The word God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness.

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

It's good to see Nat Turner arguing with someone else for a change. smh.
It's good to see you contribute something to a thread, that does not involve what you think of you!

What I think of me? LOL what? This dude stays trivializing people's "personal opinions". Anyhow you seem like you got your hands full in here, don't pay me no mind.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

It's good to see Nat Turner arguing with someone else for a change. smh.
It's good to see you contribute something to a thread, that does not involve what you think of you!

What I think of me? LOL what? This dude stays trivializing people's "personal opinions". Anyhow you seem like you got your hands full in here, don't pay me no mind.
I bet those who swear up and down that the bible is the double truth ruth, don't even know it's history.
I bet those who swear up and down that the bible is the double truth ruth, don't even know it's history.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by red mpls

My own personal beliefs and religious and spiritual background I don't often speak on (on the internet) because it only serves as a way for others to "pigeonhole" me... it has nothing to do with "fear." 
But that is fear. You are afraid of being pigeonholed.
Just because you don't want something to happen does not mean you're afraid of it happening.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by red mpls

My own personal beliefs and religious and spiritual background I don't often speak on (on the internet) because it only serves as a way for others to "pigeonhole" me... it has nothing to do with "fear." 
But that is fear. You are afraid of being pigeonholed.
Just because you don't want something to happen does not mean you're afraid of it happening.
If anyone truly wants to understand the groundwork for all religions, I suggest reading up on zecharia sitchin. Starting with genesis revisted. After that soaks in . Learn about the council of Nicea 325 A.D. If u still have questions, do more research . Can't have everything handed to you on a silver platter...
If anyone truly wants to understand the groundwork for all religions, I suggest reading up on zecharia sitchin. Starting with genesis revisted. After that soaks in . Learn about the council of Nicea 325 A.D. If u still have questions, do more research . Can't have everything handed to you on a silver platter...
Originally Posted by bittersweet

^ But you're living your entire life behind something you don't want to happen.
If this was directed toward me, I would hardly call me not speaking about my spiritual beliefs and background on a particular internet message board as "living my entire life behind something I don't want to happen."

Originally Posted by bittersweet

^ But you're living your entire life behind something you don't want to happen.
If this was directed toward me, I would hardly call me not speaking about my spiritual beliefs and background on a particular internet message board as "living my entire life behind something I don't want to happen."

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by bittersweet

^ But you're living your entire life behind something you don't want to happen.
If this was directed toward me, I would hardly call me not speaking about my spiritual beliefs and background on a particular internet message board as "living my entire life behind something I don't want to happen."

Yea that was funny
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by bittersweet

^ But you're living your entire life behind something you don't want to happen.
If this was directed toward me, I would hardly call me not speaking about my spiritual beliefs and background on a particular internet message board as "living my entire life behind something I don't want to happen."

Yea that was funny
Maybe I read it wrong because I haven't been following your long paragraphs for the past 3 pages. Sorry.
Maybe I read it wrong because I haven't been following your long paragraphs for the past 3 pages. Sorry.
If anyone truly wants to understand the groundwork for all religions, I suggest reading up on zecharia sitchin. Starting with genesis revisted. After that soaks in . Learn about the council of Nicea 325 A.D. If u still have questions, do more research . Can't have everything handed to you on a silver platter...
If anyone truly wants to understand the groundwork for all religions, I suggest reading up on zecharia sitchin. Starting with genesis revisted. After that soaks in . Learn about the council of Nicea 325 A.D. If u still have questions, do more research . Can't have everything handed to you on a silver platter...
Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I have read a lot about metaphysics. It still doesn't change the fact that our existence is by accident.
You're right, you know it all already.

What's the point of even opening up discussion, when our society has geniuses like lobotomybeats to break it down for us?

Science is humble, always changing, always advancing. I'd rather side with something that'll find the right answers and prove them logically�than with�something that claims to have ALL the answers and has to be taken on faith.��I'm just saying, all the questions that you currently answer with "God" will have answers eventually. And we're perfectly fine with saying "We don't know yet, but we're trying to find out right now"

So science is your God, then.. true scientists know that there are crucial questions that the field of science can never answer. But for some reason, the devoted acolytes of the Church of Empirical Science seem convinced that science will eventually explain everything (not talking about you in particular, just the particular faction of people who assert with certainty that empirical science is the end all be all.. the Richard Dawkins-types). At a certain point you have to admit that you are putting blind faith in something as well.

