the thread about nothing...

Aight, since this is a thread about nothing, and I often write about nothing, ima go ahead and throw some of my semi-daily posts in here...not like anybody gives a ****.

Today, we talk about presidential debates, how they're just entertainment, and why they could be so much better if we just acknowledged it.

*clears throat*

Like I said in that status last night, I watch political debates for an accurate, comprehensive evaluation of the candidates and their policies just as people watch pro wrestling for a good clean fight...not at all. As they'll be quick to tell you, it's only entertainment and you should not try it at home (which makes wrestling more real than politics, but I digress). I look at it for what it is, a lightly scripted performance piece from 2 people looking to advance their careers through it.

In fact, the very definition of a campaign ([n.]- a concerted effort to influence the decision making of a segment
of a population, usually by exaggerating the positive qualities or
emphasizing the negative qualities of a person or concept) implies that the whole thing is a crock of ****. Still, there's plenty of entertainment to be had by watching two eerily similar politicians argue to the death over their minor differences in an effort to sway people into voting for's almost like a reality TV show, isn't it?

Of course, reality TV is the fakest **** ever to grace our airwaves, but they're not the highest rated, most talked about pop culture shows because they reveal deep truths about the nature of existence or anything...they're popular because you either get to see two idiots get into a shouting match over something pointless or get to vote on who's better at whatever, making you feel like you are truly part of the process, as opposed to the real winner being determined beforehand by shadowy power-types. What could possibly combine the two concepts better than the presidential debates? Of course, for this to work, there have to be a few changes.

First off, there should be rounds, like in any good fight. Let's say 10 5-minute rounds. Each round could be on a specific topic (economy, foreign policy, immigration, etc.), and candidates would have 2 minutes each to outline their policy on the subject. Every actual point made on the subject would be tallied to be added up at the end of each round and at the end of the match. The roundabout rhetoric and banal buzzwords would have to be saved for the commercials, where they belong.

The last minute of each round would be devoted to counterarguments. This ensures that both candidates will be able to properly present their ******** while giving each the chance to call the other out on it as well as just making for good television. There would also be a CompuBox-style tracking tool to keep tabs on the verbal jabs, arguments landed, and counterattacks in case nobody scores a technical knockout and they both just kind of lean menacingly on each other as the fight goes on. The total number of points scored goes towards determining the winner. (What's reality TV without a winner?)

Since the line between fiction and reality TV is drawn by how credible it is, there should at least be some way to tell who's merely bending the truth and who's turning straight lines of logic into double-helixes of deception. Even reality TV is somewhat believable because there is an established continuity of the characters and their behavior patterns. That chick may be acting like a mentally unstable sluttard, but that's who she's been since the series started, so it's not like it comes as a total shock.

However, as it stands there's no real way to determine who's more full of bovinium in a presidential debate...which is why there should be a scrolling fact-checking ticker on the bottom of the screen at all times. Political records, policies supported and opposed, relevant personal should be flowing as constantly as the lies. You can be as mendacious as you want, but the truth will rip all kinds of holes in your tapestry of ********.

There should also be dial-in voting, since it's as much a popularity contest as any other reality show. That way, you could text BARRYO or MITTENS to 11412 and tell America who your choice is. It's always fun to feel like a part of the process, isn't it? Of course, the popular vote would only be half what determines the winner of the debate--the less important half--but then again, it's good practice for the actual election (which one day will also be text/social media-based).

If no winner can be determined at the end of 10 rounds, there should naturally be a tiebreaker. Since they've likely said all the meaningful things they have to say for the evening and any further speaking would just be recaps and nonsense, it's time to take the gloves off...or more accurately, put them on. Yes, overtime in this new style of political debate would take the form of a round of boxing. Nobody wants a president who other world leaders can just beat up, so this would be an excellent display of the candidates' ability to fight for the American people. It means about as much as the other common things candidates are judged on, such as speaking ability, charm, or choice in faith.

