The Official Killzone 2 Thread: Vol. OP Updated PG1 | PSN Clan List PG1 | FW1.27 is LIVE!

I've been extra busy at work/school and finally played again.

You relearn quick where those spots you don't wanna be are (ie. next to the bomb or running in a straight line in pyrhus)
Damn I was never into shooters but this game changed that...

... played it at my cousins house on like a 50 or 60 something inch Sony Bravia full 1080p...

I always layed low away from all the action sniping dudes left and right... cloak FTW.
I'm down for a clan match. I've actually been putting in work this week. One ribbon away from my spot/mark badge
Well i am out of town with no ps3 so i cant enter us. You guys will have to get Boost or Chris to do it.
Originally Posted by tony23retro

Damn I was never into shooters but this game changed that...

... played it at my cousins house on like a 50 or 60 something inch Sony Bravia full 1080p...

I always layed low away from all the action sniping dudes left and right... cloak FTW.
spot and mark FTW
playing killzone during the day appreciation
its obvious that these people arent in school or dont have jobs so they have hadtime to develop their skills

just playing w/o newbs in general is appreciated
How are y'all ribbons looking like?

I've done well for myself.


J-Didds got me beat though...he only needs a few more to complete everything.

We could be a problem if dudes decided to get involved with clan matches.
I'm down, anytime. We just never have more than 5 people interested.

I have ever medal except the pistol whip one.

I need 4 more ribbons or something.
I'm doing alright. I just focus on getting points now more than anything. Gotta get my rank up


How do you get the Air Support ribbons? Does the bot have to kill 5 people like the Engineer bots?

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

We could be a problem if dudes decided to get involved with clan matches.
We would be. I've been down for almost all the clan matches thus far, and still am. J-Didds needs to set up some matches.
Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

Are you doing these clan wars through GB?
Nah it's through Killzone. They have their own clan system set up.

You haven't played in a clan match yet, G? You're ranked pretty high so we could use you.

Just put up 57 K 8 D.


"Show me my opponent."
Originally Posted by Jesseg8

Are you guys down for match/tourney tonight?
Damn I would have been, but I'm assuming its too late now.

I'll be on tonight anyways if anyone else wants to run some games.
i gave up on this game a month ago. the spawn rushing gets to be a little too much. KZ2 just doesnt have the "IT" factor that keeps the game fun likeCOD4 did.

cant wait til MW2 comes out
man.......haven't seen this thread in a minute...thought it got lost or something
good to know that ppl still play! congrats on the clan win guys...way torepresent! now try to beat the best of the best!
you guys can do it!
Originally Posted by jackiechizzan

the spawn rushing gets to be a little too much.
It does. But thats when you pick up a sniper rifle, perch yourself above the action, and go nuts.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by jackiechizzan

the spawn rushing gets to be a little too much.
It does. But thats when you pick up a sniper rifle, perch yourself above the action, and go nuts.
or u could just spawn at the base, i dont get why people continue to spawn at spawn points that are being camped on unless u know the whole crewis about to show up too
Anybody else having trouble logging into Warzone? I keep getting a "network error" which has to be on Sony part because Im on PSN right now with noproblems. Play SFIV and COD4 earlier with 0 problems.

Patch 1.24 - Fewer Bugs, More Features!

Hey Killzone fans!

In a continuing effort to provide support for Killzone 2 Online, and to show you day-1 fans of Killzone that we mean business, we are very happy to announce the upcoming 1.24 patch. This patch is the biggest one yet, and addresses a large number of reported issues, exploits and bugs - but it also adds new functionality to the game for you to enjoy! I would like to highlight the fact that we are adding 3 new ranks to the game, reached at 5000, 10000 and 100000 points respectively. These ranks do not give any rewards but it allows the real hardcore players to show off their hard work to everyone in-game! Other highlights include a new 17-24 player search game filter, enlarged HUD radar distance and a much requested "Join Clan Member" tab in the join game screen. The patch also allows you to play against the next batch of contenders: Japan, who will be able to buy their copies of Killzone 2 on the 23rd of April and will be joining the community online.

Allow me to clarify on these new features a little: The new ranks we've added are basically a reward to all the players out there that have massive amounts of points, and we hope that it inspires other players to keep on playing. The 17-24 player filter was a direct request from the community because a lot of people think the 'sweet spot' of the multiplayer levels is around 24 players instead of 32 and are creating custom games accordingly. The Join Clan Member tab was also a direct community request, allowing players to join clan members when they are playing regular non-clan related games.

There has been a lot of discussion on the forums about the lack of a 'party system' in Killzone 2 and rest assured, we are working hard on creating features that will make it easier for you to play with your friends online. These features include being able to join the same faction of a friend already in-game directly from the join game menus, manually being able to switch faction during gameplay and making existing squads consistent over multiple rounds; no more need to create a new squad every single round. These features will be coming to a patch near you soon!

To read more details about the 1.24 patch specifics, please visit the Killzone 2 FAQ section.

We hope this patch shows how dedicated we are to the game, and that it will allow you to enjoy Killzone 2 Online just that little bit more! Of course, we will continuously keep looking for more bug and exploit fixes, as well as keep an eye out for other additions we can add to the game. So please keep reporting on the forums! And last but definitely not least, a big thank you from the entire Killzone 2 team to all the Killzone players out there for their continuing support!

Keep on fraggin'!

P.S.: I almost forgot to mention: The patch also adds DLC support! … So you know what that means…
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