the thread about nothing...

Really not. I just think it's dope for them (not even trolling here, I really do)

"Mr. Fatass" though...venom. You're jelly.
real talk. i've seen some nice looking girls with big guys. broke big guys and all. 

Lesson here: all women aren't the same.
You guys are so funny. I ain't even mad and or Jelly :rofl:

I don't know the dude's name,

he has a fat A** + he's a Mr = Mr.Fatass for me :nerd:
Who can recommend a remote car starter for my Legacy?

can't go wrong with directed.

i've got an old 5900 that's never given me any problems.

battery (AAA) life is another issue though.
Will look into it... I've never owned an automatic before and I hate riding to work and freezing my sack off for the first 5 minutes every day in upstate NY winter.

directed is sold under a lot of brands but all the parts are exactly the same.
some just get more exposure than others, but they are also the ones that have the more appealing aesthetic designs.
good luck!
^ throw some vogues on the honda :pimp: :rofl:

Forreal tho Fuzion ( Ithink thats the name) makes great all weather tires for cheap

good look.

my boys been trying to get me to slam it on Daytons :lol: it would actually look sick but I'm trying to piece together this turbo kit and I feel like turbo x slammed car = disaster.

Am i the only one that finds this open condom style or w.e. is called song f***ng annoying?

**** that song.
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