Nov 16, 2007

One-time NBA star Dikembe Mutombo has made a worldwide name for himself sponsoring humanitarian projects and noble causes in his native Africa, so it was only natural that two State Department officials would meet with him in November 2010 as part of his effort to bring more attention to the bloody trade in conflict minerals that has bedeviled his homeland, the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Less than two weeks later, according to a U.N. report, Mutombo was in New York on a more personal cause — trying to interest a Houston oil executive in a $10 million deal to buy 1,045 pounds of gold from the mines of eastern Congo, the heart of the conflict mineral trade.

If Mutombo had reservations about the apparent contradiction between word and deed, he did not show it. He eagerly explained how he and his family had 4 tons of Congolese gold just waiting for a buyer.

Because of an internal ban on mining and exports, imposed to try to stop the main revenue source for the mafia-like militias that controlled them, the gold could not be taken to market in usual ways. What Mutombo needed was somebody with money, connections and the ability to put a deal together.

Enter Kase Lawal. As chairman of CAMAC, a Houston energy company, Lawal knew Mutombo from the latter’s final days with the Houston Rockets — and he knew how to do business in Africa. Lawal moved to Houston from Nigeria as a young man and built a company that prospered in large measure because of his operations there and in neighboring countries.

Better yet, he had millions of dollars at his disposal, a corporate jet big enough to move extra cargo and an old family friend, Carlos St. Mary, with experience trading Third World minerals.

St. Mary said the deal was described as lawful in Kenya, where it would take place. He started work immediately, hoping the transaction would be done before Christmas. The gold was “dirty,
roll.gif this the day of Nigerian scammers?

And after I talked so well about actual Africans in that Ninjahood thread about his african roots. :SMGDH
You've got to wonder if it was just a scam all along and that $6.6m cash just got split up.

I never liked him as a player and I like him less now. Hiding a scam like this behind humanitarian work.
I'm a little confused.

Mutumbo went to Lawal to ask Lawal to buy Mutumbo's gold and bring it back to the US? Then Mutumbo, Lawal and St. Mary would sell the gold? Why would they sell the gold?

And in the end, the authorities got the $10 million, the gold and the plane? So how was it a scam? All of them got robbed... Lawal lost the $10 million and Mutumbo lost the gold?

This is confusing
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