The Simple Things

- my boyfriend
- getting a nice text message

- jamba juice on a hot day

- successfully finishing a test
Shooting old soda cans
Watching things blow up in slow motion on the Discovery Channel
Staring at a fire and thinking about nothing
Sitting on my porch just watching. I have to do this for at least 10 minutes a day if the sun is out.

Oh and I like natural light too Miss Mouse. I promise when I finally have my own home I'm gonna need windows everywhere!
Originally Posted by West2East

Sitting on my porch just watching. I have to do this for at least 10 minutes a day if the sun is out.

Oh and I like natural light too Miss Mouse. I promise when I finally have my own home I'm gonna need windows everywhere!

my apt. is in the back of the building...i hate it...and my job is so secure we don't have window in the building...sometimes i'll just walk with nowhere to go just to be outside...
cold pillows
favorite team winning a game
the sky at night after it snows
walking around aimlessly
overcast mornings
when a girl scratches the the back of my neck and head

chillin' at home on a cold/rainy day
hanging out with friends at night
Well because i'm in la:

-on a bright sunny sunday day in LA, driving around the city with the windows down. Particularly, driving around rodeo drive, bev.hills, etc. Do this everysunday.

-Going to a Lakers Game (Good seats ticketexchange ftw) and then just cruising La Live, sunset, etc. the same night

-Going to pink's for lunch ftw

-Dressing nicely, then going out to see the sun is shining, and you just feel big like no one is touching you

-Watching the secret dvd and listening to the law of attraction
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