The Real World St. Thomas

ahh, okay. it was Abram vs. Donell that i was thinking about. Abram and Wes look so much alike
Originally Posted by DaulDierce

I liked Real World San Diego.

I'll watch this. As Always i watch real world until like the 4th episode and than forget all about it. Than lose interest.

Im try to tune in every week.

This was entertaining to me.

Its messed up though how they did 3 Girls and 4 Guys.

it shouldve been 4 girls and 3 guys.

So they are on a island alone??? so they cant go to clubs, or anything because there is nobody around.

No internet or TV or cell phones etc.

This guy better get use to fapping with photographic memory.

Id be scared to sleep in the same house as this guy. He looks suicidal and suicidal ppl are not scared to take you out too.



There were two San diegos, the first one had Jamie (the Asian girl in hangover 2 whose marrying the hideous dentist)
Yo they might as well change the name of this show to Super Simps.

Redhead tying this broad's shoelaces and then getting played immieadeately after it. Son thinking so hard wondering if he about to have a gf or not

Then this drug addict overreacting about some chick in the club. Talking about Boston swag
couldn't close the deal when he had the chance and was ready to fight when a local told him to fall back. Don't doubt he's about that risky your life for a broad life but that alone is lame

Then black calls him out and he trying to overcompensate like crazy saying his heart is as black as night!
The dudes are simps this season and the chicks just trynna get it poppin & have fun...

something here is wrong
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Yo they might as well change the name of this show to Super Simps.

Redhead tying this broad's shoelaces and then getting played immieadeately after it. Son thinking so hard wondering if he about to have a gf or not

Then this drug addict overreacting about some chick in the club. Talking about Boston swag
couldn't close the deal when he had the chance and was ready to fight when a local told him to fall back. Don't doubt he's about that risky your life for a broad life but that alone is lame

Then black calls him out and he trying to overcompensate like crazy saying his heart is as black as night!


Redhead looks like he's going to snap in the future episodes 

Trey and Laura are extra dramatic 
son snapped on her already 
that convo when dude got mad at the really nice girl was awkward

i couldnt tell if he was really mad or not but then when i saw he was she went up and hugged/held after he told her it was too much
Man, I'm convinced. MTV trolled us by secretly having a cast filled of *******. Straight females, 3 ight chicks and 4 more dude looking things with vaginas.

Can't believe they wasted a whole ep on a dude crying about some damn sea urchins and arguing with the black chick. **** is all bad :x
:lol: @ these broads pumping Brandon up into thinking he put the fish in the bathtub.

This dude gets lamer with each episode.
this season gets weaker by the episode....look at this drama MTV has to come up with because its so weak "you pushed me in the apologized too late"....LULZ.....bring back my man Adam Royer and Roylee and let them go ham
:lol: @ these broads pumping Brandon up into thinking he put the fish in the bathtub.
This dude gets lamer with each episode.
Its hard to watch this dude, every scene he's in he looks awkward and out of place.
Anybody notice how he was the one asking Swift what drugs they gave him haha
^peep'd that :lol:

Son was more interested in the drugs then anything else
I've been missing the past few episodes due to having class on Wednesday nights :smh: but judging by the comments on here I'm not missing anything good in particular :nerd:
^ thanks guys, I'm gonna watch them in a few

On another note, I would slay all three chicks LaToya and Laura :tongue: :smokin
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All three chicks are ugly, in my opinion; with LaToya being the ugliest. Straight up overbite, raptor looking face and that's not all. Don't get me wrong, I'd smash Laura and Marie on a drunken night - but I'd only let LaToya give me a BJ. And was Brandon really that drunk that he couldn't remember what happened that night? Seems scripted.
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