The Simple Things

Dutch cruises while listening to a good song
Sunny day, windowsdown...damn I can't wait til summer

-Imma 9 to 5er so at 5pm on a Friday...the drive home, thinking about the weekend, not thinking about work.

-My dog wagging his tail when he sees me
A five dollar footlong at subway

Ever since subway came out, I use to look at these big football looking dudes ordering footlongs like its nothing. At that time, i actually tried one, and itwas too much to handle, so i just stuck with the 6 inch ones. But when I was about 14-16 i ate my first footlong, and have been hooked since and have beenordering footlongs ever since then. Lets say me and my friends go out and they give me a 6 inch sub, ill toss that #!$# on the ground like "!*!% that!Gimme a footlong"(Exaggerating, but you get the idea). Now i take em like its nothing. Last week i took two footlongs at one time with a smile on my face.and FTR, im not fat at all
Originally Posted by FlyNY

A five dollar footlong at subway

Ever since subway came out, I use to look at these big football looking dudes ordering footlongs like its nothing. At that time, i actually tried one, and it was too much to handle, so i just stuck with the 6 inch ones. But when I was about 14-16 i ate my first footlong, and have been hooked since and have been ordering footlongs ever since then. Lets say me and my friends go out and they give me a 6 inch sub, ill toss that #!$# on the ground like "!*!% that! Gimme a footlong"(Exaggerating, but you get the idea). Now i take em like its nothing. Last week i took two footlongs at one time with a smile on my face. and FTR, im not fat at all
i swear when you type your responses you be trying to sound as ayo as possible
Seriously this thread was very relaxing
I imagined most of those things and felt really happy and calm all of a sudden
Thanks you guys!
During football practice I love laying on my back while streching lookin @ the sky on a really nice day

Really good brain as well...ftw!
those few minutes when your dead tired after work and you go for a nap... your just kinda falling to sleep in the afternoon... feels so good.
waking up refreshed a few hrs later is great too.
cold soda
gettin my hair braided

i can go on all day..simple things are the best things
when you're driving around on a nice day and a song that used to be YOUR SONG when it first came out comes on...
music,women and sleeping!!!!!!! these things that keep me motivated to do anything that i do!
This thread FTW!!!!!!!
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