The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Damn it! Looking at these pictures REALLY have me regretting selling the 5d mk II I lucked out on. :frown: I want to take cool pics like this

:wow: SImply amazing pictures.

Being able to take cool pics doesn't depend on the camera.
All in the eye.

But yes, having a camera such as a Mark II helps. :tongue:

:lol: yeah I know thats why I sold it. It was a hell of a deal ($800 for a brand new body) but a little later in the day I realsed someone else could get far better use out of it and be much happier in the meantime while I learn the basics with my lowly Canon XSi.

I was going to ask in here what to do but I figured since there was doubt about keeping it that the question was already answered. Hopefully they are using it with their more experienced "eye" to take some cool pics with it.

Oh and I'm sure this has been posted/suggested in here before but to the beginners here is a website my coworker suggested I check out..


Keep up the great work everyone, I really enjoy looking at your guy's pics!
"It's a film camera. Auto focus is not an option. I'm sure the optics of the lens aren't all that great either, so when it's necessary to shoot with a large aperture, added the chance that the subject might be moving, getting sharp focus becomes much more difficult." OK, I didn't realize you were talking abut a film camera. Isn't the point of having a film camera to make you pictures look a bit more different? I know there are some good film cameras that will give you a good quality picture, but still... Isn't it a well known fact that shooting wide open and manually focusing is not an easy task? If you were just stating the obvious, then I am sorry for responding.

That's not good thing at all." Why isn't it? Is that a rule? Am I supposed to go out of my way every day to go take a picture of something? I saw something interesting and decided to take a picture of it. Do you have a picture of shoe strings in water? Have you seen a picture of shoe strings in water? I didn't/haven't, so I did it. I can take criticism no problem, but telling me what to take pictures of is ridiculous.

"Also, I think your watermark is bit much." Honestly, I think so too. Its a work in progress. I have already started touching it up. Thanks for the feedback!
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"It's a film camera. Auto focus is not an option. I'm sure the optics of the lens aren't all that great either, so when it's necessary to shoot with a large aperture, added the chance that the subject might be moving, getting sharp focus becomes much more difficult." OK, I didn't realize you were talking abut a film camera. Isn't the point of having a film camera to make you pictures look a bit more different? I know there are some good film cameras that will give you a good quality picture, but still... Isn't it a well known fact that shooting wide open and manually focusing is not an easy task? If you were just stating the obvious, then I am sorry for responding.

That's not good thing at all." Why isn't it? Is that a rule? Am I supposed to go out of my way every day to go take a picture of something? I saw something interesting and decided to take a picture of it. Do you have a picture of shoe strings in water? Have you seen a picture of shoe strings in water? I didn't/haven't, so I did it. I can take criticism no problem, but telling me what to take pictures of is ridiculous.

"Also, I think your watermark is bit much." Honestly, I think so too. Its a work in progress. I have already started touching it up. Thanks for the feedback!
I told you what to take pictures of? Word?


... just got back from Downtown. I'll be back with the product in a bit.
What the heck. You got a Mark 2 body for $800??? That is insane. I guess I would sell that too seeing how you can get over double of what you bought it for.

And that guy does seem to have really good edtiing skills. I refuse to believe half of his stuff looks that good. Even the skies are practically flawless and I know there would be some grain, especially in the gradient skies. I just wish I knew what he shot with and then I'd understand it more. I think I read somewhere on his Flickr that he had Nikon D3S but I am not even sure.

Tried shooting again last night but got some failed stuff. This was the only thing that was worth posting but my white balance was all screwy. Skies came-out all purple and when I went to edit it blue, I think some grain popped out in the background but I blurred some of it in photoshop. Colors seem really off to me. the blue sky shouldn't even be tinted that color.


Also the Bay Bridge has started installing the light installtion, which explains all the added lights on the cable lines.
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Just noticed, most of y'all from San Francisco. Please continue to post shutter speeds, ISO and aperture settings. Thanks in advance.
I think that photo that I shot was f1/20 at 30 secends with an ISO of 800. I should have probably shot with a lower ISO since there was a lot of light but I kept forgetting to adjust it.
Just drove like 40 minutes to get some long exposures in this spot where the clouds roll down over the hills...and now I realize its pointless without an ND filter :smh: :lol:

Oh well, ill have some sunset pics to post later tonight
Just drove like 40 minutes to get some long exposures in this spot where the clouds roll down over the hills...and now I realize its pointless without an ND filter

Oh well, ill have some sunset pics to post later tonight
You post a sunset, I'll post a sunrise.

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nice shot

here's what i got from my little excursion today. kind of disappointed because i didn't get the shot i was going for...but got some decent stuff. any C&C is welcome. had a really tough time keeping detail in the foreground without blowing out the sky..any advice?

sunburst by bjamez20, on Flickr

vista by bjamez20, on Flickr

no traspassing by bjamez20, on Flickr

fish & game by bjamez20, on Flickr

011 by bjamez20, on Flickr
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Yes....very cool shot LA08NATIVE.

One more photo from yesterday. I am going to chill on the long exposures for a few days.

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i know shoe photos are so played out, but I really liked the way this one turned out...

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Great stuff everyone! 

Fong -  I have been meaning to hit you up on the night shooting part. Will do very shortly. 

Photos from tonight. How do you guys post the regular size rather than small sized liked before? I can't seem to figure it out... 

 - 1.6 Seconds F/5.6 ISO 400 

- 2.5 Seconds ISO500 F/8

- 1/30 F/2.8 ISO2000

More on my blog -
my first attempt at trying to spell out NT :lol:


Spellin out my name

Not sure if i was trying to draw an eye or a bird or a chipmunks face

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