The Official Military Thread. Vol 1

got a 86 on the asvab! honestly thought I was going to flunk

what are my chances on getting the job I want in the USMC? Looking at crash fire rescue, got a 118 in the MM. 95 or more is the required score...

with an 86 you qualify for literally every job. Crash Fire Rescue is tricky and is really hard to get because alot of people in that MOS stay in it forever and dont retire. You should still try though, weigh your options, but let the recruiter know exactly what it is that you want. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT BE AN AAV CREWMAN!!!!!!
crash fire rescue is mad boring according to the Marines i've come in contact with. You sit there in a firetruck waiting for a plane to crash...
So i just got back from MEPS and i got disqualified for the same shoulder injury i've been dealing with. I've got zero pain in it and passed every physical test they gave me to test the shoulder yet i still got bad marks, **** doesn't make sense. Air Force counselor at MEPS said we're gonna have to try to get a waiver and send it into the surgeon generals office. I'd like to be optimistic but i just don't see them approving it. They've been so strict regarding this injury its ridiculous. I've been pain free for over a year now yet they still think it's a problem.

Anyone have experience with getting a waiver and how long it takes? Said it can take up to 45 days and that's way too long. Might just go back to school this coming fall semester in case they don't approve it, which i have a feeling they won't.
damn bro :-/..did u atlest bag some chicks at MEPS? :lol:
damn bro :-/..did u atlest bag some chicks at MEPS? :lol:

Yeah man i'm pretty bummed about it. CMO mentioned i should get the waiver but i'm taking that with a grain of salt. Nah i didn't, i was on the second floor in medical practically the whole day and there were only two chicks and neither were attractive :lol:. After all the medical stuff the Air Force counselor told me i had to wait for the waiver so i bounced. Passed everything for the physical ,just the damn doctor was all over me about the shoulder injury.
15 year Navy Vet... 8 Deployments including 11 months in Iraq...I would suggest joining either the AF or the Navy...I feel they have better training at jobs that you can continue to perform in the civilian sector of the world. Not bashing any of the other branches...because they are good at what they do but that doesn't translate into many things you can do once separated... Any branch would be good though...just do your research and ask questions...don't be left in the dark. good luck
After a dating a female officer in the Navy and getting a glimpse into that lifestyle....I have been having the urge to join the Navy or a service branch.

I took the ASVAB in Highschool and I took it again last year and scored a 96.

I currently work in Government contracts now and have worked for DOD before, but these desk jobs aren't cutting it for me.

I already have my Bachelors, but was wondering how this move would pan out.
15 year Navy Vet... 8 Deployments including 11 months in Iraq...I would suggest joining either the AF or the Navy...I feel they have better training at jobs that you can continue to perform in the civilian sector of the world. Not bashing any of the other branches...because they are good at what they do but that doesn't translate into many things you can do once separated... Any branch would be good though...just do your research and ask questions...don't be left in the dark. good luck

^ this man knows. smart NT. be smart. you dont wanna be that dude that has to settle for a minimum wage job fresh out of the military, or have to move back in with mom and dad. take heed.
^ this man knows. smart NT. be smart. you dont wanna be that dude that has to settle for a minimum wage job fresh out of the military, or have to move back in with mom and dad. take heed.

Exactly my thinking when going in. When i was at MEPS for my physical when talking to other recruits not one of the jobs they mentioned that they were interested in led to success in the civilian world when they get out. Yeah that job may be fun while your in but what can that get you once your out. No one i talked to thought about long term.

5,000th post :pimp:
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^ smart man. great career choice kid. you're gonna love the AF.

Thanks! Looking forward to it. I picked Diagnostic Imaging because my major is already radiology so might as well continue it. I just don't know whether I should dedicate the 20 years or get back to civilian life as soon as I can. I'll make that decision when I get there. Any tips/advice for basic or tech school? Other than the obvious don't stand out and do what you're told. I also heard don't wear AF shirts at Lackland. No idea why lol
So does anyone know how long it takes for medical waivers? I'm sure it varies depending on the issue you need the waiver for but i'm curious as to how long this will take to get. Need one for a shoulder sprain, this is for the Air Force. Thanks.
I just don't know whether I should dedicate the 20 years or get back to civilian life as soon as I can. I'll make that decision when I get there. you should. thats something you wont be able to see until at least 2 years in. dont even think on it now.