"God" in what sense?  

I know that there are certain things that are a mystery to us, but to say wholeheartedly that there are questions that science cannot answer is foolhardy. Maybe not now, but eventually. I cannot predict the future, but there will eventually be a point where we understand this universe because we will have accumulated the knowledge to do so. How soon will that be? Definitely not during this century. Our knowledge of the universe has increased exponentially within the past few thousand years and I think it's safe to say that the mysteries will slowly unravel over time, as long as we're smart enough not to kill everyone on earth.

"Blind faith" - we're all entitled to opinions. I believe that my logic is well thought out and reasonable. So does a religous person. Indifferent third party analysis is required here
 red mpls wrote:
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Well said man. I can agree with that. All of it.

No offense intended, but you assert the other 'extreme' of  the "accident hypothesis", that this is all part of some grand scheme and that it must have been precisely calculated

Your argument holds true if you're blind to the "dark side". I'll give you one example of what I mean:

-The earth’s gravity, axial tilt, rotation period, magnetic field, crust thickness, oxygen/nitrogen ratio, carbon dioxide, water vapour and ozone levels are just right for life (found this on some creationist website)

Ok. Great. I agree completely. These conditions are so right for life that it's eerie, scary, spooky, and automatically point to a higher being.

There's one problem (or should I say 100s): the earth tries to kill us, other animals try to kill us, other people try to kill us, our food tries to kills us, and the universe tries to kill us. I'm not gonna rehash the earlier vid I posted, but if you put it all into perspective, it's not so magical after all... How we're alive after surviving all of that is simple: we adapt.

 Is it too far outside of the realm of possiblity to suggest that we adapted, as a consequence of our environment? The earth is 4 billion years old. The genus +@@! is ~2.5 million years old. I think it's safe to say the earth came first. Then, instead of using a top-down, cherrypicking, it makes sense why it's all 'perfect' for us: because we are adapted to it, not the other way around.

This 'owner' you refer to must be as sick and twisted as he is 'creative' if he thinks dying children, starvation, tsunamis, hurricanes, disease, etc. has a place on this wonderful planet of ours. All of this, to me, shows that this planet is not made for us, and that we are not simply put on this planet because of the will of some supernatural being. We are here because we have become adapted to the planet.  Diseases, birth defects, etc. show me that we are still ' a work in progress'.

Some perspective: Out of 1 septillion (1000000000000000000000000) stars in the universe, we are the special ones who got blessed with life?

Most Common Elements in the universe:                          

1. Hydrogen
2. Helium (chemically inert)
3. Oxygen
4. Carbon
5. Other

Our cells our mostly water (hydrogen and oxygen) and our chemistry is based on carbon, (the chemical basis for all life on earth, because it is so reactive).  Given these ingredients (which are everywhere in the universe), life like ours could be inevitable given the right conditions. With that many zeros, I feel confident in saying: if life happened here, it can happen anywhere. When I put all this together, I don't see a plan, or a guiding force behind it all. Call it what you will, but you guys say "accident" like one day we just happened to be here. It took billions of years for us to get here.

How did all of this come into being? I dunno. Some things just don't have an answer yet. I'm perfectly fine with that. If you think that you have some answers that I don't, please inform me on how to obtain them.

edit: YUKU

Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I have read a lot about metaphysics. It still doesn't change the fact that our existence is by accident.
You're right, you know it all already.

What's the point of even opening up discussion, when our society has geniuses like lobotomybeats to break it down for us?

Science is humble, always changing, always advancing. I'd rather side with something that'll find the right answers and prove them logically�than with�something that claims to have ALL the answers and has to be taken on faith.��I'm just saying, all the questions that you currently answer with "God" will have answers eventually. And we're perfectly fine with saying "We don't know yet, but we're trying to find out right now"

So science is your God, then.. true scientists know that there are crucial questions that the field of science can never answer. But for some reason, the devoted acolytes of the Church of Empirical Science seem convinced that science will eventually explain everything (not talking about you in particular, just the particular faction of people who assert with certainty that empirical science is the end all be all.. the Richard Dawkins-types). At a certain point you have to admit that you are putting blind faith in something as well.

"God" in what sense?  

