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Goldeneye and Smash Melee both listed at 78 and 77 respectively? Eh, fair..........SORTA (skeptical on that one)

Minecraft at 24?! So wait, you're just gonna put League of Legends at 90 BUT then give Minecraft the ******* alley-oop by putting it at #24?!

Got that platinum :pimp:

The game is OD :lol:

I got the platinum and there is still too much content

Origins is a 9.5.

I will be back when the season pass is $20
Came close to buying a PS4 Pro on ebay today with the 15% off coupon... but I just couldn't do it. Can someone with a decent 4k TV chime in, is it REALLY worth the upgrade? All I really play now is P5, I will probably go back to Horizon when the DLC goes on sale for the low, but I'm having a hard time justifying it, even at $340. I guess I'll keep waiting for a nice LE console I like more or just as much as my Taken King console.
Came close to buying a PS4 Pro on ebay today with the 15% off coupon... but I just couldn't do it. Can someone with a decent 4k TV chime in, is it REALLY worth the upgrade? All I really play now is P5, I will probably go back to Horizon when the DLC goes on sale for the low, but I'm having a hard time justifying it, even at $340. I guess I'll keep waiting for a nice LE console I like more or just as much as my Taken King console.

It's my opinion and I say no.. I game on a OLED LG E7 the difference is very marginal.. I thought my ps4 upscaled to 4k looked almost identical to my cousins ps4 pro when I hooked it up.. it was more sharp and bright but I don't think that's worth the extra $200 especially since it's not true 4k
In my experience it is more than marginal. Not life altering but more than marginal especially if you have a 4K gaming monitor. But that is a very specific setup and can be expensive.

Not to mention the increase in actual performance etc. when it comes to stable frame rates
In my experience it is more than marginal. Not life altering but more than marginal especially if you have a 4K gaming monitor. But that is a very specific setup and can be expensive.

Not to mention the increase in actual performance etc. when it comes to stable frame rates
Ok the level above marginal lol still not enough for me to pay extra
It needs to be said that it also depends on the game. Like on GT Sport, they utilize the HDR very well and so the lighting effects and colors look incredible and was very noticeable.
Aside from GT Sport... Uncharted 4 and HZD are probably also good demos for HDR... and Far Cry 5 I guess?
Yeah GT:Sport on the PS4 Pro looks amazing.

If you already have a 4k TV, then I would say, yes. Get one.
I guess I should have also mentioned that I have a gaming PC and X1X, so multiplat games wouldn't interest me, and I don't like GT. Also all PS4s support HDR.
I guess I should have also mentioned that I have a gaming PC and X1X, so multiplat games wouldn't interest me, and I don't like GT. Also all PS4s support HDR.

Putting that into play.....yeah, don't get a Pro.

Since you have a 1070, it'll never be replaced by 4K console gaming from either form. Same goes with the fact that you got the Xbox1 X, you're good on having multiplat. support with that 60 fps/1440p-4K experience.

Only reason you'd get a Pro is if you want your Sony exclusives to get that same performance experience as your GTX 1070 PC.
I guess I will wait for Ace Combat to come out... as much as I want to just buy it for the PC and tell myself that 4k is enough, I think this might be the VR title that will convince me to make that jump, and I've heard that VR runs much better with a Pro... I jsut hope I don't have to buy another flight stick, but I have a feeling I will, which means I'll be dropping damn near a stack to play one game.
Traded BloodBorne for Nathan Drake Collection today.

I remember how amazing these games looked on PS3.

Hopefully the movie turns out good.
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