The word God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness.

Originally Posted by red mpls

The irony of the constant barrage of threads like this is that those making them seem just as, if not more, obsessed with religion and God than the so-called religious fanatics... and are convinced that your point of view is the correct one just as much as the staunchest of believers... and attempt to force your beliefs on others just as much as those you mock and insult.

I am not against religion when it comes to creating moral compasses for folks. Religion is great for some people because it teaches them to have a right/wrong conscious. That is the beauty in it.

I am against accepting religion for myself because there are SO MANY out there that claim they are the right one. What am I to believe? If I am a Christian, I think Muslims, Buddhists, and everyone else is going to hell. If I am a Muslim, I think my practice is the right one. Too many "options" out there to pick one. Plus as many others stated, many biblical stories sound like fairy tales and I have a hard time taking them for face value. And we know if I question the legitimacy of certain events, I can't TRULY call myself a believer.

I just believe that something/someone greater than me created all of this and for a reason that he/it only knows. It is a well run system though.

But as for me trying to force myself to search for the meaning in life or WHY that being did all of this? I feel it is pointless. I am just living and enjoying my time on earth.
I am not against religion when it comes to creating moral compasses for folks. Religion is great for some people because it teaches them to have a right/wrong conscious. That is the beauty in it.

I am against accepting religion for myself because there are SO MANY out there that claim they are the right one. What am I to believe? If I am a Christian, I think Muslims, Buddhists, and everyone else is going to hell. If I am a Muslim, I think my practice is the right one. Too many "options" out there to pick one. Plus as many others stated, many biblical stories sound like fairy tales and I have a hard time taking them for face value. And we know if I question the legitimacy of certain events, I can't TRULY call myself a believer.

I just believe that something/someone greater than me created all of this and for a reason that he/it only knows. It is a well run system though.

But as for me trying to force myself to search for the meaning in life or WHY that being did all of this? I feel it is pointless. I am just living and enjoying my time on earth.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by judeezy36

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by judeezy36

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by ai3mac1

I gotta question for the religious folk...

Say one day religion and a higher being were PROVEN to be false. As in its a FACT that its not real, its accepted that its not true.
What would you do then??

Would never happen, though.

Until someone comes up with answers for the beginning and the end..... 

So until then, you'd be happy thinking that the world is flat as well? This is why I take issue with the religious position. It is based upon superstition, then not fact.

Fact: Until you prove that "god" exists, there'll be no need to disprove his socalled existence. The burden of proof is actually on those of you who believe, not those of us who do not.
Why is there a "burden" to prove anything?  If anything, there should just be a general curiosity to determine how we got here and where we're going to go.  If you haven't noticed, those are the two big questions that most religions seek to answer.  I've opted to give some credence to a system of beliefs grounded in both science and spirituality to explain what no one has concrete answers for.  That's a personal decision.  You, on the other hand, have opted to ground yourself completely in scientific reasoning.  Fine.  Why does my reasoning seem to offend you so much?
What is underlined is contradictory.

The reason I posted the Sherri Shepard clips are to show what happens with people who are *selectively intellectual*. She like most christians, will completely ignore historical fact, in order to support unsubstantiated claims. Jesus predates everything? Really? If one is a christian, it seems that one must feel that way, and this is the big problem. Many will try and force schools to teach this crap over scientific fact. Once you suggest that there was nothing before Jesus/God, you are completely ignoring all civilizations that existed before, then the gods they claimed that existed, in times before the creation of the God of Abraham.

This is why I am offended.

You made some pretty sweeping generalizations and accusations of Christians.  It's bold to say that most Christians ignore historical "fact"...who exactly are you referring to here?  The Christians living on your block?  The tele-Evangelists on TV?  Regardless of who you're referencing, it's not accurate to peg this on "most" Christians.  I think anyone with half of a mind for themselves would realize that this world is not some 4,000-odd years old.  In addition, it would be foolish to ignore the civilizations that predated Abraham who too held beliefs in a higher power (some even resembling Abrahamic faiths).  
I get that.

