the thread about nothing...

"I took ya boy to the brick oven and made pizza with his face. Then I rolled him down the hill and let my boys put the crust on him."

:rofl:, I cannot stop saying this line omg :rofl:
What's that pizza line from? I'm pretty sure that I've heard it before

Charlie Murphy. If you have the DVD from Chappelle's show season 2, it's in the extras of his true hollywood stories. Or search for the video "I want more" by him :lol:. His storytelling >>>>>>>>>

:smh: :smh:
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-I hate this part of a new job.  Assessment tests.  I've been taking these test since 12 this after noon.  I should be doing it at the job to get paid for it but I rather do it home to get it over with.

-Had to get a used tire today and the guy replaces the wrong tire.  So mad I didn't catch it.

-Could go back to the old job in Sept, but with their contract situation it looks like they might be out as well.

-Filled out some apps and haven't heard anything yet.  I got a gig and I'm happy about that, but the pay sucks, the commute sucks (hour and a 1/4), and no benefits.

-I feel like I do my best work at the last minute.  Nothing like that late last minute adrenaline to get you going.

-If I had a reset button on my life, I'd go back to 7th grade and apply myself better that I did.
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