the thread about nothing...

came across this :lol: :smh:

Going to start a new big painting.
Should i go Marvel, [Spiderman or the Hulk] or should I do something Dragonball Z [Goku, Vegeta, or Gohan]


While I'm a fan of the new thicker Christina Aguilera, her face is starting to scare me, word to Miss Piggy.



Miss Piggy looking better imo.

Antidope- **** hurts man, but if she's that kind of girl then why would you want to be with her anyway? Right? Just do you and keep it moving.
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does anybody have the link to the airline with the crazy discount going on?
Southwest, Continental, or Airtran? Its always one of those 3.
@Antidope that was very rude of her though. She could have gone on the date and let you know the deal instead of giving you the cold shoulder. That hurts a man's ego no matter how 'tough' he is. I know that feel. But that's how the game goes. How old are you man, you should have got the signs she was giving you from the get go.
I'm 23. In hindsight I should have, but it was honestly conflicting messages. In my mind it was more "if thats the case then why would she have said yes, or gave suggestions on what we should do?"IDK man I basically let it happen to me.

Good looks on all the encouraging words, I appreciate it.
Yeezus annihilated Hov on Run This Town.

I had no idea he jumped from that high that dude is CRAZY
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Another night of my dad telling me when he looks at me all he sees is disappointment. Goodnight.

How old are you?

I would never condone anyone disrespecting their parents, under any circumstance...but .....
#1 you have to address him disrespecting you. I dont know the story between yall, but nothing positive can come from a male figure demeaning his son like that.

#2 you have to take a good look at yourself and figure out what is causing him to say that, and how you can change it. If you're doing everything you can, then let it roll off your back, and diddy bop to the dinner table every night

I hope things change for you though my man
Damn, so what did you do that made her call you thirsty? Be honest. :nerd:

@Antidope remember what I told you in the TAY. All these women are now programmed to think any type of nice gesture towards them is thirst. But you just wanted a nice casual date because in your eyes she had relationship potential. DEAD HER

Damn, so what did you do that made her call you thirsty? Be honest. :nerd:


Damn, so what did you do that made her call you thirsty? Be honest. :nerd:

Yeah, you must have done something like texted her a hundred times or called her a hundred times
Thats the thing, I did nothing that would have made me come off that way. I called twice both of which were 3 days apart and in between those days I sent a "whats up" text all of which got no replies. Just went back and looked I texted twice ONCE, that was it. The only day that I made contact with her twice was yesterday and thats cause I wanted to know if we were still on. If thats thirst then fine I'll take that, but I'm wary enough of being labeled that where I try to make sure I dont cross that line.

At most all I did was miss some hints that she wanted no parts of me, stories that I took at face value (I didnt get a call from you, my phones messed up, etc etc) cause who still tells these kinds of lies? Inbetween this entire week of "my thirst" she could have easily deaded me.

^ Tell the whole story. She just didn't show up?
Basically. Everything was cool, then I asked her out last week and she said yeah, then started to notice the cold shoulder. No response to text, no pick ups on phone calls, come Saturday I finally get in contact with her to confirm stuff, she says she'll hit me later that night, she never does. I wasnt going to hit her up to see what happened cause once a certain amount of time elapsed I got the message. 

A subtweet about how she doesnt like thirsty dudes also goes out which is a shot at me. The real issue is that I wasnt trying to go about this like she was some random girl, I saw true relationship potential hence why I wanted to go about this maturely and directly.

Sounds like she isn't looking for a relationship.

Maybe but she had no idea that I was looking for one, I dont think saying "I'm going to see x movie, want to come with me and get something to eat" gives off that vibe. It would have been given off had the date actually happened cause I had some elaborate stuff planned but yeah... The lack of response is whats really bothering me, like you couldnt say "No I dont want to go?" 

Make sure you delete her contacts. **** is real disrespectful.
How old are you?
I would never condone anyone disrespecting their parents, under any circumstance...but .....
#1 you have to address him disrespecting you. I dont know the story between yall, but nothing positive can come from a male figure demeaning his son like that.
#2 you have to take a good look at yourself and figure out what is causing him to say that, and how you can change it. If you're doing everything you can, then let it roll off your back, and diddy bop to the dinner table every night
I hope things change for you though my man
Pretty much i go to school everyday , im a finance major, next year is my last year, i also work 7 days a week and manintain a B average. The fac ti dont have an A average and dont workout daily he thins i dont do anythign and waste all the "free time" i have, which is after 10pm, which is when i get off of work every night
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