Science and spirituality are not and should not be contradictory--rather they should be complementary.  Science provides definitions, formulas, equations, and sometimes even laws to give meaning to the wonders of the universe.  Unfortunately, it cannot explain everything and doesn't answer all questions.  Spirituality--or one's own connection with himself and the universe (as I like to see it) helps to reconcile the "Why am I here--what's my purpose--what comes next" type questions that we've all considered at one time or another.  To see one without the other, in my opinion, is foolish.  The beauty of spirituality is that each person's experience is different.  Just because I hold X,Y, and Z beliefs to be true doesn't mean that you have to.  We have to stop trying to force our own beliefs on others-- whether out of self-validation or as a result of a "calling" from one's religion or belief system.  It has done too much to create misunderstandings, bloodshed, and general ignorance toward the significance of religion/belief systems in cultures around the world.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by judeezy36

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by judeezy36

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by ai3mac1

I gotta question for the religious folk...

Say one day religion and a higher being were PROVEN to be false. As in its a FACT that its not real, its accepted that its not true.
What would you do then??

Would never happen, though.

Until someone comes up with answers for the beginning and the end..... 

So until then, you'd be happy thinking that the world is flat as well? This is why I take issue with the religious position. It is based upon superstition, then not fact.

Fact: Until you prove that "god" exists, there'll be no need to disprove his socalled existence. The burden of proof is actually on those of you who believe, not those of us who do not.
Why is there a "burden" to prove anything?  If anything, there should just be a general curiosity to determine how we got here and where we're going to go.  If you haven't noticed, those are the two big questions that most religions seek to answer.  I've opted to give some credence to a system of beliefs grounded in both science and spirituality to explain what no one has concrete answers for.  That's a personal decision.  You, on the other hand, have opted to ground yourself completely in scientific reasoning.  Fine.  Why does my reasoning seem to offend you so much?
What is underlined is contradictory.

The reason I posted the Sherri Shepard clips are to show what happens with people who are *selectively intellectual*. She like most christians, will completely ignore historical fact, in order to support unsubstantiated claims. Jesus predates everything? Really? If one is a christian, it seems that one must feel that way, and this is the big problem. Many will try and force schools to teach this crap over scientific fact. Once you suggest that there was nothing before Jesus/God, you are completely ignoring all civilizations that existed before, then the gods they claimed that existed, in times before the creation of the God of Abraham.

This is why I am offended.

You made some pretty sweeping generalizations and accusations of Christians.  It's bold to say that most Christians ignore historical "fact"...who exactly are you referring to here?  The Christians living on your block?  The tele-Evangelists on TV?  Regardless of who you're referencing, it's not accurate to peg this on "most" Christians.  I think anyone with half of a mind for themselves would realize that this world is not some 4,000-odd years old.  In addition, it would be foolish to ignore the civilizations that predated Abraham who too held beliefs in a higher power (some even resembling Abrahamic faiths).  
I get that.

Science and spirituality are not and should not be contradictory--rather they should be complementary.  Science provides definitions, formulas, equations, and sometimes even laws to give meaning to the wonders of the universe.  Unfortunately, it cannot explain everything and doesn't answer all questions.  Spirituality--or one's own connection with himself and the universe (as I like to see it) helps to reconcile the "Why am I here--what's my purpose--what comes next" type questions that we've all considered at one time or another.  To see one without the other, in my opinion, is foolish.  The beauty of spirituality is that each person's experience is different.  Just because I hold X,Y, and Z beliefs to be true doesn't mean that you have to.  We have to stop trying to force our own beliefs on others-- whether out of self-validation or as a result of a "calling" from one's religion or belief system.  It has done too much to create misunderstandings, bloodshed, and general ignorance toward the significance of religion/belief systems in cultures around the world.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am not against religion when it comes to creating moral compasses for folks. Religion is great for some people because it teaches them to have a right/wrong conscious. That is the beauty in it.

I am against accepting religion for myself because there are SO MANY out there that claim they are the right one. What am I to believe? If I am a Christian, I think Muslims, Buddhists, and everyone else is going to hell. If I am a Muslim, I think my practice is the right one. Too many "options" out there to pick one. Plus as many others stated, many biblical stories sound like fairy tales and I have a hard time taking them for face value. And we know if I question the legitimacy of certain events, I can't TRULY call myself a believer.

