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Is Nioh’s content a game that’s ok for a 6th grader? Thinking of getting my nephew it. Usually don’t worry too much about violence (not sure how bad it gets) but things I like to avoid are horror, sex, and drugs.

Edit: also does it typically go on sale? See the complete edition on the ps store for 50
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They added another update for the PRO today for the Witcher and :wow:

I wont have my Pro hooked up until next week but i think i might mess with this Witcher game. Never played it.

Im about to take my OG PS4 to gamestop for this $170 cash in the next couple days
Is Nioh’s content a game that’s ok for a 6th grader? Thinking of getting my nephew it. Usually don’t worry too much about violence (not sure how bad it gets) but things I like to avoid are horror, sex, and drugs.

Edit: also does it typically go on sale? See the complete edition on the ps store for 50

It's not that bad violence wise but considering there's grown men in this thread that can't even handle the difficulty of Dark Souls/Bloodborne, I'm not sure buying Nioh is a good choice for a 12 year old.

Unless your nephew is really into games, I'd probably stay away from it.
PS4 has run its course. I shouldnt get drops on a game that runs at 30FPS. It's 2018, we deserve better.

Nah, what we need is more developers adding resolution and performance modes for the PS4 Pro. Pro is capable of running some beautiful looking games at 60 1080p. Try Shadow of the Colossus in performance mode and see for yourself.

I really hope that Red Dead 2 will have a performance mode for the Pro.

As for PS5, I definitely won't be one of those panicking people who fight to get the system on day 1 if the launch titles are as weak as the launch titles for the PS4, such as Knack and that lame Killzone game. Now if they announce Bloodborne 2 as a launch title, then it's a different story. Since there is no real competition with Xbox this time around, I just hope that they take their time and make a powerful quality, sturdy system. I wouldn't mind paying $100-$150 more than the launch price of PS4 if they did that.

:wow: @ the review scores for God of War 4.
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I cant even get it yet because I STILL haven't played a single GOW game :smh: (Sorry excuse for a Playstation fan). I wanna play them all before I jump into 4.
There's no reason for all of that, just get the game.

Kratos is a pretty one dimensional character and the story for the previous 6 games can probably be summarized in a 5 minute video.
Yeah the games have been out for years, so I know everything that happens. But I still wanna play them to get the full experience.

Unfortunately that's gonna take awhile, so I won't get around to 4 until the end of summer. (Hopefully :lol: )
I’ve been playing through the games for the first time myself and I’d say they are really worth playing. Yeah Kratos is a one dimensional character but the gameplay and seeing his journey are all worth it. The gameplay holds up really well too to my surprise
It life events having babies getting married ect. Slowly knocking them out tho.

You gotta chill on the game purchases my bro. I remember when I picked up a Dreamcast from my boy way back in '01 with 100+ (burned) games. Honestly there were only about 4-5 games that appealed to me and when I had a chance to organize the DC collection a decade later I threw out all of the rest as they were worthless and actually purchased original copies of the 4-5 games.
Only thing current consoles could even use is upgraded CPU since they're bottleknecked af. Doesn't warrant a new gen imo.

There's (slightly) faster CPU with higher cache plus they could also increase memory size/speed and potentially run a SSD or hybrid drive. I will agree with you that there is an even finer line between console and PC now with them running x86 architecture.
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There's (slightly) faster CPU with higher cache plus they could also increase memory size/speed and potentially run a SSD or hybrid drive. I will agree with you that there is an even finer line between console and PC now them running x86 architecture.

I think that would be fixing a problem I haven't heard many console gamers complain about (texture streaming/pop-in), but it would/could definitely help with that, and also decrease load times (which is definitely a complaint we've all had/heard), as long as the SSD could perform up to its specs. That cost would also have to go into the price of a console tho, and with storage/memory shortages/"shortages", even wholesale/warehouse prices aren't gonna be nice for the next couple yrs to manufacturers.

I game on/build PCs so I have surface-level knowledge on components and how they interact, but I'm not well-versed enough to know what it is that bottlenecks storage speed in consoles, to the point where an SSD isn't really worth it a majority of the time. Is it just the memory bandwith?
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