I know that there are certain things that are a mystery to us, but to say wholeheartedly that there are questions that science cannot answer is foolhardy. Maybe not now, but eventually. I cannot predict the future, but there will eventually be a point where we understand this universe because we will have accumulated the knowledge to do so. How soon will that be? Definitely not during this century. Our knowledge of the universe has increased exponentially within the past few thousand years and I think it's safe to say that the mysteries will slowly unravel over time, as long as we're smart enough not to kill everyone on earth.

"Blind faith" - we're all entitled to opinions. I believe that my logic is well thought out and reasonable. So does a religous person. Indifferent third party analysis is required here
 red mpls wrote:
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Well said man. I can agree with that. All of it.

No offense intended, but you assert the other 'extreme' of  the "accident hypothesis", that this is all part of some grand scheme and that it must have been precisely calculated

Your argument holds true if you're blind to the "dark side". I'll give you one example of what I mean:

-The earth’s gravity, axial tilt, rotation period, magnetic field, crust thickness, oxygen/nitrogen ratio, carbon dioxide, water vapour and ozone levels are just right for life (found this on some creationist website)

Ok. Great. I agree completely. These conditions are so right for life that it's eerie, scary, spooky, and automatically point to a higher being.

There's one problem (or should I say 100s): the earth tries to kill us, other animals try to kill us, other people try to kill us, our food tries to kills us, and the universe tries to kill us. I'm not gonna rehash the earlier vid I posted, but if you put it all into perspective, it's not so magical after all... How we're alive after surviving all of that is simple: we adapt.

 Is it too far outside of the realm of possiblity to suggest that we adapted, as a consequence of our environment? The earth is 4 billion years old. The genus +@@! is ~2.5 million years old. I think it's safe to say the earth came first. Then, instead of using a top-down, cherrypicking, it makes sense why it's all 'perfect' for us: because we are adapted to it, not the other way around.

This 'owner' you refer to must be as sick and twisted as he is 'creative' if he thinks dying children, starvation, tsunamis, hurricanes, disease, etc. has a place on this wonderful planet of ours. All of this, to me, shows that this planet is not made for us, and that we are not simply put on this planet because of the will of some supernatural being. We are here because we have become adapted to the planet.  Diseases, birth defects, etc. show me that we are still ' a work in progress'.

Some perspective: Out of 1 septillion (1000000000000000000000000) stars in the universe, we are the special ones who got blessed with life?

Most Common Elements in the universe:                          

1. Hydrogen
2. Helium (chemically inert)
3. Oxygen
4. Carbon
5. Other

Our cells our mostly water (hydrogen and oxygen) and our chemistry is based on carbon, (the chemical basis for all life on earth, because it is so reactive).  Given these ingredients (which are everywhere in the universe), life like ours could be inevitable given the right conditions. With that many zeros, I feel confident in saying: if life happened here, it can happen anywhere. When I put all this together, I don't see a plan, or a guiding force behind it all. Call it what you will, but you guys say "accident" like one day we just happened to be here. It took billions of years for us to get here.

How did all of this come into being? I dunno. Some things just don't have an answer yet. I'm perfectly fine with that. If you think that you have some answers that I don't, please inform me on how to obtain them.

edit: YUKU

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust,
and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."
You really can't compare the relatively few posts in opposition of God and/or religion on NikeTalk to the almost complete domination of the United States by Christianity.
I never tried to.  I don't know where you guys come up with this stuff.  I thought you all prided yourselves on "logic" and basing everything on "evidence.
[table][/table]You compared this thread + other threads like this one to the attempts by believers to force their beliefs onto people. I'm saying it's not hypocritical because the attempts to convert people to a religion occurs much more often, often in public, and the level of confrontation/forcefulness far surpasses posts on an internet message board.
Of course the level or degree is different, once again, I never stated or argued otherwise.  I'm not really sure why you insist on restating this.  However, it is indeed hypocritical because the same things that you blast religious people for are the same things that you all are doing on this board... telling other people that their beliefs are "wrong," insulting others' beliefs, constantly "pushing" your beliefs on others, obsessing over the existence (or non-existence) of a higher being, etc.

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

red mpls wrote:
I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust, and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."
My family down in the south will often use this saying in regard to hypocritical behaviour, "A hit dog will holla 'ery time."

This was your first response on this thread, as I am not aware of this poster and his history. However, regardless of his history, I have every right to agree with this topic, regardless of how many times it is posted. When pics are posted of women with wonderfully curvy bodies, I don't see your same complaint in regard to repetition.

A bit of "hypocrisy" perhaps? 

