The Revelations Of An Elite Family Insider (2005)

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I don't get the point of all the natural disasters and currency merger highlights in this thread .. It completely bypasses the point that has been spelled out time and again .......... Stop being lazy, looking for a guru [without]
Just finished Hidden Hand... Interesting and insightful way to spend my Sunday evening, both Q&A's were good, but HH's has my mind pondering a lot of things at the moment.. once again, whether true or not, probably one of the best reads I've come across on the net 
just read most of the insider...a very interesting read - dont believe it though, but that doesn't mean it is meaningless...

all this just felt like a game, felt like i was sitting in the room in 'The Man from Earth' lol
Originally Posted by devildog1776

i've done alot of reading throughout my days on Elitist and it could be true or it could be fake.... either way son is throwing out a lot of good point some of you need to take seriously...

like divine creation and the manifestation of energy that we all produce ... we all operate at a precise frequency while on this rock we call earth, its our job to syncronize our frequencies and become in tune with each other and ourselves...
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

People actually believe in this garbage?

what im saying.

take your tin foil hats off. are you fools the same ones who are spreading this Illuminati trash?
People read this type of stuff because it speaks to them. I can only recommend that you find something that speaks to you, because it is your life. Read: what I mean by "I can only recommend" is that I do not believe that I can tell others how to live their life.  
Originally Posted by bigmo1002

Im confused, the Member of the family claims that this whole "plan" is being brought into action by divine law, if im not mistaken devine law is said to be given directly
from god, all these plans are evil so what does that really say?

or am i just reaching?

I do not think you are reaching. I think you are on the right track. 
What is good? What is bad? How can good or evil overcome one another if one or the other does not prevail?

I personally believe that you cannot define good without evil and vice versa. I would not know what happiness is had it not been for depressed times in my life. 
I dont know whether this is real or fake... Whether its met with an agenda or not.... What i do know is that Its here to make people think!!!.... +#%% Religion, +#%% conspiracy theorist, all that extra %#%%@%$$.... 

All these articles are asking is that you strip yourself down to your simplest form and simply think
Law of attraction.. frequency... energy... the mind...

If we live in fear & anger, then we attract more negativity. More hatred, more greed.

But if we change our outlook into something positive, we send more positive frequency. If we love more, if we think & practice more good deeds to attain more peace, we deflect negative possibilities.

This may be unbelievable but it's working every moment. Trust me. It's never too late to try.
^ Fasana, that is the most I got out of it. I couldn't care less what family dude is part of and where they are from. Energy, more importantly, the projection of energy really spoke to me. Little things like remembering that our job here is to serve others and controlling your emotions when dealing with someone that YOU feel you have a problem with. Just trying to get yourself out of wasting energy on negative things. And things as simple as waking up and telling yourself you will have a good day.

People tell me I always have negative things to say, so I will make sure I will be more aware of that. Even on here. But especially in the "real world."

But the idea of this all being a game that we will laugh about on the other side is an interesting concept.
Read the whole link...Came to a very similar understanding DCAllamerican...control what WE CAN control. Especially the use of our minds which is very powerful....
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Like some of you stated, Insider was interesting.. but I'm halfway through Hidden Hand and once again I'm like 
 I'm randomly Googling a couple of things I find interesting within this Q&A and HH's answers are correlating with what I'm finding (Crazy how dude knows so much about Astronomy).. more importantly, aside from subjects that are just going beyond my comprehension, things like: Look within yourself for salvation, put others first, "Know Thyself" etc.. are sitting well with me.. sounds like great concepts to improve ones way of life, doesn't matter who the messenger is..

*back to reading*

When I was reading HH's questionnaire I couldn't help but notice how he highlighted 'negative' polarity and the harvest and whatnot, so I read it a little more cautiously than I read Insider's.  One response from that fb link posted before kinda explains why I read HH's questionnaire more cautiously.  However, I feel like this response is clearly supported by the bible so take it with a grain of salt as well

[h6]First, the preliminary premise:
The very fault of Lucifer from the beginning was his 'displeasure' or pride of his given position by the Most High God. This 'pride' gave birth to the image, Envy. Lucifer, knowing that he can he can never BE the Most High, said to himself, "I will be LIKE the Most High...".

After this treason, the Fall.

Enter Stage: MANkind
Scene: Planet Earth, the Garden of 'Eden'

It is here, where mankind is insidiously introduced to something that he has never known before. Something so powerful that it would affect his species, his land, and every single living thing upon the Earth.