I just believe that something/someone greater than me created all of this and for a reason that he/it only knows. It is a well run system though.

But as for me trying to force myself to search for the meaning in life or WHY that being did all of this? I feel it is pointless. I am just living and enjoying my time on earth.
well i dont think theres anything wrong with what you believe in. now is that a fallacy in my Christianity because i dont see anything wrong in what you feel....maybe. but i have an open mind and i am human. Honestly theres so many contradictions in all the religions. Even mine for not supposed to be judgmental yet i am supposed to believe that everyone who does not believe in one god and jesus christ is doomed for how can anyone win?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am not against religion when it comes to creating moral compasses for folks. Religion is great for some people because it teaches them to have a right/wrong conscious. That is the beauty in it.

I am against accepting religion for myself because there are SO MANY out there that claim they are the right one. What am I to believe? If I am a Christian, I think Muslims, Buddhists, and everyone else is going to hell. If I am a Muslim, I think my practice is the right one. Too many "options" out there to pick one. Plus as many others stated, many biblical stories sound like fairy tales and I have a hard time taking them for face value. And we know if I question the legitimacy of certain events, I can't TRULY call myself a believer.

I just believe that something/someone greater than me created all of this and for a reason that he/it only knows. It is a well run system though.

But as for me trying to force myself to search for the meaning in life or WHY that being did all of this? I feel it is pointless. I am just living and enjoying my time on earth.
well i dont think theres anything wrong with what you believe in. now is that a fallacy in my Christianity because i dont see anything wrong in what you feel....maybe. but i have an open mind and i am human. Honestly theres so many contradictions in all the religions. Even mine for not supposed to be judgmental yet i am supposed to believe that everyone who does not believe in one god and jesus christ is doomed for how can anyone win?
Its funny when people claim they don't have faith yet put all their belief into a famous scientist or 'science' itself.
Its funny when people claim they don't have faith yet put all their belief into a famous scientist or 'science' itself.
You dont have to accept any one specific religion, but trust that there is a creator out there ...
You dont have to accept any one specific religion, but trust that there is a creator out there ...
See I don't believe you can be a half believer though. I don't think if I don't believe that Jesus walked on water and Moses parted the red sea, how I can REALLY be considered a believer? I look at it like this. Either you believe or you don't. No grey area. Now, you can have QUESTIONS (doubt) but to just out-right not believe? Nah, if you believe in a system, you believe in it. Point blank.

I know many things in the bible I just don't believe and will never believe. I have tried but my mind will not allow me to believe. So I won't walk around calling myself a Christian since I don't believe in a LOT of things. I agree, there are so many contradictions in all religions which is why my mind won't allow me to take any of them seriously.

Also remember I am differentiating between doubting and not believing.

I don't think the point of it all is to win. Like I say, there is no point of trying to find the "truth." Why do you ask? Because none of us will EVER find out the truth. So why waste my time and effort? I just live and enjoy life like I said. I know right from wrong and I don't need anything to suppress my inner demons. Some folks need that, not me. I am fine with never knowing the truth.
See I don't believe you can be a half believer though. I don't think if I don't believe that Jesus walked on water and Moses parted the red sea, how I can REALLY be considered a believer? I look at it like this. Either you believe or you don't. No grey area. Now, you can have QUESTIONS (doubt) but to just out-right not believe? Nah, if you believe in a system, you believe in it. Point blank.

I know many things in the bible I just don't believe and will never believe. I have tried but my mind will not allow me to believe. So I won't walk around calling myself a Christian since I don't believe in a LOT of things. I agree, there are so many contradictions in all religions which is why my mind won't allow me to take any of them seriously.

Also remember I am differentiating between doubting and not believing.

I don't think the point of it all is to win. Like I say, there is no point of trying to find the "truth." Why do you ask? Because none of us will EVER find out the truth. So why waste my time and effort? I just live and enjoy life like I said. I know right from wrong and I don't need anything to suppress my inner demons. Some folks need that, not me. I am fine with never knowing the truth.
Originally Posted by judeezy36

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by judeezy36

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by judeezy36

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by ai3mac1

I gotta question for the religious folk...