It's painfully apparent that you have nothing... at all.  You posted me initial response to the thread to prove... nothing... only to reinforce what I just stated in my previous post.  My original point was not that having a lot of threads questioning, bashing, etc. religion was so bothersome in and of itself.  My point was that the same people constantly bashing religion and the concept of a higher being in these threads are the same ones who complain about religious people forcing their beliefs on them and bashing their beliefs.  If you can't see the hypocrisy and irony there... well, I guess I really don't expect you to be able to at this point.

None of which has anything to do with threads about curvaceous and scantily-clad women
I have nothing? No matter how well written your denials are, you still chose to click onto a thread that is about Einstein's beliefs, then whining about the content.  It is about choice, and your initial comment was intended to illicit confrontation with those who do not agree with you and your hidden agenda. From that initial comment, you are making it seem as if those of us who voice our opinions against religious dogma, is as being in some sort of extremist position. Churches all around the world are having big problems these days, due to many realizing the real hypocrisy, not the one you are attempting to point out here on a damned message board, with you acting as if you are some sort of martyr. Many young people are rejecting the notion of some "god", especially the one that represents the Catholic church, which happens to have a real mess on its hands. Since what you are reading is from and by, many young people, you are witnessing the repercussions of all of the lies, pain and suffering that religion and its churches have perpetuated for centuries.

So you wanna call those of us who are opposed to all the nonsense "hypocrites", just because we are voicing our opinions?

Sounds like you have an agenda. Why don't you just simply man up, then state what your position actually is?

What is your religious background? What is it that you believe in? Be clear! Don't be afraid! State your position, then why you are so opposed to our freedom to choose and speak out as we can.
Denials?  What the hell am I denying?  My initial comment was intended to illicit SELF-REFLECTION which it seems like some of you refuse to do or are simply incapable of.  Acting like a martyr?  Talk about hyperbole

I never argued that the organized religions of the world do not act hypocritically.  I agree with you that they do.  I never said it was hypocritical for anyone to state their beliefs or voice their opinions.  I said that the way that you, OP, Lobotomy Beats, etc. often do so is hypocritical for the reasons outlined above in this post, my initial response, and my other posts in this thread.

Of course I have an "agenda."  Everyone does... even if that "agenda" is that they are just curious and interested in learning different perspectives, beliefs, etc.  My "position" is one of learning and reflection and the encouragement of learning and reflection among others.

My own personal beliefs and religious and spiritual background I don't often speak on (on the internet) because it only serves as a way for others to "pigeonhole" me... it has nothing to do with "fear."  The same way you and others criticize religion (rightfully so) for so often dividing instead of uniting, will be the way such information will be used "against" me as I see happen so often on this board.  The truth is the truth, no matter who speaks it.

I'm not opposed to your freedom to speak out as you see fit.  I just think that the way you and some others so often go about doing so does not encourage real dialogue and is ultimately not very useful.  However, it is obviously up to everyone how they choose to communicate.

I am only going to address this point, as it seems that this is why you've suggested that I am being hypocritical, in my vehement responses toward those who claim that I am going to "hell", for not believing in the boogey man.

Unity cannot happen with those who demand that you see things their way, especially when dealing with something as sensitive as a persons so called faith, It is closely link to emotions, which in turn throws logic and reason out of the window. They say "god exists", I say I want proof. They say have "faith", I ask why? They say without faith, I will not "understand". In that, there is no logic, no reason.

 Pimps use the same tactic while recruiting %%#*%%. It is a way of brainwashing, getting someone throw away common sense, then putting their "faith" in something other than themselves. The first right of every human being is self preservation. As soon as someone relinquishes that right, they are then controlled by whomever, or whatever is calling the shots. For pimps, drugs or alcohol is introduced, as that will be the carrot at the end of the stick. For the church and their pastors and preachers, it is the PIE IN THE SKY theory, which is nothing but a con. Live your life for those greater than yourself, then you are going to go to heaven. For the *@@++, "heaven" is making her pimp happy.  

So as soon as someone, like those on this very thread suggests, "why can't you see it the other way?"

Well, it is because that way is filled with false promises, that's why.

I am all for humanity, as this is where I share my connection with the human family. However, when someone comes at me with their religion first instead of their humanity, this is where we are going to have a problem, as I can smell the con coming a mile away.

Now on the flip side, I can understand why some people feel the need to believe in a higher power. It is tough out here, right?

