The Official Killzone 2 Thread: Vol. OP Updated PG1 | PSN Clan List PG1 | FW1.27 is LIVE!

Ohhh how I have missed camping!

Everyone seems to love them rockets now though...
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Ohhh how I have missed camping!

Everyone seems to love them rockets now though...

Seriously!!!! i was in the room named "experts only" just about half of each team was running around with rockets and sith

i was like "man, c'mon!" i left.... i wish you can take off rockets, but leave the second ability available... and not just for that class i wishall classes can mix and match
^Try and get on games that have "No Rockets" in the title. And you can take off rockets and leave the badge on...

I'm jumpin' on KZ in a little bit...I still need at least two players for Thursday's tournament...
YO! I need two N T K L members at 5 PM EST/2:00 PST (in like 80 minutes or so) to play in a quick tourney. Get @ me here or online.
i haven't copped the new maps yet and didn't play in over a month
, but i can be reserve if someone doesn't show up.. my psn is anything718
Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

i haven't copped the new maps yet and didn't play in over a month
, but i can be reserve if someone doesn't show up.. my psn is anything718


I am best as a sniper, but I can rock medic or shotty better than average. Haven't got the new maps yet...
Don't think was posted here yet.

Two more maps...

[h1]Killzone 2 Downloadable Content Coming Soon[/h1]

[h2]Remade levels from original game on the way. [/h2]

May 20, 2009 - As we hinted way back at GDC, the second DLC pack for Killzone 2 will be a "retro" level pack arriving to the PS Store on June 11th for $5.99 and we are here to give you a sneak peek as to what you can expect.

Once again we are taking a nostalgic journey back to the original Killzone by providing you two new levels in a pack Guerrilla Games has called "Flash and Thunder". The two levels are odes to the Beach Head and Southern Hills levels from the first Killzone. Both are fan favorites from the first game, but have been re-envisioned with Killzone 2's engine and overall technology. The levels also offer a unique twist that will truly keep players on their toes, so watch out for an explosive gameplay element that will have you running for cover...or risk a quick death.

In the Beach Head map, the ISA must defend their stronghold after the Helghast land on the sandy Vektan beaches. As torrential rain and gale-force winds batter the landscape, the relatively small size of the level creates a frantic hand-to-hand battleground, with the water filled craters supplying only limited cover. Picking your way across the harsh terrain, you will find many opportunities to sneak up on the enemy and take them down at close range. And if you're able to get to them in one piece, there are also lots of higher ground sniper spots to explore…

In the Southern Hills map, the battle takes place around a central Helghast base on top of a hill. The compound is surrounded by smaller structures, creating a level that facilitates close-quarter fights within the built-up areas, as well as long-range shoot-outs in-between them. Ideal for 24 to 32 player games, the base camps in this version have been beefed up considerably, so expect to find more hiding places than in the original Killzone counterpart.
New Killzone 2 DLC Detailed

The next wave of downloadable content for Killzone 2 has now been announced. Sony requests that you "prepare for a literalblast-from-the-past" in the form of the Flash and Thunder Pack: a download from PlayStation Store featuring the Beach Head and Southern Hills maps.Apparently, they're two of the best maps from the original Killzone and have been completely remade for PS3.

The Beach Head map sees the ISA tasked with defending a coastal stronghold against a Helghast landing force featuring rain-lashed and windswept battlefieldwith more action, more hand-to-hand combat, plenty of sneaking up on the enemy and melee kills galore. The Southern Hills map sees the ISA attempting to storma Helghast compound on top of a hill. A mixture of built-up terrain and wide open spaces - perfect for headshot sniper kills - this map is full of hidingplaces and is best suited for a large-scale game with lots of players.

The Flash and Thunder Pack is the second downloadable extra content for Killzone 2 on PS3 and will arrive in PlayStation Store on June 11,2009.


Chris you signed off #@#+!*% quick...damn i was in the middle of typing something

but nah, there's ONE more 45 minutes, it's the finals...don't leave yet!

or just come back for that game
Awwww *%%#.

Yea, I'm down. I just need to do a bit of work and make sure my router is functioning after that power bump.

What time? (Eastern)
6:45 eastern is the final...same map, same rules, 3 vs.'s the last game

yeah man, i almost had a heart attack when it said you signed off and there was like 4 minutes left 'till gametime
...good thing you came back beforeit started

aite anything is good to go
I did the ol unplug/plug back in trick.

Shotgun is beast still... I was going to snipe but it seems pretty pointless with only 3v3. I would have had more kills, but I was trying to get those damnobjectives taken care of. Anything did pretty darn decent for not having played in forever.

Is the team in the finals any good?
You def. did good, y'all shook off the rust pretty quickly...we beasted on that team.

It hasn't updated yet so I don't know who we're facing...but one of the teams we beat already in the last tournament we played, so we should begood...
Damn, we lost the finals.

We won 3 missions...they won 4.

We were the better team (someone on their clan had like 40 kills and 80 deaths
)'s just we $@%!+$ up whenwe had a 3 propaganda advantage over them and they came back and got 4 straight to win that mission.
Even if we would have tied, we still would have won the match because we got thelast mission win (assassination)...damn.

Oh well, it's still all good...we gain 5 points and don't lose any. GG's guys...I'll let everyone know when we're in another tourney...
Originally Posted by KneeNoh

Just like to point out I /\/TKL has not Loss with me in the lineup
But you go ghost like every two weeks
...I'll PM youwhen we're up again...
can i join N T K L?

i've seen some of you guys play and i think to myself "oh snap! an NT member"
now given, i'm not the best player in the world... i'm about average... in the 10k-11k rankings

but that's only cuz when i first started playing MP i was focused on badges first... i basically said eff the k/d ratio

the only ribbons i need is the assassination and flying bot one (sorry my mind has gone blank now for the name)
YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BEAT KZ2 ON ELITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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