Overall, the presidential debate is usually a pretty entertaining affair, but I just think it could be vastly improved with a few changes. True, the whole thing is a cross between a puppet show and a pageant, but at least this way, the American people could come away infotained. I mean, let's be honest about the right hands, it could be the most important reality show on Earth (which isn't saying a whole lot) as well as an opportunity to actually learn something about who you're voting for...but then again, that just makes too much damn sense, doesn't it?
I've never had any type of social networking

MySpace , Facebook , twitter , Instagram nothing....
same here. the people i need to talk to are in my cell
POTUS, why you make me read? I'll read your post later, I'm interested in your take. Anywho...I'm concerned about our obsession for finding other planets like never before. Maybe it's been going on in the back this whole time, but it seems the search is more reported on in recent years. Is something going on or about to happen? Idk, but this does raise an eyebrow though.

Y'all would dig into a bootyhole for a mill cash don't like :lol: cold city was about to be the dug out one for 3K

Thanks guise. I'm on the herb, medicate like everyday :lol: Really only makes my anxiety worse. Doc offered me Xan the other day but I declined, just wanted some feedback on it. Might give it a try cause I swear this **** seems like it's gonna overcome me sometimes.
Who the hell is Seven Bundy ?
Kid just pops up in random episodes of Married With Children with no explanation o0
Peg got pregnant again. He either was born that age or instead of having a child they threw him in there with some backstory.. Didn't the oldest Huxtable girl come out of nowhere. 
I'm pretty sure hes from Houston (or at least currently), but i think a lot of you took that the wrong way - although it did sound foul, haha
not saying he letting his preferences slip out by mistake but that sounds real gay. and don't see how 2 others read it and was like "yep this dude knows what he talking bout"
Isn't Trill from ATL/GA? If so it makes perfect sense
laughed out loud....i know some real dudes from the A though.

Dudes were acting like they didn't know gay dudes are strongs hell. You gotta be to get man yambs, bro. Word to Adebisi. Think about how you flip and move your girl around(at least I be doing that). Now think about doing all that with another grown man.
Or you probably don't want to think about it because its going to turn you gay, right?
Cool out, ****** is just talkin...
Man, stop...with that think about doing a dude. How is this making since in your head?
Who the hell is Seven Bundy ?

Kid just pops up in random episodes of Married With Children with no explanation o0
Peg got pregnant again. He either was born that age or instead of having a child they threw him in there with some backstory.. Didn't the oldest Huxtable girl come out of nowhere. 

Katy Segal was pregnant in real life. She eventually showed but I'm not sure if they worked it into the story line. Anyway, she had a miscarriage, either they ignored her bump or explained it away as a dream sequence. Her cousins did just drop the kid off and never came back though.
Thanks guise. I'm on the herb, medicate like everyday
Really only makes my anxiety worse. Doc offered me Xan the other day but I declined, just wanted some feedback on it. Might give it a try cause I swear this **** seems like it's gonna overcome me sometimes.
I say take the prescription. Don't take them unless you feel the need to though. And still look for other options to control your anxiety. I took them heavy for recreational purposes but stopped. I took a few daily (unless it was drought season). Used to pop one and throw 2 in a drink. After hearing stories from some people who had to rehab and **** I'm glad it didn't get that bad for me especially since I took them so often. Had one homeboy who used to fall asleep in the club (standing up).Another went to sleep in the drive thru. 2 who left the club to go to their car and fell asleep out there.Me and my other boy looked for them for like an hour. Drove past the club, they're still asleep in the car.  On second thought, don't take that prescription.

Edit: And no one really had a decent memory of what happened after taking them.
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C'mon, Clef.

How your whole body gone be slave auction shiny but your feet still ashy as hell?

Praz is rolling in his grave right now.
Man, stop...with that think about doing a dude. How is this making since in your head?

What? You a V or something?? Open your mind, bro. You really think they doing something different in the bed room?
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