Say one day religion and a higher being were PROVEN to be false. As in its a FACT that its not real, its accepted that its not true.
What would you do then??

Would never happen, though.

Until someone comes up with answers for the beginning and the end..... 

So until then, you'd be happy thinking that the world is flat as well? This is why I take issue with the religious position. It is based upon superstition, then not fact.

Fact: Until you prove that "god" exists, there'll be no need to disprove his socalled existence. The burden of proof is actually on those of you who believe, not those of us who do not.
Why is there a "burden" to prove anything?  If anything, there should just be a general curiosity to determine how we got here and where we're going to go.  If you haven't noticed, those are the two big questions that most religions seek to answer.  I've opted to give some credence to a system of beliefs grounded in both science and spirituality to explain what no one has concrete answers for.  That's a personal decision.  You, on the other hand, have opted to ground yourself completely in scientific reasoning.  Fine.  Why does my reasoning seem to offend you so much?
What is underlined is contradictory.

The reason I posted the Sherri Shepard clips are to show what happens with people who are *selectively intellectual*. She like most christians, will completely ignore historical fact, in order to support unsubstantiated claims. Jesus predates everything? Really? If one is a christian, it seems that one must feel that way, and this is the big problem. Many will try and force schools to teach this crap over scientific fact. Once you suggest that there was nothing before Jesus/God, you are completely ignoring all civilizations that existed before, then the gods they claimed that existed, in times before the creation of the God of Abraham.

This is why I am offended.

You made some pretty sweeping generalizations and accusations of Christians.  It's bold to say that most Christians ignore historical "fact"...who exactly are you referring to here?  The Christians living on your block?  The tele-Evangelists on TV?  Regardless of who you're referencing, it's not accurate to peg this on "most" Christians.  I think anyone with half of a mind for themselves would realize that this world is not some 4,000-odd years old.  In addition, it would be foolish to ignore the civilizations that predated Abraham who too held beliefs in a higher power (some even resembling Abrahamic faiths).  
I get that.

Science and spirituality are not and should not be contradictory--rather they should be complementary.  Science provides definitions, formulas, equations, and sometimes even laws to give meaning to the wonders of the universe.  Unfortunately, it cannot explain everything and doesn't answer all questions.  Spirituality--or one's own connection with himself and the universe (as I like to see it) helps to reconcile the "Why am I here--what's my purpose--what comes next" type questions that we've all considered at one time or another.  To see one without the other, in my opinion, is foolish.  The beauty of spirituality is that each person's experience is different.  Just because I hold X,Y, and Z beliefs to be true doesn't mean that you have to.  We have to stop trying to force our own beliefs on others-- whether out of self-validation or as a result of a "calling" from one's religion or belief system.  It has done too much to create misunderstandings, bloodshed, and general ignorance toward the significance of religion/belief systems in cultures around the world.

- If there are christians that acknowledge the existence of other gods and a world before their acceptance of Jesus as their lord and saviour, then they are not the problem. The problem is with the majority, like those who are racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, then simply anti intellectual. They have the platform, and they are the ones who are trying to dictate how the world should be run.

- Science is a proven theory that is used to prove other theories. Spirituality is not proven to exist, then is unproven as a theory. Comparing the two, or suggesting that the two are anywhere near comparable, is the contradiction.

- I see what you are saying, and I respect how you believe. But as you know, many will suggest that since you see it as you do, that you are not really being a true christian either.

My personal feeling on this subject is that the only reason that religion was created, was to control the masses.

Without religion, man is condemned to his freedoms
Albert Camus

Originally Posted by judeezy36

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by judeezy36

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by judeezy36

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by ai3mac1

I gotta question for the religious folk...

Say one day religion and a higher being were PROVEN to be false. As in its a FACT that its not real, its accepted that its not true.
What would you do then??

Would never happen, though.

Until someone comes up with answers for the beginning and the end..... 

So until then, you'd be happy thinking that the world is flat as well? This is why I take issue with the religious position. It is based upon superstition, then not fact.

