The Official NBA Collective Bargaining Thread vol Phased in Hard Cap

  At just take a little L. 

Don't worry players, it's only 200 million dollars a year, you understand don't you?  LOL 

For the slow (JA, Doo)  The players have ALREADY conceded to giving back some of the money and helping the owners recoup some losses.  Was 57%, players have said we'll drop down to 54%.  We all assume that that number may come down to 53-52%.  They've ALREADY budged, and given that.  The Owners, want MOREEEEEEE.  They have not budged one inch yet.  They want the players to drop all the way down to 47, even though the players are the product we all pay for. 

Recap/cliff notes, you're slow, and the players have budged, the owners have not, the owners want even more, you're slow.  End cliffs. 
  At just take a little L. 

Don't worry players, it's only 200 million dollars a year, you understand don't you?  LOL 

For the slow (JA, Doo)  The players have ALREADY conceded to giving back some of the money and helping the owners recoup some losses.  Was 57%, players have said we'll drop down to 54%.  We all assume that that number may come down to 53-52%.  They've ALREADY budged, and given that.  The Owners, want MOREEEEEEE.  They have not budged one inch yet.  They want the players to drop all the way down to 47, even though the players are the product we all pay for. 

Recap/cliff notes, you're slow, and the players have budged, the owners have not, the owners want even more, you're slow.  End cliffs. 
Originally Posted by DubA169

That wasn't a hate om the heat comment. My point is that the owners don't care about the employees.

Heat management felt they were unnesesary. And that's it. Peace out

i wasnt taking it as a heat hate, i was just speaking in general... comp vs comp is what im gonna be watching on 2k12
Originally Posted by DubA169

That wasn't a hate om the heat comment. My point is that the owners don't care about the employees.

Heat management felt they were unnesesary. And that's it. Peace out

i wasnt taking it as a heat hate, i was just speaking in general... comp vs comp is what im gonna be watching on 2k12
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by DubA169

Yeah the owners care so much about their employees

I mean just look at what miami did to their ticket salesmen after the big 3 arrived. These are classy people we are talking about. Its those Damn thug basketball players that don't care about team employees. Its not like they paid for a clippers assistant cancer treatment. Sterling had to sacrafice and pay
damn near every retail company does that...

actually its the opposite... sterling wasnt paying jack saying it wasn't company policy... so the players stepped up and paid for it on their own... some of the players weren't even clippers but they were clippers at one point... saw it on espn so i know 
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by DubA169

Yeah the owners care so much about their employees

I mean just look at what miami did to their ticket salesmen after the big 3 arrived. These are classy people we are talking about. Its those Damn thug basketball players that don't care about team employees. Its not like they paid for a clippers assistant cancer treatment. Sterling had to sacrafice and pay
damn near every retail company does that...

actually its the opposite... sterling wasnt paying jack saying it wasn't company policy... so the players stepped up and paid for it on their own... some of the players weren't even clippers but they were clippers at one point... saw it on espn so i know 
Originally Posted by you go boy

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by DubA169

Yeah the owners care so much about their employees

I mean just look at what miami did to their ticket salesmen after the big 3 arrived. These are classy people we are talking about. Its those Damn thug basketball players that don't care about team employees. Its not like they paid for a clippers assistant cancer treatment. Sterling had to sacrafice and pay
damn near every retail company does that...

actually its the opposite... sterling wasnt paying jack saying it wasn't company policy... so the players stepped up and paid for it on their own... some of the players weren't even clippers but they were clippers at one point... saw it on espn so i know 

I'm pretty sure Dub was being sarcastic.

Things look bleak at this point.
 Not surprisingly so, but it's still dissapointing.
Originally Posted by you go boy

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by DubA169

Yeah the owners care so much about their employees

I mean just look at what miami did to their ticket salesmen after the big 3 arrived. These are classy people we are talking about. Its those Damn thug basketball players that don't care about team employees. Its not like they paid for a clippers assistant cancer treatment. Sterling had to sacrafice and pay
damn near every retail company does that...

actually its the opposite... sterling wasnt paying jack saying it wasn't company policy... so the players stepped up and paid for it on their own... some of the players weren't even clippers but they were clippers at one point... saw it on espn so i know 

I'm pretty sure Dub was being sarcastic.

Things look bleak at this point.
 Not surprisingly so, but it's still dissapointing.
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