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Any suggestions of games to get?

Batman game no good? One of the series I've seen ppl rave about. Maybe I listed another title.

Also getting these without a doubt

Nioh 2
Maybe Sekiro

Arkham Knight was a let down, Arkham City was a masterpiece.

Make sure you buy extra controllers if you're getting Bloodborne, Nioh and Sekiro.
Master Zik Master Zik

Definitely agree on Devil May Cry series.

There's a remastered collection of the first 3 games that came out for PS4. Part 3 is the best of the entire series so far. Masterpiece.

There's also a remaster for part 4.

Then there's also DMC Devil May Cry which is supposed to be a reboot.

Looking to picking up Devil May Cry 5 soon.

Because it's highly likely that you're gonna toss one out the window when you play Nioh for the 1st time.

If you've never played a game like that, I'd suggest just buying Bloodborne outta those 3.

If you're into it, buy the other 2.

Unless you're a masochist, then just go ahead and cop all 3 because you'll have an amazing time.
Rules of buying games for me:

-Skip any games produced or developed by Ubisoft. Lesson learned after Watchdogs 1
-Skip any games produced by EA and EA Sports. Haven't touched a Madden game in probably 16 years and 2 console generations ago. Hoping NBA Live would make a comeback but they fail miserably each time :lol:
-I do not buy or play FPS games like the yearly Call Of Duty or Battlefield games. Last FPS game I really got into was Resistance 1,2, and 3.
-Sports games like Madden, Fifa, NBA 2K, NHL, and heck even MLB The Show have literally turned into loot boxes with "Ultimate Team modes", Diamond Dynasty, and Road To The Show. Online play is even worse with kids, adults all think they are tough online behind a headset and can & will talk the most horrible racist sh*t. It's worse even on xbox live just hop onto a online session of GTA Online.
Any suggestions of games to get?

Batman game no good? One of the series I've seen ppl rave about. Maybe I listed another title.

Also getting these without a doubt

Nioh 2
Maybe Sekiro

Hitman 2 gold. If your into stealth. I “finished” the main story when It came out and I still play the game for its user created contracts which is endless. Elusive contracts are a ***** sometimes
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Rules of buying games for me:

-Skip any games produced or developed by Ubisoft. Lesson learned after Watchdogs 1
-Skip any games produced by EA and EA Sports. Haven't touched a Madden game in probably 16 years and 2 console generations ago. Hoping NBA Live would make a comeback but they fail miserably each time :lol:
-I do not buy or play FPS games like the yearly Call Of Duty or Battlefield games. Last FPS game I really got into was Resistance 1,2, and 3.
-Sports games like Madden, Fifa, NBA 2K, NHL, and heck even MLB The Show have literally turned into loot boxes with "Ultimate Team modes", Diamond Dynasty, and Road To The Show. Online play is even worse with kids, adults all think they are tough online behind a headset and can & will talk the most horrible racist sh*t. It's worse even on xbox live just hop onto a online session of GTA Online.
I follow most of this as an unwritten rule.

I should play closer attention to ubisoft games though :lol: Cuz I do have a few AC games.
Because it's highly likely that you're gonna toss one out the window when you play Nioh for the 1st time.

If you've never played a game like that, I'd suggest just buying Bloodborne outta those 3.

If you're into it, buy the other 2.

Unless you're a masochist, then just go ahead and cop all 3 because you'll have an amazing time.

And it seems like controllers are in short supply...

I actually like the disc version in this pic.
Can't wait to get it in hand and we still need t see the rear.

Both consoles keep looking better every time I see it.

While we are talking about video games. So yesterday before I started playing Spiderman I was on my XB1X because I wanted to hop on and watch Showtime and a documentary about the boxer Sony Liston. PS4 sadly there isn't a Showtime app to download for it because of PS Vue which is going away pretty soon. So anyways afterward I finish the documentary movie I decided and what the hell let me fire up and try Forza Horizon 4. Keep in mind I hadn't turned on my XB1X in months up until now. First message I get is the game needs a 1.8GB update downloaded. Then I get another notification how my Gamepass sub is going to expire in a few days. I finally get the game up and going and after I get all of the in game seasonal updates I get another in game promo asking if I wanted to purchase the ultimate season pass which was on sale for $24.95. So I get 1 story mode race in and I'm like yeah I'm done with this. Turned on the PS4 Pro watched some Fresh Prince episodes on HBO Max and then played Spiderman.

Wait, you own an XBone and a 1X for that matter.
Would never have guessed :lol:
The more i look at it, the more I prefer a black or grey version. But seeing as this is their launch colorway, it'll probably be a while before we get others.
The more i look at it, the more I prefer a black or grey version. But seeing as this is their launch colorway, it'll probably be a while before we get others.

Yea, first white console was the Destiny PS4 bundle which came out August the following year after release I believe.
Tough decision to make if you're waiting.

This looks good though :wow:

Rules of buying games for me:

-Skip any games produced or developed by Ubisoft. Lesson learned after Watchdogs 1
Just one game was enough for you to not mess with them. To each their own I guess.
You don't like or have played any of the Fry Cry, For Honor, any of the AC, I enjoyed Child of Light... for what it was.
I agree with pretty much everything else.
I follow most of this as an unwritten rule.

I should play closer attention to ubisoft games though :lol: Cuz I do have a few AC games.

The last 2 AC games were actually good. Far Cry 3 was great. Child of Light was well made too.
Ubisoft does A LOT of rehashing/reskinning though so they're definitely a tread lightly company.

As for the Batman games, if you've played none I would start at Asylum. It doesn't have the open world aspect City does but I still think it's a must play and it's the first of the series. I didn't hate (I actually really liked) Arkham Knight, but the batmobile mechanics/missions are really annoying :lol:

If you haven't played Witcher 3 that is a must. I love Red Dead Redemption 2, but it's a very slow burn and if you don't love westerns it might turn you away rather soon (I'm pretty sure I remember you do though)

God of War/Spiderman is a must play as well.
Rules of buying games for me:

-Sports games like MLB The Show have literally turned into loot boxes with "Ultimate Team modes", Diamond Dynasty, and Road To The Show. Online play is even worse with kids, adults all think they are tough online behind a headset and can & will talk the most horrible racist sh*t. It's worse even on xbox live just hop onto a online session of GTA Online.

you couldn't be more WRONG

MLB The Show did not turn into "loot boxes"

ITS VERY EASY TO BUILD A NO MONEY SPENT TEAM, The amount of content they put in this year to obtain free HIGH DIAMONDS is insane, Dont bash something when you haven't gave it a try yet

yeae trout is 300k stubs but its VERY easy to obtain those stubs by just playing and grinding, no need to buy packs or drop money unless that is what you prefer to do or just go it like that
I have Sekiro and Nioh and decided those games are not for me at this point in my life :lol:
:lol: Same. I'm gon reattempt and beat them joints one day though. Jedi fallen order is a good way to get used to that kinda mechanics. Basically evade, dodge, block, parry, and a hit every now and then, more defense than offense. Just gotta wrap your mind around 6 hour boss battles and ****. Only reason I even bother with jedi is I love that world.
Every time I hear that someone has quit Bloodborne, a small piece of me dies.

I hope that one day you all find the strength to return to Yharnam and cleanse those foul streets.
Oh yeah, wasn't a doubt for me I'm gonna get the RDR games. I love me some westerns.

Already got Witcher 3 for the switch.
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