The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

bigjny88 bigjny88 a55a5in11 a55a5in11 These 'consoles' are running x86 PC hardware so an upgrade path is relatively easy for them. Bear in mind that SONY themselves earn revenue on hardware sales, not so much software unless it's their own publishing studio.

They also can't afford to let Xbox One X remain bleeding edge for too long.

That said I'm just waiting for an inevitable price drop on this generation of consoles when the next one drops. :lol:
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bigjny88 bigjny88 a55a5in11 a55a5in11 These 'consoles' are running x86 PC hardware so an upgrade path is relatively easy for them. Bear in mind that SONY themselves earn revenue on hardware sales, not so much software unless it's their own publishing studio.

They also can't afford to let Xbox One X remain bleeding edge for too long.

That is understandable from the manufacturer's point of view...........but you have to sell them too.

Is there any technological advances in CONSOLE GAMING that will convince the "casual pleb" consumer to trade their PS4s in for a new PS5 in 2019?

Sadly no and with the recent boom of the Nintendo Switch with "lower powered graphics," the regular consumer could careless of the difference between 1080p to whatever the hell they can come up with in a "rushed 2019 release."

Hence why it makes sense to wait for the current console generation to reach the "full average lifespan" before introducing something new.

That being said........

I guess I'm just waiting for an inevitable price drop on this generation of consoles when the next one drops. :lol:

At least you ain't lying about your preferred reason to push for a late 2019 release :lol::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Yeah, I have waaaay too much in my backlog to even consider a new console in 2019 (if it were to drop)

Hell, I'm still catching up on PS3 games :lol:
I need to add Mad Max to the library lol.

I've been putting in my time with Wildlands. Kind of repetitive but I'm enjoying the story.

And for those that play the game:
Eff Predator, man. Dude is annoying to kill.
Only thing current consoles could even use is upgraded CPU since they're bottleknecked af. Doesn't warrant a new gen imo.

Exactly.........this current generation isn't even done yet.

Hell even on PC (which has the advantage of 4K/1440p with 60 FPS at minimum), game developers have yet to TOUCH the full potential of that advance PC hardware to even warrant current gaming consoles to completely upgrade into a newer generation in the next year or two.

I think instead of Microsoft and Sony coming out with their Xbox 1 Xs and PS4 Pros, they really should have "stuck their guns" and waited until 2020 to create a new generation of consoles that is up par with the Xbox 1 Xs' technological specs PLUS whatever tech advances are discovered in 2020.

Even the attitude of most people in this thread reflects that it is WAY TOO SOON for a new console generation of the PS5
Every 6 years is too fast? If you wanted to play max spec PC you’d be upgrading components every 2-3 years and that would be a stretch.

Plus a console is 400. A pc rig will run you ~$1000+
Yup imo backlog be crazy b i know i got over 250+ games across ps4 and x1 and havent beat not one lol
Every 6 years is too fast? If you wanted to play max spec you would buy a gaming PC you’d be upgrading components every 2-3 years and that would be a stretch.

Plus a console is 400. A pc rig will run you ~$1000+

That's not what console gaming's lane is

PS4 has run its course. I shouldnt get drops on a game that runs at 30FPS. It's 2018, we deserve better.

That's just a mismanagement of resources. Focused on 4k-esque more that 60 FPS min because 4k is the buzzword. Pro and X should 100% be hitting 1080p60 min, but they hamstrung them with the barely upgraded CPU
New games will come out regardless if there is a new system or not. Doesn’t change your problem.
Yes it does lol gives me more time to beat them. I come on here and see yall talking about the new ish i get jelly and gotta cop. Happens everytime lol
But you’ll just keep adding ps4 games to your backlog.

I mean a 250 game backlog is a bunch of balogna anyway. You just have a large pile of games that you wasted money on. If you’ve built up that many games you’re not playing at a rate that you’ll ever catch up.
But you’ll just keep adding ps4 games to your backlog.

I mean a 250 game backlog is a bunch of balogna anyway. You just have a large pile of games that you wasted money on. If you’ve built up that many games you’re not playing at a rate that you’ll ever catch up.
It life events having babies getting married ect. Slowly knocking them out tho.
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