The Official Killzone 2 Thread: Vol. OP Updated PG1 | PSN Clan List PG1 | FW1.27 is LIVE!

yeah... i hate it when i join a game and there's nothing BUT rockets.... i only join those games cuz i need the second ability...the boost... that'spart of my combo
... also right when you join a game.... and it endswith the team your on being defeated... does it count against you?

if it does........
Gettin pretty sick of KZ2 now. I don't know what the firmware did, but the game is pretty frustrating now. I swear I'm hitting these dudes so much andthey won't go down. Then they hit me a couple times and I'm dead. I'm not sure if they did something to the weapons, but it definitely feels likeit. The only weapons I feel okay using are the sniper and shotgun.
Originally Posted by gusyouout

Gettin pretty sick of KZ2 now. I don't know what the firmware did, but the game is pretty frustrating now. I swear I'm hitting these dudes so much and they won't go down. Then they hit me a couple times and I'm dead. I'm not sure if they did something to the weapons, but it definitely feels like it. The only weapons I feel okay using are the sniper and shotgun.
weapons felt fine to me, sometimes it can be the game that you're playing in

yesterday i downloaded 1.25 after not playing for a week or 2 and when i joined this one game, it played all weird and stuff, whenever i went to shoot peoplethe animations were a little glitchy, and the worst was when we played in salamun market, there was this one building on the helghasts side of the map (i playisa) and when i went in that building it felt like the game was moving twice as fast, and during the all the maps, this one helghast dude kept teleporting like10 ft in random directions and nobody could ever get his name cause we couldnt kill him
, a friend of mine who i was playing with noticed this stuff too,especially the room in salamun market

thought it was the firmware but restarted my ps3 and killzone, joined a new game, and all was good
Nah, it seems fine after the firmware update. The only weird thing that comes up from time to time is the lag in deaths, like I'll shoot a dude with ashotty, and he'll walk a few feet then fall.

I just don't like when dudes rock the Assault badge, with the armor and RPG, takes forever to put 'em down, especially in Pistol Only rooms.
Yo finally got the game two days ago...
played a a few hours, I'm a Major rank...idk if that's good/bad for how long I've played

but add me MR_SOLO_DOLO__

two underscores after dolo

Tournament this Friday...3 vs. 3 @ Tharsis Depot...2 PM West Coast/5 PM East Coast

Finals/3rd Place Game is at 6:30 or 6:45...I gotta check again.

Who's down?

Tournament tomorrow @ 5 PM EST/2 PM PT...let me know who's down to play. Sweet Revenge said he'd be good for tomorrow...I need at least one moreperson...
Damn I'd be up for the match, but I have to be to work at 1. Cant wait till this bum $@! company shuts the doors for good
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Nah, it seems fine after the firmware update. The only weird thing that comes up from time to time is the lag in deaths, like I'll shoot a dude with a shotty, and he'll walk a few feet then fall.

I just don't like when dudes rock the Assault badge, with the armor and RPG, takes forever to put 'em down, especially in Pistol Only rooms.
I had that lag problem too. I've had a couple of deaths now where I killed the other dude and then like 3-4 seconds later we both die and itsays we killed each other. Hasn't happened that much recently though.
Yo I'm proud of y'all dudes


Props to Theh8er and Sweet Revenge...Us 3 put on a performance in that match, we were down the first two games but rallied back to win 4-3...I ended up withlike 340 points or some crazy ++%* like that

Remember next game in like 40 or so minutes...if we play the same way, whomever we face ain't got no chance...
Yo iLL, my bad, I was on, but I thought, "Hmmmm, play or download this free Kung Fu Ragdoll game?" I went with the latter, glad ya'll wonthough.
N T K L > _____


We won another tournament...we were down (again) 1 to 3 but came back to tie it up and I guess since we had the last objective win, the game was ours.

I'm telling y'all...if we stay active on the tournament scene, we could be a problem. Our roster is crazy, there's barely any clans out there thathave that much good players.

Props again to my dudes S. Revenge and H8er...keep checking this thread for updates, I'll let all y'all know when we enter another tourney.

And I need to find my damn mic
/\/TKL holding it down. Good to see, gang.

hey Ill, if possible, I'ma try and be around for the next tournament, whenever that may be... If no one else is available, that'd be sick. Ihaven't played in a while, but I'll pop it in tonight and start playing again.

Do I need Steel + Titanium to enter the tournys?

Lemme know
Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

/\/TKL holding it down. Good to see, gang.

hey Ill, if possible, I'ma try and be around for the next tournament, whenever that may be... If no one else is available, that'd be sick. I haven't played in a while, but I'll pop it in tonight and start playing again.

Do I need Steel + Titanium to enter the tournys?

Lemme know
Nah you don't need the new maps to enter tourneys...only way you're out is if a tournament is held at one of the new maps and youhaven't copped yet. But anything else, you're fine.

Alright y' tournament.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Where:[/color]

Radec Academy



[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]How many:[/color]

3 vs. 3

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Date and Time:[/color]

May 21 (this Thursday) same times as last tournament...5 PM EST/2 PM PST is the first round and 6:45 EST/3:45 PST is the Finals/3rd Place game. Only those tworounds and that's it.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Rules:[/color]

It's an all-mission game, just like most tournaments are (meaning there's assassination, search and defend/destroy, deathmatch, etc.). The team whowins at least 4 of the 7 missions wins the game. The Assault badge is not allowed (no rockets!)

Ironically, this tournament was made by the clan we beat in the Finals of the previous I'm sure they're looking forward to playing us again.

Who's down?
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