The Official NBA Player "Casual Wear" Thread





That's Tamia?? Say word! Damn, she looks mad old in the face now.

And did her and Grant get back together?
, I forgot about that Indy/Trailerblazers trade. I was confused for a minute because I saw TJ Ford, Baston, Jack, and Josh all in the same picture, andtrying to figure out why the hell they're at a Pacers press conf.
Yeah, as far as I know, that's a new look for Ricky.

I guess he wants the Young Buck comparisons to continue.

And this pic has so many things to comment on that I don't know where to start.

From homegirl's sweaty pits to the questionable Asian dude to the young, fruity Al Sharpton to the dude who looks like that black actor on the right givingthe stoneface.

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

did ricky davis get rid of his braids? or has it been like that?

Funny I was about to ask the same question. It seems natural that he has a haircut but I do remember him havin cornrows last year. I think
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

did ricky davis get rid of his braids? or has it been like that?

Funny I was about to ask the same question. It seems natural that he has a haircut but I do remember him havin cornrows last year. I think
na he cut them off
yo what kind of shoes does tony have on??

cuz i seen MIKE wear them when he praticed with the bobcats...
Originally Posted by dyyhard

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Apparently all Shawn Marion wears out is white v-neck tees. I saw him at a club in chicago last night and he had the same thing on.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

No, that damn sure don't.




Bron still fueling the NY rumors.




That tie that Ricky is rocking is

They're already doing mo-cap for Live 2010? Wow... I guess a lot oftime is spent on these video games...

WOW didn't expect that from OJ. Suit fits nice, nice mix ofpatterns, a suit that actually FITS (compared to most of the players). He's probably the only one out of the whole group that could pass as a rich businesstype dude, not a rich basketball player.
Yeah OJ always got the fresh fits goin on and nh, his facial hair game is always on point..Line's smooth as hell like his barber uses a ruler when he trimsit

Rondo easily wins the award for ugliest girlfriend in the NBA....I've seen ugly dudes in the NBA baggin chicks 200 times better than that, word to JasonKidd
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