the thread about nothing...

Oh **** I forgot you went there :lol:

Hm, idk. My class is at the HSS building as well. Was there from like 1-3. I didn't see anything though.


Alright then brah
Today seemed kinda empty as well
Some people crashed in the parking lot facing pico :lol:
Guy was staring at a girl, hits car in the rear end :lol:

your better than this adidas :x :x :x

what the hell are those....

DR 3's with the top chopped?

:smh: :smh: :smh:

even worse when other broads try to do it at home with a pair of their dad's wahl hair clippers

Man i hate that. At my work there is this really pretty girl who has the other side of her head shaved like that. Looks ridiculous.

stuuuuupid broads
Just got the call for the ups job :smokin, seasonal driver helper, my boy is a driver he said after the seasonal he can get them to leave me as a regular employee :smokin

Do you just ride around with the driver or what? I wanted to do this but I'm not trying to ride around with some guy and have nothing to talk about for 10 hours :lol:
I find myself going to this thread less and less. Maybe deleting Tan for a week was a good thing. A lot more topics are being made now and TAN is back, I guess everything worked out for the best.

Pabs posted this in another thread and it has me to the point of tears.

Who knew there is such a thing as geriatric diving. Where in the hell do I watch this.
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