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Pre-ordered FF7 yesterday.

Demo released today? Yeah, I think today's going to be a short day.

Started downloading it from the PS Store and I keep my PS4 in rest mode. 7.55GB download should be done and ready to play it by the time I get home.
Demo was an absolute blast.

Like a few others mentioned, I'll probably go back and try it with the Classic battle system.
I played through it twice, once on normal and once on classic.

I don't love it, but I did enjoy it. FF7 is my favorite game and the demo, while it was beautiful to look at and was a joy to relive in the updated world, just didn't quite do it for me. The battle system is a bit too much for me and hard to focus on. I'm definitely going to purchase all of the stupid installments ( it is stupid btw) and I can't wait to play more.

I'll be playing on normal mode for sure. Classic mode was literally the exact same, just easier. I didn't notice a difference at all. Normal was at least mildly challenging. I got through classic mode without using one item or really even trying.

Sorry for the essay. :smokin
I played through it twice, once on normal and once on classic.

I don't love it, but I did enjoy it. FF7 is my favorite game and the demo, while it was beautiful to look at and was a joy to relive in the updated world, just didn't quite do it for me. The battle system is a bit too much for me and hard to focus on. I'm definitely going to purchase all of the stupid installments ( it is stupid btw) and I can't wait to play more.

I'll be playing on normal mode for sure. Classic mode was literally the exact same, just easier. I didn't notice a difference at all. Normal was at least mildly challenging. I got through classic mode without using one item or really even trying.

Sorry for the essay. :smokin
Damn I need to step my game up. I was spamming the hell out of potions during that boss fight :lol:
It’s gonna be fun trying to master the combat in this one.
It is interesting seeing Cloud’s personality. And also Jessie and those guys come to life.

There are going to be more feels this time around.

this game is gonna be crazy down the road though - like when you fight Jenova or see the Weapons for the first time.
Yea, Scorpion Tank took me over 5 minutes to beat. Emerald Weapon is going to be an all-day affair.

I was under the assumption classic setting was turn-based... is it not?
That game was Super Mario 3 compared to Bubsy 3D.

I found out a few weeks ago that the developer who made Bubsy 3D eventually evolved into Sony Bend.
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