(that's what lucifer wants humans to believe. For all of his wisdom, he is unable to CREATE on this plane without human 'hands'.)

However, he is a master of ILLUSION.

And, the 'apple' in the Garden of 'Eden' was not a piece of fruit.
The illusion in Eden, was that there are TWO gods instead of ONE.
What lucifer offered in the garden to man was, CHOICE.

"Well isnt that the same as free will?!".........NO.
Particularly, when the one offering you said choice speaks in lies and deception as his natural tongue. The ability to lie from lucifer is as natural as mankind breathing air. He doesnt see what he is.
Spoiler [+]
He also doesn't aquiesce to the notion that he is indeed decieving mankind in the process of trying to make his millineum+ argument to the Most High God that mankind is simply unworthy to inherit THIS planet. It is the very seat of pride. Clouding his judgement. Clouding mankind's judgement. Leading us all to his inevitable destruction.

Lucifer's motto is......"FREEDOM!" (he sells this to humans as YOUR choice. Just like he did in the Garden. He has not changed one bit.)

Lucifer's purpose is in fact, chaos. 'ab ordo chao' anyone?
To enslave mankind under the 'order' of his hand of 'chaos'.

It is his delight to 'stir the pot' of human emotion.

To get mankind to destroy themselves. Using their hands and HIS ideas.
All to prove his inglorious point that we as humans are unfit to rule this planet. And, that God has made a mistake in both creating us, as well as making his kind(seraphic) subservient to us. That angered him more than anything. To serve mankind.

Back to the answer,
Correct. Yahweh sent lucifer here and this density is his prison.
But, I assure you that it is NOT to evolve you in the way that lucifer wants you to think. We DO evolve. But, it is because Yahweh created lucifer. He KNOWS the very nature of ALL things that He has created.

Mankind 'evolves' simply by sharing this density with something as heinous, deceptive, destructive, ellusive, and chaotic as...lucifer.

Let me re-phrase.

This place, Earth.
Is in fact a 'school'. A training ground for YOUR soul.
The soul's of mankind are tried by the 'fires' of this harsh and low density, the illusions of self(mental), the reality of self on this planet(physical), and most of all, get ready....the wiles and dark temptations of ALL of the Fallen, including the ringleader, Lucifer.

If MANkind can pass these tests of soul, master the illusions and the temporary reality placed before him on this planet. His soul is then 'ready' for the next level. The treason that happened in the Heavens shall never be duplicated. Because, on this planet, the soul MUST choose whom they serve free'willingly' before passing to the next grade.

This coming 'harvest' may not play out as expected.
Before 2011 ends, mankind will witness things never before seen in his history. When this happens, each man/soul must make a choice. He will either believe in the Creator, The Most High God. Or, he will choose to give his allegiance to the 'created', lucifer, Ra, or most deadly of all gods....SELF.

Anti-Christ = 'Instead of' - Christ
Anything man's soul substitutes instead of God, is in fact 'anti' God.

The most positive harvest man's soul can make, is to return to the Garden before man bit into the illusion of two gods. And, humbly and lovingly and graciously submit his soul to the one and only Most High God. To see only one God. To choose only one God. To love only one God. And, to deny the false diety of ANYthing else.
the only thing useful was the info on foods and mind manipulation
i believe you owe me 10-15min of my time back sir
Eh DC....thanks for this, after this weekend, I really need to start finding I seem to have lost myself a few years back....
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by bigmo1002

Im confused, the Member of the family claims that this whole "plan" is being brought into action by divine law, if im not mistaken devine law is said to be given directly
from god, all these plans are evil so what does that really say?

or am i just reaching?

I do not think you are reaching. I think you are on the right track. 
What is good? What is bad? How can good or evil overcome one another if one or the other does not prevail?

I personally believe that you cannot define good without evil and vice versa. I would not know what happiness is had it not been for depressed times in my life. 
Word, but at the same time why aren't any of these plans that are supposedly in the works have no good outcome?
better yet since there is a "ruling elite" why isn't there a group against any of this?
This coming 'harvest' may not play out as expected. 
Before 2011 ends,
mankind will witness things never before seen in his  history.  When this
happens, each man/soul must make a choice.  He will  either believe in the
Creator, The Most High God.  Or, he will choose to give his allegiance to the
'created', lucifer, Ra, or most deadly of  all gods....SELF. 

oh %@$@
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