The whole MrsCampbell incident, IICEMAN83 why you still buggin'? Vol. Get over it.

Jul 19, 2008
So, I got a PM 'bout the thread Clifford made yesterday trying to clown on me saying it was him the entire time. You trying to hurt my feelings orsomething?

Get over it man, if it really was you the entire time why didn't you say that a year ago? Cause you're pathetic, and it's been buggin' you howeasily it was for a guy to bag your wife (over the net) knowing you guys have a son. So, it took you almost a year to come up with this; ?

And so you're claiming that was you the entire time? If so, you would know that you're the one that kept flirting with me then, right? All yourlittle "
" within every message. Pretty ayo to me, my guy.

I can keep adding on and on and on, but not worth my time.

And like I said from the thread I made a year ago, "See I'm a liar man I really don't care -- I tell them ____whatever they wanna hear." I'll tell anything to a _______ to get to her poon, ain't no shame in my game.

But one question, if it really was you then why all of this?
So what exactly happened?

You were trying to get at a girl (that happened to be Icemans) and he found out? Then he started trying to get info from you?
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