But then again, it lends a whole lot of creedence to what Brother Einstien has written, doesn't it?
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust,
and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."
You really can't compare the relatively few posts in opposition of God and/or religion on NikeTalk to the almost complete domination of the United States by Christianity.
I never tried to.  I don't know where you guys come up with this stuff.  I thought you all prided yourselves on "logic" and basing everything on "evidence.
[table][/table]You compared this thread + other threads like this one to the attempts by believers to force their beliefs onto people. I'm saying it's not hypocritical because the attempts to convert people to a religion occurs much more often, often in public, and the level of confrontation/forcefulness far surpasses posts on an internet message board.
Of course the level or degree is different, once again, I never stated or argued otherwise.  I'm not really sure why you insist on restating this.  However, it is indeed hypocritical because the same things that you blast religious people for are the same things that you all are doing on this board... telling other people that their beliefs are "wrong," insulting others' beliefs, constantly "pushing" your beliefs on others, obsessing over the existence (or non-existence) of a higher being, etc.

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

red mpls wrote:
I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust, and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."
My family down in the south will often use this saying in regard to hypocritical behaviour, "A hit dog will holla 'ery time."

This was your first response on this thread, as I am not aware of this poster and his history. However, regardless of his history, I have every right to agree with this topic, regardless of how many times it is posted. When pics are posted of women with wonderfully curvy bodies, I don't see your same complaint in regard to repetition.

A bit of "hypocrisy" perhaps? 

It's painfully apparent that you have nothing... at all.  You posted me initial response to the thread to prove... nothing... only to reinforce what I just stated in my previous post.  My original point was not that having a lot of threads questioning, bashing, etc. religion was so bothersome in and of itself.  My point was that the same people constantly bashing religion and the concept of a higher being in these threads are the same ones who complain about religious people forcing their beliefs on them and bashing their beliefs.  If you can't see the hypocrisy and irony there... well, I guess I really don't expect you to be able to at this point.

None of which has anything to do with threads about curvaceous and scantily-clad women
I have nothing? No matter how well written your denials are, you still chose to click onto a thread that is about Einstein's beliefs, then whining about the content.  It is about choice, and your initial comment was intended to illicit confrontation with those who do not agree with you and your hidden agenda. From that initial comment, you are making it seem as if those of us who voice our opinions against religious dogma, is as being in some sort of extremist position. Churches all around the world are having big problems these days, due to many realizing the real hypocrisy, not the one you are attempting to point out here on a damned message board, with you acting as if you are some sort of martyr. Many young people are rejecting the notion of some "god", especially the one that represents the Catholic church, which happens to have a real mess on its hands. Since what you are reading is from and by, many young people, you are witnessing the repercussions of all of the lies, pain and suffering that religion and its churches have perpetuated for centuries.

So you wanna call those of us who are opposed to all the nonsense "hypocrites", just because we are voicing our opinions?

Sounds like you have an agenda. Why don't you just simply man up, then state what your position actually is?

What is your religious background? What is it that you believe in? Be clear! Don't be afraid! State your position, then why you are so opposed to our freedom to choose and speak out as we can.
Denials?  What the hell am I denying?  My initial comment was intended to illicit SELF-REFLECTION which it seems like some of you refuse to do or are simply incapable of.  Acting like a martyr?  Talk about hyperbole

I never argued that the organized religions of the world do not act hypocritically.  I agree with you that they do.  I never said it was hypocritical for anyone to state their beliefs or voice their opinions.  I said that the way that you, OP, Lobotomy Beats, etc. often do so is hypocritical for the reasons outlined above in this post, my initial response, and my other posts in this thread.

Of course I have an "agenda."  Everyone does... even if that "agenda" is that they are just curious and interested in learning different perspectives, beliefs, etc.  My "position" is one of learning and reflection and the encouragement of learning and reflection among others.

My own personal beliefs and religious and spiritual background I don't often speak on (on the internet) because it only serves as a way for others to "pigeonhole" me... it has nothing to do with "fear."  The same way you and others criticize religion (rightfully so) for so often dividing instead of uniting, will be the way such information will be used "against" me as I see happen so often on this board.  The truth is the truth, no matter who speaks it.

I'm not opposed to your freedom to speak out as you see fit.  I just think that the way you and some others so often go about doing so does not encourage real dialogue and is ultimately not very useful.  However, it is obviously up to everyone how they choose to communicate.

