The Simple Things

Originally Posted by jessieGRAS

Clothes from the dryer.
Everything about it....I love my clothes fresh from the dryer.

But I like showers, sometimes I enjoyin' fartin', the smell of new shoes [just bought some last night
], lickin' the ice cream off the spoon,that good stretch in the morning, the feeling of makin' someone laugh or makin' them feel good, crackin' my knuckles and toes, when I get chills,puttin' on fresh socks, ....there's a lot of other stuff.
I agree with a lot said already (shower, zoning out and thinking, etc), but these two stick out the most to me.
Originally Posted by 951guero

just being home alone with no distractions has to be one of the best feelings in the world
Agreed. No one really likes being alone, but sometimes it's great to have the house to yourself.

Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

the feeling of makin' someone laugh or makin' them feel good
Especially the opposite sex. I love the feeling when a girl is upset and you get them to, at most, crack a small smile and giggle.

Speaking of girls, something really cheesy that gets me, is when I'll be talking to a girl, and she'll give me the "aww, that's so cute".Something about that, I don't know man, I like that
.(Am I alone on this?)

- Fresh haircut.
- Waking up on Sundays to hear raindrops on your window (pouring out) and you fall right back asleep.
- Leaving the house when it's pouring, wearing sweatpants (bummy days are the best).
The time at night when everyone is sleeping and I get to get on NT and listen to it music. That usually brings some kinda happiness to after a down day

Playing baseball on a nice sunny warm day

Shower after a good workout

Good times with friends. Haven't really had that at all this year :/
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Playing baseball on a nice sunny warm day

Good times with friends. Haven't really had that at all this year :/
- Love getting a game of baseball with my friends. I plan on playing a lot more this summer.

- I haven't really had a good time with all my friends together at once either. Having two groups of friends who don'tspeak your SENIOR year of HS FTL
. I have different groups offriends, and of course their is drama where some girls don't like each other, and that causes issues. $!@%'s so annoying. Me and a few of my friendsare like the neutral party
I like sitting in the front of my house, in my shorts and a white t. Drinking some lemonade while just watching what happens on my street. I get a lot ofthinking done this way and the time just flies by. I miss summer so much.
-Doing well on a test you thought you bombed
-When my shot is on and my knees don't hurt
-Listening to a song you haven't heard in a while
-Getting a good deal on something
-Putting on clothes fresh out of the dryer
-Finishing a paper
-Dealing with people who have common sense, a lot of ******s these days.
coming home from school early in the fall or near the end of the year, throwing on some bball shorts and just chillin on my deck
How about

Coming home after playing ball in the park with your boys on a hot summer day, turning on the AC, taking an ice cold can of coke out the fridge and justkicking back relaxing on the couch watching TV.

today, i was just sitting in union square sipping on my latte.... observing the world & enjoying the beautiful weather. the feeling that this weather emitsis simply inexplicable. making small talk with strangers, putting a smile on peoples faces, and enjoying the characters that new york harbors. 'twas atruly beautiful day.

enjoying the company of children... no matter what hardships they may have... they are just children and their innocence and purity is enlightening.

seeing other people do good deeds, or just show some manners really really makes my heart smile and really turns me on

getting a good hug

when you're cold and the sun shines on you and chills run up your spine

people complimenting my makeup and outfits/accessories
(yes i am a little materialistic too)
On a nice summer day, putting on a wife beater, shorts and flip flops, and going outside to BBQ, especially with your friends and family.
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