[:: The Thread About Being a Better Person... ::]

The rest of this I week i plan on cleaning the house up to help out. Usually never do this but I am tired of stubbing my toes. :lol:
I lack patience and have a short fuse :smh:

Same, definately working on it though. Fuse is already beyond short, guess were built a certain way.

Anyway, be honest with people, be real.

No point of lying in this day and age.
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Good thread . I feel I'm to gullible I have a huge heart and I feel like people take advantage of that. I'm also trying harder to be a better dad to my 3 kids(2 are blood 1 is not) and to make sure I put fourth equal time with each. As well as being a better husband and making sure she comes first as well.
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Any updates anyone?
How's progress going?

It's been a tough situation for me, shortly after I made this thread my gf who I've lived with for 2 years pretty much has broken up with me. |I
I guess we've just been too involved in each other's lives and some space is needed.

I'm trying to figure out my next move, and living situation. It's tough to juggle with work.
I'm not trying to start a pity party, it is what it is. It hurts, it's tough, but life is precious and I know I must gather myself and move on quickly.

Maybe this gives me a chance to really focus on bettering myself :smile:
Growing up as a child I did not realize how stubborn and hard headed I was but the beauty of life is growing to realize that you actually are. This really helped me improve myself and made me realize that the world does not revolve around me. I also realize that EVERY moment in your life could be a learning experience whether it gives you pain or pleasure.

I'm the type of dude that makes fun of people occasionally, but I'm growing out of that from what I notice, I find myself double thinking what I'm going to say. I always tend to think about the long term and I can't have past habits affecting my future.

Breaking up with my girl a couple years ago made me realize how good life is and how you should embrace every day...
I'm not ****. At this stage in life, I accept that about myself. :smokin
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