I am only going to address this point, as it seems that this is why you've suggested that I am being hypocritical, in my vehement responses toward those who claim that I am going to "hell", for not believing in the boogey man.

Unity cannot happen with those who demand that you see things their way, especially when dealing with something as sensitive as a persons so called faith, It is closely link to emotions, which in turn throws logic and reason out of the window. They say "god exists", I say I want proof. They say have "faith", I ask why? They say without faith, I will not "understand". In that, there is no logic, no reason.

 Pimps use the same tactic while recruiting %%#*%%. It is a way of brainwashing, getting someone throw away common sense, then putting their "faith" in something other than themselves. The first right of every human being is self preservation. As soon as someone relinquishes that right, they are then controlled by whomever, or whatever is calling the shots. For pimps, drugs or alcohol is introduced, as that will be the carrot at the end of the stick. For the church and their pastors and preachers, it is the PIE IN THE SKY theory, which is nothing but a con. Live your life for those greater than yourself, then you are going to go to heaven. For the *@@++, "heaven" is making her pimp happy.  

So as soon as someone, like those on this very thread suggests, "why can't you see it the other way?"

Well, it is because that way is filled with false promises, that's why.

I am all for humanity, as this is where I share my connection with the human family. However, when someone comes at me with their religion first instead of their humanity, this is where we are going to have a problem, as I can smell the con coming a mile away.

Now on the flip side, I can understand why some people feel the need to believe in a higher power. It is tough out here, right?

But then again, it lends a whole lot of creedence to what Brother Einstien has written, doesn't it?
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by red mpls

Denials?  What the hell am I denying?  My initial comment was intended to illicit SELF-REFLECTION which it seems like some of you refuse to do or are simply incapable of.  Acting like a martyr?  Talk about hyperbole

I never argued that the organized religions of the world do not act hypocritically.  I agree with you that they do.  I never said it was hypocritical for anyone to state their beliefs or voice their opinions.  I said that the way that you, OP, Lobotomy Beats, etc. often do so is hypocritical for the reasons outlined above in this post, my initial response, and my other posts in this thread.

Of course I have an "agenda."  Everyone does... even if that "agenda" is that they are just curious and interested in learning different perspectives, beliefs, etc.  My "position" is one of learning and reflection and the encouragement of learning and reflection among others.

My own personal beliefs and religious and spiritual background I don't often speak on (on the internet) because it only serves as a way for others to "pigeonhole" me... it has nothing to do with "fear."  The same way you and others criticize religion (rightfully so) for so often dividing instead of uniting, will be the way such information will be used "against" me as I see happen so often on this board.  The truth is the truth, no matter who speaks it.

I'm not opposed to your freedom to speak out as you see fit.  I just think that the way you and some others so often go about doing so does not encourage real dialogue and is ultimately not very useful.  However, it is obviously up to everyone how they choose to communicate.

I am only going to address this point, as it seems that this is why you've suggested that I am being hypocritical, in my vehement responses toward those who claim that I am going to "hell", for not believing in the boogey man.

Unity cannot happen with those who demand that you see things their way, especially when dealing with something as sensitive as a persons so called faith, It is closely link to emotions, which in turn throws logic and reason out of the window. They say "god exists", I say I want proof. They say have "faith", I ask why? They say without faith, I will not "understand". In that, there is no logic, no reason.

 Pimps use the same tactic while recruiting %%#*%%. It is a way of brainwashing, getting someone throw away common sense, then putting their "faith" in something other than themselves. The first right of every human being is self preservation. As soon as someone relinquishes that right, they are then controlled by whomever, or whatever is calling the shots. For pimps, drugs or alcohol is introduced, as that will be the carrot at the end of the stick. For the church and their pastors and preachers, it is the PIE IN THE SKY theory, which is nothing but a con. Live your life for those greater than yourself, then you are going to go to heaven. For the *@@++, "heaven" is making her pimp happy.  

So as soon as someone, like those on this very thread suggests, "why can't you see it the other way?"

Well, it is because that way is filled with false promises, that's why.

I am all for humanity, as this is where I share my connection with the human family. However, when someone comes at me with their religion first instead of their humanity, this is where we are going to have a problem, as I can smell the con coming a mile away.

Now on the flip side, I can understand why some people feel the need to believe in a higher power. It is tough out here, right?

