The Simple Things

Mar 9, 2007
NT what simple things in your life make you happy?

For me it would have to be just having a couple minutes to myself listening to music or laying in bed after a long day of school.
(nh) probrably just chilling in the summer @ night staring out the window and thinking of somethings that go on in my head... but this summer im going to bewith my dog so looking forward to simple things
Originally Posted by Keithahundred

taking showers, playing in my hair while listening to music

I love playing in your hair too toots
--Getting home from work. Getting something to eat. Sitting in front of the t.v. with the Simpsons on, computer on, eating, maybe having a glass of wine or abeer. Has to be my favorite time of the day.

--Sitting outside on a summer night with a cool drink (iced tea) and doing a crossword puzzle.

--Going to the park early in the morning, like 8am, and shooting around by myself.
Nothing relaxes me more and makes me forget of my problems than basketball.
laying down in my bed after a long day
seeing my fam and friends
just being home alone with no distractions has to be one of the best feelings in the world
When I get that one word on a crossword puzzle, and it breaks open the whole thing.
1. Waking up and realizing that I'm above ground.
2. Having my mom and brother to talk and laugh with.
sometime i just like to sit outside and just take everything in and just let my mind wander, and on summer night i like to sit outside and look at thestars......sounds gay i know, but its relaxing
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