
May 31, 2004
It's that time of year. The preseason is underway, and we're just under a month away from the start of the regular season. Get jacked :pimp:


Our schedule looks pretty manageable. Definitely some monster games though. I find it hilarious when people ***** and moan about the Pats always having an "easy" schedule. We finish in first place almost every year in the division, meaning we play first place teams from other divisions, in addition to our division and some NFC division. It's hardly an "easy" schedule.

Key Additions:
- Brandon Lloyd: excited to see what he and TB12 can do.
- Jonathan Fanene: pass rush help...thank you, god.
- Donte Stallworth: I don't think he makes the cut, but you never know with Bill.
- Jabar Gaffney: great chemistry with Brady. Should find himself open when he's out there.
- Steve Gregory: just don't get burned, and it'll be a huge help.
- Bobby Carpenter: this signing becomes big with Dane Fletcher going down. He should make the team easily now and should see time.
- Visanthe Shiancoe: interesting signing
- Chandler Jones (Rookie): everyone's jacked up from what they saw. i hope he keeps his head down and continues to work...ELEPHANT?
- Donta Hightower (Rookie): again, no complaints with what we've seen so far, but one week into the preseason, we haven't seen much. same thing, keep your head down and work.
- Tavon Wilson (Rookie): interested to see how he contributes. we should see him a lot in nickel packages.
- Other Rookies: Jake Bequette, Alfonso Dennard, Nate Ebner, Jeremy Ebert (don't see him sticking around).

Big Issues:
- Offensive Line: Lot of holes. Solder has struggled (and at LT for chrissake). Mankins, Vollmer, and Waters all need to get in there and do work.
- Corner: No real improvement. Big chance for Ras I Dowling to step up this year, but so far, he's been mediocre in camp. Looked alright in game action though.
- Running Back: We lost BJGE which is huge. He never fumbled and always got positive yards. 100% dependable. Ridley and Vereen will need to take steps this year. Bolden could be a surprise. Interested to see what Woodhead's role is after it diminished quite a bit last year.


Post up your thoughts, concerns, predictions

Let's Go :pimp:
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dam, i was goin for it too :lol:

thanksgiving will be EPIC .....
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for sure epic, man. but damn, i HATE playing on turkey day. i want to enjoy my food and booze in peace and be stress free. not worrying about having to play that fungus foot sucking coach and his team of queens from NY. that much food, booze, and game day stress is a bad combo for my health :lol:
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i'll be knocked out by halftime , before brady throws his 4th td :lol:

can't wait till that prick retires .......
all the talk at camp is about chandler jones...positive talk at least. seems like he's the only source of positive talk :lol:
Good looks on the thread Ace, just peeped it now. :pimp:

Another season : hat So sick of reading and hearing about the Sox in the media. Time to get down to business.

Ya'll know how i feel about this team :pimp: Im expecting absolute domination of their schedule and their conference. Deadset i agree that the schedule isnt necesarilly easy , but i cant help but smile at the prospect of another 14+ win season because i honestly dont see us losing many games.

I think we have an easy six wins within our division. The Jets, Dolphins, Bills; none of them can realistically keep up with our offense especially with our (im gonna assume ) improved defense. We got better on the defensive side yes, but we also got better on offense and that is SCARY.

Its SB Champions or bust this year, next year, and the year after . Lets GOOOO : hat : hat
im hearing chandler jones is making some noise in practice
I heard good things about Jake Bequette too.
snitcho what are you doing in here?  u lost man, skanks and gints threads are thataway

real pats fans STAND UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  another year another mission statement

im goin with my mans since grade school to the Titans game

itll be his first NFL game and my 2nd (my 1st was the '07 'skins game 

......if you haven't seen brady in person get on it before it's too late, your whole outlook on life will change.  

^ they looked good/made some plays in the game against NO...and seem to be doing it right in practice based on all accounts. but i just hope it comes together when games start counting. it's easy to shutdown offenses in the preseason. but things are looking up, no doubt.

our offensive line worries me though
unless something crazy happens i fully expect them to address o-line next year in the first round

solder still has ways to go before he's pro bowl level
Fully invested !!!



Our defense can still use some help but I am more concerned about our offensive line more than anything. But then again, remember that our defense was ranked 31st last season and our offense carried us all the way and an inch closer in winning it all. But we're in good hands folks. In Brady I trust.

It'll be another remarkable bad-***** season my fellow Pats Fans. WE got this !!!

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