But then again, it lends a whole lot of creedence to what Brother Einstien has written, doesn't it?
I'm suggesting that you (and others) are being hypocritical for the reason you underlined as well as a number of other reasons, many of which I also stated in my last post in response to Its That Dude:
Originally Posted by red mpls

However, it is indeed hypocritical because the same things that you blast religious people for are the same things that you all are doing on this board... telling other people that their beliefs are "wrong," insulting others' beliefs, constantly "pushing" your beliefs on others, obsessing over the existence (or non-existence) of a higher being, etc.
Of course it's your right to believe whatever you want and I have no problem with your beliefs... Actually I respect them more than a lot of other peoples' because it seems you put some critical thinking into them... However, I do think that you often fail to recognize that belief in organized religion and the potential existence of a higher being are not one and the same (although you obviously don't need my "approval" for your beliefs, and I digress)

If you want to use a similar approach to the issues that those you so vehemently disagree with use, then that's your business....
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by red mpls

Denials?  What the hell am I denying?  My initial comment was intended to illicit SELF-REFLECTION which it seems like some of you refuse to do or are simply incapable of.  Acting like a martyr?  Talk about hyperbole

I never argued that the organized religions of the world do not act hypocritically.  I agree with you that they do.  I never said it was hypocritical for anyone to state their beliefs or voice their opinions.  I said that the way that you, OP, Lobotomy Beats, etc. often do so is hypocritical for the reasons outlined above in this post, my initial response, and my other posts in this thread.

Of course I have an "agenda."  Everyone does... even if that "agenda" is that they are just curious and interested in learning different perspectives, beliefs, etc.  My "position" is one of learning and reflection and the encouragement of learning and reflection among others.

My own personal beliefs and religious and spiritual background I don't often speak on (on the internet) because it only serves as a way for others to "pigeonhole" me... it has nothing to do with "fear."  The same way you and others criticize religion (rightfully so) for so often dividing instead of uniting, will be the way such information will be used "against" me as I see happen so often on this board.  The truth is the truth, no matter who speaks it.

I'm not opposed to your freedom to speak out as you see fit.  I just think that the way you and some others so often go about doing so does not encourage real dialogue and is ultimately not very useful.  However, it is obviously up to everyone how they choose to communicate.

I am only going to address this point, as it seems that this is why you've suggested that I am being hypocritical, in my vehement responses toward those who claim that I am going to "hell", for not believing in the boogey man.

Unity cannot happen with those who demand that you see things their way, especially when dealing with something as sensitive as a persons so called faith, It is closely link to emotions, which in turn throws logic and reason out of the window. They say "god exists", I say I want proof. They say have "faith", I ask why? They say without faith, I will not "understand". In that, there is no logic, no reason.

 Pimps use the same tactic while recruiting %%#*%%. It is a way of brainwashing, getting someone throw away common sense, then putting their "faith" in something other than themselves. The first right of every human being is self preservation. As soon as someone relinquishes that right, they are then controlled by whomever, or whatever is calling the shots. For pimps, drugs or alcohol is introduced, as that will be the carrot at the end of the stick. For the church and their pastors and preachers, it is the PIE IN THE SKY theory, which is nothing but a con. Live your life for those greater than yourself, then you are going to go to heaven. For the *@@++, "heaven" is making her pimp happy.  

So as soon as someone, like those on this very thread suggests, "why can't you see it the other way?"

Well, it is because that way is filled with false promises, that's why.

I am all for humanity, as this is where I share my connection with the human family. However, when someone comes at me with their religion first instead of their humanity, this is where we are going to have a problem, as I can smell the con coming a mile away.

Now on the flip side, I can understand why some people feel the need to believe in a higher power. It is tough out here, right?

But then again, it lends a whole lot of creedence to what Brother Einstien has written, doesn't it?
I'm suggesting that you (and others) are being hypocritical for the reason you underlined as well as a number of other reasons, many of which I also stated in my last post in response to Its That Dude:
Originally Posted by red mpls

However, it is indeed hypocritical because the same things that you blast religious people for are the same things that you all are doing on this board... telling other people that their beliefs are "wrong," insulting others' beliefs, constantly "pushing" your beliefs on others, obsessing over the existence (or non-existence) of a higher being, etc.
Of course it's your right to believe whatever you want and I have no problem with your beliefs... Actually I respect them more than a lot of other peoples' because it seems you put some critical thinking into them... However, I do think that you often fail to recognize that belief in organized religion and the potential existence of a higher being are not one and the same (although you obviously don't need my "approval" for your beliefs, and I digress)

