ANYONE have enough pride to stop Brooks from going for 40 today?

nice to see Jason and Chris hit some shots.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Typical Meltdown
very typical. I have no doubt if he got a shot off, it was going in.

A win is a win and this team has been so mentally fragile that with a trap game like this, you just want the W.

7-4 going to Cuse, I'll take it. Today was not ideal, I guess a good thing for this team might be to play like +%*@ and still win. like Seton Hall. hopefully they follow it up the same way.
Does Benimon have dirt on JT3? don't quite understand it.

Heart-attack Hoyas at it again.

Real test this week. Lets see which team shows up.
Syracuse, N.Y. (Georgetown at Syracuse): This game should test whether Syracuse's wins this week -- including a road blowout of USF and a huge win at Connecticut -- are coincidence or a legitimate sign that the Orange, who lost four games in a row before the UConn win, have fully righted the ship. Why? Because Georgetown -- which has won six straight games, including at Villanova -- is playing as well as any team in the country right now. Syracuse will have to find a way to extend its 2-3 zone far enough to make Austin Freeman, Jason Clark and Chris Wright uncomfortable, because if those three are on -- especially Freeman, who is shooting 47 percent from beyond the arc -- the Hoyas are almost impossible to stop.

[h1]H. Thompson brings 'Hollywood' swag to Georgetown[/h1]
WASHINGTON (AP) - The nickname "Hollywood'' seems an odd fit for anything associated with Georgetown basketball. The Hoyas like to keep things close to the vest, with coach and players sticking to a script that is hardly Spielberg worthy.

But along has come Hollis Thompson, the fresh-faced West Coast sophomore trying to find his niche in the rugged Big East. He's taking acting classes. He has a different fashion sense. He has a habit of stroking his chin with just a hint of flair - a gesture that prompted coach John Thompson III to spill the beans about the nickname during a recent postgame news conference.

"Did you see that?'' the coach said. "Hollywood.''

Hollis Thompson is unique in a few other ways. He enrolled in Georgetown a semester early, skipping his final months of high school to get acclimated to college life. And, most importantly from a basketball standpoint, he hasn't ruffled a feather about his demotion from starting lineup to sixth man for the No. 13 Hoyas (17-5, 6-4), who have won five straight headed into Saturday's game against Providence.

"The most important thing is we've been winning,'' Hollis Thompson said, "so how could I complain?''

It also helps that he's better suited for his new role. Three games ago, coach Thompson inserted Nate Lubick as the starting power forward, giving the frontcourt a more bruising presence to supplement Julian Vaughn. Hollis Thompson began coming off the bench, using his versatility as an inside-outside scoring threat while the starters are taking a breather.

"One thing he gives, one thing I wanted, is he gives us the scoring punch off the bench,'' coach Thompson said. "He knows we need him, and he knows more often than not he's going to be out there at the end.''

Hollis Thompson's minutes have dropped a bit, but he scored 15 points against St. John's in his first game as a reserve and he hit the 3-pointer with 2 minutes to play that gave Georgetown the lead for good in Monday's win over Louisville.

"Not saying he wasn't good in the starting role,'' guard Jason Clark said, "but coming off the bench has helped him a lot.''

OK, but what about the Hollywood thing? In this day and age, is it still that big of an adjustment when a kid from Los Angeles goes to the nation's capital?

Apparently so.

"They laugh and call me 'Hollywood,' but it is a big difference coming from L.A. to Washington, D.C., especially to a place like Georgetown,'' Hollis Thompson said. "I didn't think there was a difference, but when I got here I learned there is a big difference. A lot of things that fly that are normal on the West Coast are looked upon differently over here.''

He spoke of the "looser lifestyle'' on the West Coast, then struggled to find the appropriate counter-word to describe the Georgetown experience.

"Not 'tight,''' he said, "but more reserved.''

Clark said the "Hollywood'' nickname is in use all the time, especially at practice.

"It's definitely appropriate,'' Clark said. "If you see him dress, you would definitely call him Hollywood. He has his shoes, his pants, his outfits, skinny jeans, he's so Hollywood.''

Sure enough, when he was talking about getting used to snow, Hollis Thompson's first complaint was: "It's not good for my shoes.''

Because he arrived a semester early in 2009, Hollis Thompson refers to himself as a "super sophomore.'' John Thompson said the head start helped the player's basketball development, but the coach felt the experiment had mixed results.

"Looking back at it now, being quite honest, it's hard,'' the coach said, "to give up part of your senior year to come into an environment in the second semester, where everyone on campus, not just the team, has their routines. He might not admit that, but that was very difficult, and so much so that I don't know if given the same set of circumstances whether we would do it again.''

Whatever growing pains there were seemed to have subsided. Hollis Thompson says he might even try out for a school play, adding a bit more to his Hollywood image.

Even the coach is happy to keep playing along. When he noticed that Hollis Thompson was wearing a sleeveless shirt while talking to the media, John Thompson called to him across the room.

"Did you take off your jersey off,'' the coach said, "so they could see your muscles on purpose?''

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it's been what, 9 years since we got a win up there?

this is the time to get it. I really just hope they act like they've seen their zone before and dont wait for the return trip to DC to show any semblance of a zone offense.
Originally Posted by LMBAssclown

i hadn't even been accepted into school yet. i know you nerds did.
too busy +%@*+@$% your pants and getting hosed down in front of the entire class
I like that we're going in with 3 seniors and a coach who haven't won there. They have to be desperate for it. Our guys know the rivalry and what it means, I'm not sure their young guys do. Plus the last 3 halves we've played against the zone we kind of figured it out. Of course, that was with Greg.

Just play hard, defend and move the ball and I'll be content for the most part.
awesome, just awesome.

I owe Chris an apology. He was absolutely tremendous. superb floor game.

Hollis hit shots, Julian was great yet again.

Congrats to III on winning up there finally.

GREAT job by staff/players to get this ship righted. Best win this year.

I am on cloud 9.
Gonna miss him when he leaves.

Thought I'd be more excited after this win. I think I might be in shock.
just got done watching this thing on the DVR. what a W. needed it.

loved vaughn's play.

between that win and the bruins game...perfect night
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