Any tips/advice for basic or tech school? Other than the obvious don't stand out and do what you're told. I also heard don't wear AF shirts at Lackland. No idea why lol

...the "dont stand out/do what you're told" is only for basic training. school is the college life, live it to the fullest but dont do anything stupid, and keep your studies up.

...another thing about tech school. when you get to basic everyone will be stripped of everything in order to be a coheisive unit. you wont notice but all of the racial and cultural barriers will be torn down and most everyone will be like close friends/brothers and sisters. when you get to tech school some of those walls will be put back up, but everyone mostly still close. CHERISH these times! do as much as you can and spend as much time as you can with those you've developed a good relationship with.
a time will come after tech school where people just arent the same. those racial/cultural walls will be put back up and you wont be able to be friends in the same way as before.
with an 86 you qualify for literally every job. Crash Fire Rescue is tricky and is really hard to get because alot of people in that MOS stay in it forever and dont retire. You should still try though, weigh your options, but let the recruiter know exactly what it is that you want. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT BE AN AAV CREWMAN!!!!!!

is this that bad? lol, Ive been looking into some type of aviation mechanic also. Heard I can get certs from the FAA or something like that, so getting a job after I come out would be easy

crash fire rescue is mad boring according to the Marines i've come in contact with. You sit there in a firetruck waiting for a plane to crash...

really? as of now I'm looking into becoming a firefighter after I get out so crash fire rescue would help me find a job easier, since I would have experience already

for those that got a waiver for a tattoo to join the USMC, how long did it take for the waiver to come back? I was told about a month or so but could be longer...
[quote name="JesusShuttlesworth34" url="/t/298443/the-official-military-thread-vol-1/1500#post_16053085"]After a dating a female officer in the Navy and getting a glimpse into that lifestyle....I have been having the urge to join the Navy or a service branch.
I took the ASVAB in Highschool and I took it again last year and scored a 96.
I currently work in Government contracts now and have worked for DOD before, but these desk jobs aren't cutting it for me.
I already have my Bachelors, but was wondering how this move would pan out.[/quote]

:nerd: :evil:
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I wanna join the Air Force soooooooooooooooo bad but I have tattoo sleeves on each arm and a basketball on my leg :frown:

im glad i never tatted my hands, neck, or my face tho

they say its better to get tattoos once you in and established then to come in with them

sucks as a kid I wanted to be in the Air Force n I have tons of family who stationed all over

I have a uncle who is currently stationed in Japan some where and even has a accent now :rofl: he loves it
I wanna join the Air Force soooooooooooooooo bad but I have tattoo sleeves on each arm and a basketball on my leg :frown:
im glad i never tatted my hands, neck, or my face tho
they say its better to get tattoos once you in and established then to come in with them
sucks as a kid I wanted to be in the Air Force n I have tons of family who stationed all over
I have a uncle who is currently stationed in Japan some where and even has a accent now :rofl: he loves it

I'm pretty sure as long as you have nothing derogatory or any thing of that sort you can get a waiver, you should talk to a recruiter.

I have a cousin who is a pilot in the Air Force and he says I should be fine he has a cross on his arm

I dont have anything degrading just mostly personal sayings and family members names and a cross and angel

some guy was telling me about a 25% rule where tattoos cant be visible on 25% of your body with you uniform on
So I'm looking to join the military. Looking into the Army Reserves. I went to a recruiter and they are telling me that they are not accepting single parents anymore. I have to be married to baby momma. I know there is usually loop holes that people can go through. Im guessing that they (Army) don't want to worry about paying child support. Is anyone here a recruiter or knows of anything that will help me ? I would appreciate any help I can get.
For the guy who wants to be a pilot, .0000001% chance. I'm dead serious.

I recently enlisted.

-99 on ASVAB; 119 on DLAB
-Army 35P- Cryptologic Linguist (requires TS/SCI clearance which is huge for after-service job prospects)
-$15k bonus for 5-year commitment
-Going in as an E-4
-Going to Fort Jackson on 10/1 for Basic and then DLI in Monterey, CA for 53 weeks to gain expert fluency in a language (hopefully Chinese!).
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