The Official NBA Collective Bargaining Thread vol Phased in Hard Cap

Originally Posted by PMatic

•  A new "Carmelo Rule" that would prevent teams -- as the New York Knicks did in February with Anthony -- from using a Bird exception to sign or extend a player acquired by trade unless they are acquired before July 1 of the final season of the player's contract


I told _'s NYK was a plight on the NBA... But no one wanted to listen

Originally Posted by PMatic

•  A new "Carmelo Rule" that would prevent teams -- as the New York Knicks did in February with Anthony -- from using a Bird exception to sign or extend a player acquired by trade unless they are acquired before July 1 of the final season of the player's contract


I told _'s NYK was a plight on the NBA... But no one wanted to listen

Did not matter what team got Melo, that team would of done the same thing. Not the Knicks fault. (And that is coming from a Nets fan). Is what it is. That rule was in place already from the owners. They want it changed so that the drama does not occur.
Did not matter what team got Melo, that team would of done the same thing. Not the Knicks fault. (And that is coming from a Nets fan). Is what it is. That rule was in place already from the owners. They want it changed so that the drama does not occur.
@WojYahooNBA Prominent player agent to Y!: "We're not just walking off the cliff with (Billy Hunter). We're ready to take the next step and decertify."
@WojYahooNBA Agent to Y! Sports (continued): "We're not going to let the league set up tomorrow's meeting as a way to trap us into a bad deal."
@WojYahooNBA If nothing else, the agents seem determined to create some leverage headed into Tuesday's meeting, because the players have so little.
@WojYahooNBA Agent on decert: “Maybe if Stern's faced w/ revealing their real financial records, legal costs and paying possibly billions in damages....
@WojYahooNBA Prominent player agent to Y!: "We're not just walking off the cliff with (Billy Hunter). We're ready to take the next step and decertify."
@WojYahooNBA Agent to Y! Sports (continued): "We're not going to let the league set up tomorrow's meeting as a way to trap us into a bad deal."
@WojYahooNBA If nothing else, the agents seem determined to create some leverage headed into Tuesday's meeting, because the players have so little.
@WojYahooNBA Agent on decert: “Maybe if Stern's faced w/ revealing their real financial records, legal costs and paying possibly billions in damages....
The agents sent out a letter saying the players shouldnt go to 52 bri

Some of them at least. The prick Leon rose was one of them
The agents sent out a letter saying the players shouldnt go to 52 bri

Some of them at least. The prick Leon rose was one of them
Originally Posted by PMatic

Here's the PDF of the agent written letter to the players.

 Just as the owners have come together to negotiate a new collectivebargaining agreement, several concerned agents have also come together todiscuss the status of the CBA bargaining. There are important negotiationstaking place that will impact you all. Because we are united in our concernsthat players receive a fair deal and have your voices be heard throughout thisprocess we have created this joint letter to our players.

This letter was prepared by theagencies and agents listed below, and is being sent to all of the players theyrepresent:

Arn Tellem of Wasserman MediaGroup

Bill Duffy of BDA Sports

Dan Fegan of LagardereUnlimited

Jeff Schwartz of Excel SportsManagement

Leon Rose and Henry Thomas ofCreative Artists Agency

Mark Bartelstein of PrioritySports and Entertainment


I am writing to you because thenegotiations between the NBPA and NBA owners are at a critical stage. You musttake action and protect your rights.

Your Voice Must be Heard

Any deal you and the owners agreeupon will have a major impact on you, your family, and your career.

Educateyourself on the specifics of the negotiations and proposals that have beenmade.

Demand a full vote by allplayers on any proposed deal between the players and owners.

Contact the NBPA to askquestions and speak out about the issues that will directly impact you and yourfamily.


The Current Proposal HurtsYour Earning Potential

The NBA demands deep cutsand major “givebacks
Originally Posted by PMatic

Here's the PDF of the agent written letter to the players.

 Just as the owners have come together to negotiate a new collectivebargaining agreement, several concerned agents have also come together todiscuss the status of the CBA bargaining. There are important negotiationstaking place that will impact you all. Because we are united in our concernsthat players receive a fair deal and have your voices be heard throughout thisprocess we have created this joint letter to our players.

This letter was prepared by theagencies and agents listed below, and is being sent to all of the players theyrepresent:

Arn Tellem of Wasserman MediaGroup

Bill Duffy of BDA Sports

Dan Fegan of LagardereUnlimited

Jeff Schwartz of Excel SportsManagement

Leon Rose and Henry Thomas ofCreative Artists Agency

Mark Bartelstein of PrioritySports and Entertainment


I am writing to you because thenegotiations between the NBPA and NBA owners are at a critical stage. You musttake action and protect your rights.

Your Voice Must be Heard

Any deal you and the owners agreeupon will have a major impact on you, your family, and your career.

Educateyourself on the specifics of the negotiations and proposals that have beenmade.

Demand a full vote by allplayers on any proposed deal between the players and owners.

Contact the NBPA to askquestions and speak out about the issues that will directly impact you and yourfamily.


The Current Proposal HurtsYour Earning Potential

The NBA demands deep cutsand major “givebacks
Agents are just looking out for themselves. Can't wait for the players to reject the next proposal, start missing game checks, and then settle for a much worse deal down the road. The owners can sit out a hell of a lot longer than the overwhelming majority of players.
Agents are just looking out for themselves. Can't wait for the players to reject the next proposal, start missing game checks, and then settle for a much worse deal down the road. The owners can sit out a hell of a lot longer than the overwhelming majority of players.
I hope the agents/NBAPA/Owners/Stern just get into a full blown brawl. This lock out is a joke
I hope the agents/NBAPA/Owners/Stern just get into a full blown brawl. This lock out is a joke
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

the agents hard stance is just as bad as the owners. its a middle ground for everything

Exactly. The agents are just as greedy as the owners. I hope that the players don't budge off that BRI, though.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

the agents hard stance is just as bad as the owners. its a middle ground for everything

Exactly. The agents are just as greedy as the owners. I hope that the players don't budge off that BRI, though.
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