The Sex industry, what are your thoughts on it?

man them %%!! already turned out.....might as well make some loot of it. only Jesus could save them...and even thats by THEIR choice anyway
Your paying for the bail because you want your broad out and back at that cash..payin the bail should be the last thing on ya mind..teach her 2 say away fromwhere itz hot
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Ol' chili bowl pimp with 2 ho's *@! *+#%%
Originally Posted by Size 15 Please

(Sorry for not quoting,on my SK)

From Tha Town--to give them the sense of security, you just pay for EVERYTHING..they shouldn't see 1 $, feel me?

Just make sure they livin iight, if u have your own spot or 2 keep them in there

But then again,what type pimpin are u thinking of getting into? Street pimping,Brothel,Escort?

I know what kind of pimpin you talking, I'm talking about dimes and dimes ONLY. Either way, I didn't step my foot into it. You're thinking smalllevel, but NT isn't the place to talk about illegal activities. I'm just asking if the board thinks it should be legal or not.,
Originally Posted by teamj0rdan

"dimes" LOL.. Everybody knows that a good looker does not always make a good ++#$!%..
Don't matter, WHAT, you want a refund????? After you picked her?
Personally, even though I am very liberal, I don't like the idea of legalized prostitution. I think it's very sexist in the sense that I won't finda job as a male in this business sector.
My parents own an Adult Video store, and three lingerie shops. We are living well.

My father told me people need three things in life---food,liquor,and sex. We owned 2 of those 3 businesses before my father got caught doing some illegalthings :smh:but we were making BANK at the time with those themes.
i'm a str8 capitalist.

why not.

they just need to have safety precautions

ppl gotta realize that ppl will appeal to their base natures regardless. its the oldest profession. if porn is legal, why not. they all %+$@ to me.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by teamj0rdan

"dimes" LOL.. Everybody knows that a good looker does not always make a good ++#$!%..
Don't matter, WHAT, you want a refund????? After you picked her?

I would like to see that happen

Originally Posted by Stormy1015

can someone explain the From G's to Gent's Teddie reference?? I didn't see that episode

he's a pimp
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

i'm a str8 capitalist.

why not.

they just need to have safety precautions

ppl gotta realize that ppl will appeal to their base natures regardless. its the oldest profession. if porn is legal, why not. they all %+$@ to me.

Speak on it. I can't do it though even though I believe that should be the law. It may sound hypocritical, but that's how I feel about it. Dudes needto get their nutt on.
Originally Posted by 49ers650

Personally, even though I am very liberal, I don't like the idea of legalized prostitution. I think it's very sexist in the sense that I won't find a job as a male in this business sector.
Originally Posted by CarminePOWER

From your SN, you're probably from the Bay. Send some a coupla them up I-80 to Sac-town for me.

You know girls from Sac come to the East, South Bay to get their money. You from Sac, 1 word for u, CHALET. Nobody can touch that joint, Russians run it.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by 49ers650

Personally, even though I am very liberal, I don't like the idea of legalized prostitution. I think it's very sexist in the sense that I won't find a job as a male in this business sector.
49er650 is saying to much about himself
. If you got it, you got it. I love proving to woman that the Asian stereotype is definitely false. I'm Vietnamese, just so we can get specific.
Disappointed in NT.

No request for pics on page 1.

*jumps to page 5 and hopefully there'll be pics
Originally Posted by franchise3

Disappointed in NT.

No request for pics on page 1.

*jumps to page 5 and hopefully there'll be pics
That must mean that NT ain't about pics, but trying to know what's really good with the topic. And if I had pics, I would never exposemyself to activities that are disapprove by the American government or the ROC of NT.
alot of those broads need money so they sell their cooch for money.

for most of them its fun while their young but when their older im pretty sure they grow to feel ashamed that their twenties consisted of getting multipledifferent wee wees put in their face and mouth.
do it...all your life your gonna have to deal with it, so you might as well do it and get it out your system
But honestly, if you don't feel comfortable with it, then you don't feel comfortable with it.

No biggie.

I wouldn't say what you're doing is noble or stand up or anything by not going with it. It's not really about karma, IMO. Or if it was one'sniece or daughter, how would one feel.

Just know that these girls have made their choices in life. It's not up to you to save 'em.

At the end of the day they're just gonna find another pimp and go about their business.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by RKO2004

It should be illegal.
WHY? I think I know what you're gonna say.
I don't see why it should be illegal. Doing porn is basically the same thing. Only difference is that in porn there's strict regulations. Prostitution is illegal because of the health risks involved I guess.
Organized Prostitute is more safe than the average woman, they use condoms, and they make sure the man is covered and clean through a shower.the only reason, I think RKO2004 would think it's wrong is because of certain issues.

Well personally I think its disgusting for people to rent themselves like movies and games. We should hold ourselves to a higher standard. I also think of pornthe same way. And this is coming from someone who watched it like crazy for a number of years. Plus my spiritual beliefs add to it.
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