The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3


So i do night club photography and the club lights are beginning to kill my shots. In really dark clubs, blue is taking over my shots which makes it really hard to edit even if my camera i shooting in raw. On some shots i have laser markings on my subjects. Now is this inevitable and something that i am going to have to deal with? or is there a way around it? Im pretty sure it has something to do with my exposure settings. I have an external flash (430exII) and shoot with a tamron 17-50mm on a t3i. Any tips? Here is some of my shots to get an idea of what im talking about.

ISO 1600 F/2.8 1/10TH (EDIT)

ISO 3200 F/2.8 1/13TH (NO EDIT)
So i do night club photography and the club lights are beginning to kill my shots. In really dark clubs, blue is taking over my shots which makes it really hard to edit even if my camera i shooting in raw. On some shots i have laser markings on my subjects. Now is this inevitable and something that i am going to have to deal with? or is there a way around it? Im pretty sure it has something to do with my exposure settings. I have an external flash (430exII) and shoot with a tamron 17-50mm on a t3i. Any tips? Here is some of my shots to get an idea of what im talking about.

The blue tint looks like a white balance problem. You can fix that by getting a gel that matches the ambient lighting of the night club and putting in on your flash.

Also make sure your flash is shooting TTL.
So i do night club photography and the club lights are beginning to kill my shots. In really dark clubs, blue is taking over my shots which makes it really hard to edit even if my camera i shooting in raw. On some shots i have laser markings on my subjects. Now is this inevitable and something that i am going to have to deal with? or is there a way around it? Im pretty sure it has something to do with my exposure settings. I have an external flash (430exII) and shoot with a tamron 17-50mm on a t3i. Any tips? Here is some of my shots to get an idea of what im talking about.

ISO 1600 F/2.8 1/10TH (EDIT)

ISO 3200 F/2.8 1/13TH (NO EDIT)

your problem is your ISO....

you are absorbing too much ambient with it set so high, i personally love ambient, bump up your shutter speed (that might be your problem with the first shot) you dont need to shoot at that shutter speed with a flash bro....youll start getting light trails, you have a flash bro, just set it on auto, shoot at around 160th @2.8 and ISO of 1600-2000, that should solve your problem with the ambient....although your shots might look a bit flat with a dark background.

this is my ideal for balancing ambient and a flash.
1/60th 2.8 iso2000

this was back when i first started....didnt know much and my settings were all over the place
4 sec exp f4 ISO100

notice the longer your exposure the more these ambient lights and light trails become predominent.
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2morrowbegins2day.....those shots are dope. I tired shooting some black and whites today and it all came out bad.

I just checked out my photos on my girls Mac Book Pro and had no idea some of my photos look so bad after I edited it. I know the screen on her laptop isn't retina but it still showed my photos in a different light. Some night shots I had had bad gradient blends with tons of noise on it. I shot it at ISO 1000 I believe and it practically ruins the shots if you have ambient light in the background.

But I shot these two photos below today and the gradients in the sky looked a little better at ISO 640. There are still a little bit of blend issues even after some editing but I guess that is something you can't really escape with lighting like that.

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Fong - Thanks but I don't think its working for me. I tried differen't methods of the code you gave me but seems it doesn't work. I fail hahah. Check your inbox.

Anyways, some shots of my homies car today.

More on my blog -
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So i do night club photography and the club lights are beginning to kill my shots. In really dark clubs, blue is taking over my shots which makes it really hard to edit even if my camera i shooting in raw. On some shots i have laser markings on my subjects. Now is this inevitable and something that i am going to have to deal with? or is there a way around it? Im pretty sure it has something to do with my exposure settings. I have an external flash (430exII) and shoot with a tamron 17-50mm on a t3i. Any tips? Here is some of my shots to get an idea of what im talking about.

this was back when i first started....didnt know much and my settings were all over the place
4 sec exp f4 ISO100

On the second picture, how did the subjects stay in focus and the lights distorted, I thought the subjects would have to be still or you'll get a trail of their body movement.
So i do night club photography and the club lights are beginning to kill my shots. In really dark clubs, blue is taking over my shots which makes it really hard to edit even if my camera i shooting in raw. On some shots i have laser markings on my subjects. Now is this inevitable and something that i am going to have to deal with? or is there a way around it? Im pretty sure it has something to do with my exposure settings. I have an external flash (430exII) and shoot with a tamron 17-50mm on a t3i. Any tips? Here is some of my shots to get an idea of what im talking about.

ISO 1600 F/2.8 1/10TH (EDIT)

ISO 3200 F/2.8 1/13TH (NO EDIT)

I agree with TwoSickJays, its a white balance issue. You have your WB set to sunlight or something similar. I also shoot at the clubs and I set my shutter speed up high because people are always moving. I never point my flash directly up. Its either at 45 or pointing straight forward. I do use the diffuser though.

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On the second picture, how did the subjects stay in focus and the lights distorted, I thought the subjects would have to be still or you'll get a trail of their body movement.

Flash freezes the subject in place but the camera stays open for a little bit longer for the lights to leave trails like that.

Rolo......the HTML code should pretty much look like this:

It should work. It might not have a hyperlink to your Flicker page but it will show your pics in full size. And got your PM. For sure will hit you up.
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i also use a diffuser... and i set my camera to auto white balance... but ill try bumping up my shutter speed.
Just leave your WB on auto, the problem more than likely lies with your shutter and ISO

Don't use a diffuser either, just practice bouncing your flash.
I have a Sony NEX-5 that I always just use on auto and do editing on Photoshop.

After seeing a lot of GREAT displays of photography in this thread I am interested in:
1. READING - to develop a better understanding of how DSLRs actually work
2. Improving my shots
2. buying a "real" DSLR... I'll be stuck with this NEX-5 for a while though. lol









Shutter Speed:1/2000
F: 1.8


Shutter Speed:1/200
ISO: 125


Shutter Speed:1/60


Shutter Speed:1/00


Shutter Speed:1/60
ISO: 3200

First time out with the camera and a new photographer. Already learned a lot from this weekend. I took these at a Japanese New Year Event. Will post settings in a bit.
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Just leave your WB on auto, the problem more than likely lies with your shutter and ISO

Don't use a diffuser either, just practice bouncing your flash.

And If you are in the nightclub/concert scene be carefull around lasers. Especially with low shutter speed.
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Fong - Thanks but I don't think its working for me. I tried differen't methods of the code you gave me but seems it doesn't work. I fail hahah. Check your inbox.

Anyways, some shots of my homies car today.

More on my blog -

I think your issue may be that you have import images checked right under the reply box. It doesn't link directly to flickr but opens up from NT. I had the same issue.
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