If you want to use a similar approach to the issues that those you so vehemently disagree with use, then that's your business....
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by red mpls

Denials?  What the hell am I denying?  My initial comment was intended to illicit SELF-REFLECTION which it seems like some of you refuse to do or are simply incapable of.  Acting like a martyr?  Talk about hyperbole

I never argued that the organized religions of the world do not act hypocritically.  I agree with you that they do.  I never said it was hypocritical for anyone to state their beliefs or voice their opinions.  I said that the way that you, OP, Lobotomy Beats, etc. often do so is hypocritical for the reasons outlined above in this post, my initial response, and my other posts in this thread.

Of course I have an "agenda."  Everyone does... even if that "agenda" is that they are just curious and interested in learning different perspectives, beliefs, etc.  My "position" is one of learning and reflection and the encouragement of learning and reflection among others.

My own personal beliefs and religious and spiritual background I don't often speak on (on the internet) because it only serves as a way for others to "pigeonhole" me... it has nothing to do with "fear."  The same way you and others criticize religion (rightfully so) for so often dividing instead of uniting, will be the way such information will be used "against" me as I see happen so often on this board.  The truth is the truth, no matter who speaks it.

I'm not opposed to your freedom to speak out as you see fit.  I just think that the way you and some others so often go about doing so does not encourage real dialogue and is ultimately not very useful.  However, it is obviously up to everyone how they choose to communicate.

I am only going to address this point, as it seems that this is why you've suggested that I am being hypocritical, in my vehement responses toward those who claim that I am going to "hell", for not believing in the boogey man.

Unity cannot happen with those who demand that you see things their way, especially when dealing with something as sensitive as a persons so called faith, It is closely link to emotions, which in turn throws logic and reason out of the window. They say "god exists", I say I want proof. They say have "faith", I ask why? They say without faith, I will not "understand". In that, there is no logic, no reason.

 Pimps use the same tactic while recruiting %%#*%%. It is a way of brainwashing, getting someone throw away common sense, then putting their "faith" in something other than themselves. The first right of every human being is self preservation. As soon as someone relinquishes that right, they are then controlled by whomever, or whatever is calling the shots. For pimps, drugs or alcohol is introduced, as that will be the carrot at the end of the stick. For the church and their pastors and preachers, it is the PIE IN THE SKY theory, which is nothing but a con. Live your life for those greater than yourself, then you are going to go to heaven. For the *@@++, "heaven" is making her pimp happy.  

So as soon as someone, like those on this very thread suggests, "why can't you see it the other way?"

Well, it is because that way is filled with false promises, that's why.

I am all for humanity, as this is where I share my connection with the human family. However, when someone comes at me with their religion first instead of their humanity, this is where we are going to have a problem, as I can smell the con coming a mile away.

Now on the flip side, I can understand why some people feel the need to believe in a higher power. It is tough out here, right?

But then again, it lends a whole lot of creedence to what Brother Einstien has written, doesn't it?
I'm suggesting that you (and others) are being hypocritical for the reason you underlined as well as a number of other reasons, many of which I also stated in my last post in response to Its That Dude:
Originally Posted by red mpls

However, it is indeed hypocritical because the same things that you blast religious people for are the same things that you all are doing on this board... telling other people that their beliefs are "wrong," insulting others' beliefs, constantly "pushing" your beliefs on others, obsessing over the existence (or non-existence) of a higher being, etc.
Of course it's your right to believe whatever you want and I have no problem with your beliefs... Actually I respect them more than a lot of other peoples' because it seems you put some critical thinking into them... However, I do think that you often fail to recognize that belief in organized religion and the potential existence of a higher being are not one and the same (although you obviously don't need my "approval" for your beliefs, and I digress)

If you want to use a similar approach to the issues that those you so vehemently disagree with use, then that's your business....

1. Potential is still not proof. I have the potential to have the wealth of Bill Gates, but I don't.
2. Your comparison of the approach that I choose to use, only serves to make you seem as if you know something that I do not. Your tone suggests that you are being objective, but it seems that you are really stuck on the term potential, as "if".

So here is how I use the term potential in present tense,

"god has the potential to move mountains, but he cannot write something down himself?"

Until this "God" decides to put it down for all to follow, I am siding with self preservation, while using logic and reason.

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