Fact: Until you prove that "god" exists, there'll be no need to disprove his socalled existence. The burden of proof is actually on those of you who believe, not those of us who do not.
Why is there a "burden" to prove anything?  If anything, there should just be a general curiosity to determine how we got here and where we're going to go.  If you haven't noticed, those are the two big questions that most religions seek to answer.  I've opted to give some credence to a system of beliefs grounded in both science and spirituality to explain what no one has concrete answers for.  That's a personal decision.  You, on the other hand, have opted to ground yourself completely in scientific reasoning.  Fine.  Why does my reasoning seem to offend you so much?
What is underlined is contradictory.

The reason I posted the Sherri Shepard clips are to show what happens with people who are *selectively intellectual*. She like most christians, will completely ignore historical fact, in order to support unsubstantiated claims. Jesus predates everything? Really? If one is a christian, it seems that one must feel that way, and this is the big problem. Many will try and force schools to teach this crap over scientific fact. Once you suggest that there was nothing before Jesus/God, you are completely ignoring all civilizations that existed before, then the gods they claimed that existed, in times before the creation of the God of Abraham.

This is why I am offended.

You made some pretty sweeping generalizations and accusations of Christians.  It's bold to say that most Christians ignore historical "fact"...who exactly are you referring to here?  The Christians living on your block?  The tele-Evangelists on TV?  Regardless of who you're referencing, it's not accurate to peg this on "most" Christians.  I think anyone with half of a mind for themselves would realize that this world is not some 4,000-odd years old.  In addition, it would be foolish to ignore the civilizations that predated Abraham who too held beliefs in a higher power (some even resembling Abrahamic faiths).  
I get that.

Science and spirituality are not and should not be contradictory--rather they should be complementary.  Science provides definitions, formulas, equations, and sometimes even laws to give meaning to the wonders of the universe.  Unfortunately, it cannot explain everything and doesn't answer all questions.  Spirituality--or one's own connection with himself and the universe (as I like to see it) helps to reconcile the "Why am I here--what's my purpose--what comes next" type questions that we've all considered at one time or another.  To see one without the other, in my opinion, is foolish.  The beauty of spirituality is that each person's experience is different.  Just because I hold X,Y, and Z beliefs to be true doesn't mean that you have to.  We have to stop trying to force our own beliefs on others-- whether out of self-validation or as a result of a "calling" from one's religion or belief system.  It has done too much to create misunderstandings, bloodshed, and general ignorance toward the significance of religion/belief systems in cultures around the world.

- If there are christians that acknowledge the existence of other gods and a world before their acceptance of Jesus as their lord and saviour, then they are not the problem. The problem is with the majority, like those who are racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, then simply anti intellectual. They have the platform, and they are the ones who are trying to dictate how the world should be run.

- Science is a proven theory that is used to prove other theories. Spirituality is not proven to exist, then is unproven as a theory. Comparing the two, or suggesting that the two are anywhere near comparable, is the contradiction.

- I see what you are saying, and I respect how you believe. But as you know, many will suggest that since you see it as you do, that you are not really being a true christian either.

My personal feeling on this subject is that the only reason that religion was created, was to control the masses.

Without religion, man is condemned to his freedoms
Albert Camus

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Its funny when people claim they don't have faith yet put all their belief into a famous scientist or 'science' itself.

Like how are you criticizing someone having faith in God when you have faith in science? Beyond stupid. Especially when you sit back and think every thing that we do requires some type of faith. After all, faith is simply believing in something. Basically anything we just do (take sitting for example) requires faith. Of course, we as humans take something so simple and make it more complicated than it really is.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Its funny when people claim they don't have faith yet put all their belief into a famous scientist or 'science' itself.

Like how are you criticizing someone having faith in God when you have faith in science? Beyond stupid. Especially when you sit back and think every thing that we do requires some type of faith. After all, faith is simply believing in something. Basically anything we just do (take sitting for example) requires faith. Of course, we as humans take something so simple and make it more complicated than it really is.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Its funny when people claim they don't have faith yet put all their belief into a famous scientist or 'science' itself.

