The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Project Cars overtakes 1m sales

Is this game good? Need something to satisty my Gran Turismo craving.
After watching the Fallout 4 trailer, I don't think it looked too bad. Sure it doesn't look as good as the TLOU or The Order but given at how much you interact with the world and all that open world stuff, it looks good to me *shrugs*

Anybody disappointed in the lack of mp in the Uncharted Collection? I for one could care less but I'm sure some people are pissed. I think I may have played until level 7 in UC3.
never bothered with the UC MP. played maybe 2 matches on UC2. doesnt bother me one bit. especially if they improved on all three games overall.
UC MP was aight but it was too basic to be a longterm thing.  There were perks but no gun upgrades or anything like that.  It was fun for what it was though.
wow ground zero was short.... it was dope for free but don't tell me y'all paid 30$ for this?
I purposely didn't pay for it until it went on sale, because I had my apprehensions about paying $30 for 2-3 hours.

Once I did purchase and play it, I realized that it would actually have been fairly decent value at thirty bucks. The main story mission is undeniably short, but there are like 3 or 4 other missions that, while played on the same base, each play a different way due to differing mission objectives, or having to play in broad day light. I mean in Ground zeroes, you get, according to my memory, an extraction mission, an assassination mission, a materiel destruction mission, and a rails shooter.

Plus, the game play itself was top notch.
Games are so mainstream now.


If David Fincher made the crossover to video games,
^ I was just about to post that very video up, but my browser crashed. :lol :{
I dont know how I feel about another DS game. I like the DS universe, but I dont want it to go the way of CoD or AC (same thing every year). I would prefer they move on to something else, or make another Demon's Souls. I still want to know what's in the Land of the Giants arcstone that was broken in the first one. :lol
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Can we save this stuff for the e3 thread or use spoilers? I guess since I'm going to watch the Sony conference in imax, I'm trying to be "surprised" :lol
So I finally pop in witcher and I'm getting some long load times. Around 5 minutes to be can I fix this? Return The Game And Get A Different copy ?
Tales of Berseria announced for PS3/PS4. Still no official word on Tales of Zestiria coming to PS4 here in NA.
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