the thread about nothing...

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Fapped to her the other day.
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Thanks to those that wished me luck on my midterms! Repped.

One for tomorrow.

What is it like being in a guy in that class? Thought about going to one out of curiosity.

It's not a gender studies class per-se. It's a cultural studies class, but the professor focuses on gender.
^ very funny

I'm wondering when people will get tired of using instagram filters for the simplest of photos.

I see instagram filters on screenshots or pics that are pre-instagram, makes no sense to me, lmfao
Who the hell is Seven Bundy ?

Kid just pops up in random episodes of Married With Children with no explanation o0
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damn and i bet the whole outfit cost more than rent on a nice place and a luxury car payment. having you look like a fn beetle juice character.
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