Like how are you criticizing someone having faith in God when you have faith in science? Beyond stupid. Especially when you sit back and think every thing that we do requires some type of faith. After all, faith is simply believing in something. Basically anything we just do (take sitting for example) requires faith. Of course, we as humans take something so simple and make it more complicated than it really is.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Its funny when people claim they don't have faith yet put all their belief into a famous scientist or 'science' itself.

Like how are you criticizing someone having faith in God when you have faith in science? Beyond stupid. Especially when you sit back and think every thing that we do requires some type of faith. After all, faith is simply believing in something. Basically anything we just do (take sitting for example) requires faith. Of course, we as humans take something so simple and make it more complicated than it really is.
For those comparing science to religion, stop it.

Here is the fundamental difference between science as religion. Based on the scientific method, scientists come up with hypotheses and theories based on observation and systematically tests those theories in order to find proof. Religion blindly comes up with theories and don't feel they hold the burden of providing proof. Blind faith is ok, just stop trying to front like isn't more than that.

Praying to Jesus Christ, did NOT make my broken Blackberry start working again.
For those comparing science to religion, stop it.

Here is the fundamental difference between science as religion. Based on the scientific method, scientists come up with hypotheses and theories based on observation and systematically tests those theories in order to find proof. Religion blindly comes up with theories and don't feel they hold the burden of providing proof. Blind faith is ok, just stop trying to front like isn't more than that.

Praying to Jesus Christ, did NOT make my broken Blackberry start working again.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

For those comparing science to religion, stop it.

Here is the fundamental difference between science as religion. Based on the scientific method, scientists come up with hypotheses and theories based on observation and systematically tests those theories in order to find proof. Religion blindly comes up with theories and don't feel they hold the burden of providing proof. Blind faith is ok, just stop trying to front like isn't more than that.

Praying to Jesus Christ, did NOT make my broken Blackberry start working again.
They're both man-made. you believe one over the other because they gave you an explanation you like?

I think science is bogus fwiw. Just a collective group of individuals trying to be the first to name or do something. egomaniacs.

Can't prove a damn thing in this reality, science or not. Why try?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

For those comparing science to religion, stop it.

Here is the fundamental difference between science as religion. Based on the scientific method, scientists come up with hypotheses and theories based on observation and systematically tests those theories in order to find proof. Religion blindly comes up with theories and don't feel they hold the burden of providing proof. Blind faith is ok, just stop trying to front like isn't more than that.

Praying to Jesus Christ, did NOT make my broken Blackberry start working again.
They're both man-made. you believe one over the other because they gave you an explanation you like?

I think science is bogus fwiw. Just a collective group of individuals trying to be the first to name or do something. egomaniacs.

Can't prove a damn thing in this reality, science or not. Why try?
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

For those comparing science to religion, stop it.

Here is the fundamental difference between science as religion. Based on the scientific method, scientists come up with hypotheses and theories based on observation and systematically tests those theories in order to find proof. Religion blindly comes up with theories and don't feel they hold the burden of providing proof. Blind faith is ok, just stop trying to front like isn't more than that.

Praying to Jesus Christ, did NOT make my broken Blackberry start working again.
They're both man-made. you believe one over the other because they gave you an explanation you like?

I think science is bogus fwiw. Just a collective group of individuals trying to be the first to name or do something. egomaniacs.

Can't prove a damn thing in this reality, science or not. Why try?

Is the world flat? Guess what method was used to disprove that socalled theory?
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

For those comparing science to religion, stop it.

Here is the fundamental difference between science as religion. Based on the scientific method, scientists come up with hypotheses and theories based on observation and systematically tests those theories in order to find proof. Religion blindly comes up with theories and don't feel they hold the burden of providing proof. Blind faith is ok, just stop trying to front like isn't more than that.

Praying to Jesus Christ, did NOT make my broken Blackberry start working again.
They're both man-made. you believe one over the other because they gave you an explanation you like?

I think science is bogus fwiw. Just a collective group of individuals trying to be the first to name or do something. egomaniacs.

Can't prove a damn thing in this reality, science or not. Why try?

Is the world flat? Guess what method was used to disprove that socalled theory?
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