I think it helps him have to not to defer so much to the older guys.

I still didn't think the defense looked good but it was a little better.
I suppose the biggest story for the game is the change to the starting line-up:  Nate Lubick replaced Hollis Thompson tonight as the starting power forward.  Since I can look at such things, I thought I'd break out a few line-up efficiencies for the curious:

Lineup                                 # poss  OEff       # poss  DEffClark-Freeman-Lubick-Vaughn-Wright       24    112           25    88All with Lubick                          36    114           36    92All with Thompson                        31    126           30    57All with Lubick & Thompson                7    143            6    67All lineups                              66    117           68    76

What's interesting to me is that I believe that Lubick started over Thompson to improve the defense, but the team played much better defense when Hollis was on the floor.  Why?

Thompson played 30 defensive possessions by my count, and on 22 of those, he was guarding the "3" position, as he had some combination of Vaughn/Sims and Lubick/Benimon on the court at the same time.  In those situations, the team surrendered 12 points [DEff = 55].  Of course, on the possessions when Hollis was the second biggest player on the court for Georgetown, the team only gave up 5 points.

This is a bit of carryover from the last St. John's game, when Thompson was the best defender on the court for either team.  In one sense, we didn't see a lot of of change tonight in spite of the line-up change.

Well, that's true except for one thing:

In conference play before tonight, Hollis spent 39% of his time on the floor as the small forward, and 61% of the time as the power forward.  Tonight, he played about 3/4 of his possessions at small forward.

My hopes aren't too high, still..but we always have a shot against Villanova, III has done very well against Wright. They at least won these 3 they had to, gives us a chance. didn't think they could do it.
now if we could only put a decent streak together...

Aaron Bowen had season ending shoulder surgery today. will apply for a medical redshirt (I'd assume he's likely to get it)

I don't want to say that is a good thing, but since he wasn't going to's certainly not bad. Extra year to mature. And it also thwarts the idea of him transferring (not that a rumor was out there or anything..but I always worry about transfers). We need both he and Vee to take on larger roles with Austin and Chris departing. (& fingers crossed Vee stays put)
^ i was coming in here to ask you about that. him and vee are my transfer watch. not that i know any insider info., they just don't looked pleased on the bench and even after wins. look rather detached from the whole team.

I liked nate starting, didn't really think it was his game to start though. personally have been pleased with the way hollis has played recently.

allen, i think you said you'd have clark come off the bench. i'd be down with that or even think of bringing freeman off the bench. maybe its just me, but i feel freeman has been starting off slow in some of these games (no stats to back that up, just op.).
yeah, those are the two I've been concerned with. I can't imagine Bowen going anywhere now. (And Moses only knows the DC area so that would seem to be a big long shot as well.)

Even though there is plenty of playing time for Vee to have next year, I couldn't blame him for looking elsewhere this spring. He and his father said they knew he'd be a 'piece to the puzzle' and 'he'll do whatever he's asked' when he signed, but his patience can only last for so long.

And yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing both Hollis and Nate to start to give a more traditionally sized lineup, but at this point it seems III's not entertaining the idea of benching any of the guards no matter what.
huge FTs made by vaughn in that second half under 10 minutes. dude made some HUGE plays in our end down the stretch. saved it for us.

freeman was freeman in the final two minutes.

chris wright


Austin was a killer.

Best defense we've played in quite some time.

I have no idea what occurred during the 13 seconds ESPN cut away for but it sounded like Chris gave up an 8-0 run by himself.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I have no idea what occurred during the 13 seconds ESPN cut away for but it sounded like Chris gave up an 8-0 run by himself.
yeah was wondering what happened right there
Originally Posted by Al3xis


Austin was a killer.

Best defense we've played in quite some time.

I have no idea what occurred during the 13 seconds ESPN cut away for but it sounded like Chris gave up an 8-0 run by himself.
defense defense defense.

wright needs to watch more westbook games.

sims needs to be stronger with the ball.

liked how jt3 went with sims in the first and then vaughn in the second. went with the "hot" hand.


defense defense and more defense.

oh yea, nice game freeman.

kicks and socks:
it's a very good sign the 2 best defensive performances of the year occurred this week.

clearly work was done on it in the week off. They have to maintain it.
the games keep getting bigger. Got to bring the defense again.

Chris needs to stop Siva from getting in the lane. I think Villanova's guards were a good test for tonight, bring the same effort.

Thinking there should be a good crowd tonight, have to protect home court this week.

hopefully wright AND freeman come to play tonight and we stay focused on defense.
bunch of LAZY turnovers and some rushed shots have kept this half closer than it should be. luckily louisville has been just as careless.
defense has been great...hope they can keep it up in the 2nd. need to take some better shots and get into a flow on offense

let's make some adjustments and hit some shots. Gota give it to Pitnio, that was the best (and most confounding) defense these guys have probably seen.

Keep up the defense!
This team could have and I expected them to fold in each of the SHU, Nova and now Louisville games. They didn't. and they are starting to defend. All I wanted to see were the upperclassmen begin to take ownership on that end and have some pride. They have done so.

One thing we know from this year...Hollis wants the big shot. Tonight, he hit it.

I've been extremely critical of Chris but he kind of carried this team across the finish line. He was great.

Jason was horrible, but he stepped up and knocked down 2 huge FT's.

Julian is a warrior. Can tell that ankle is hurting him and he is One kid you know is giving it his all and is getting all he can out of his talent.

In this conference, take the win and run.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

In this conference, take the win and run.
that's pretty much it.

even we almost  let this one get away...we hung tough and got the w
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