The word God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness.

Originally Posted by red mpls

The irony of the constant barrage of threads like this is that those making them seem just as, if not more, obsessed with religion and God than the so-called religious fanatics... and are convinced that your point of view is the correct one just as much as the staunchest of believers... and attempt to force your beliefs on others just as much as those you mock and insult.
Originally Posted by red mpls

The irony of the constant barrage of threads like this is that those making them seem just as, if not more, obsessed with religion and God than the so-called religious fanatics... and are convinced that your point of view is the correct one just as much as the staunchest of believers... and attempt to force your beliefs on others just as much as those you mock and insult.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Why are atheists so obsessed with religion?

When children are taught fairy tales as fact in school, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When freedoms are abridged by religion, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When wars are waged because of religion, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When religion has such reverence that it influences and dictates policy in the United States, it's something that we all should be worried about.
1. What school?
2. Which of your freedoms is being abridged by religion?

3. You mean by the US? What wars have we fought based on religion?

4. Religion dictates what policy in the US?

Cricket Cricket. *pin drop*
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Why are atheists so obsessed with religion?

When children are taught fairy tales as fact in school, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When freedoms are abridged by religion, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When wars are waged because of religion, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When religion has such reverence that it influences and dictates policy in the United States, it's something that we all should be worried about.
1. What school?
2. Which of your freedoms is being abridged by religion?

3. You mean by the US? What wars have we fought based on religion?

4. Religion dictates what policy in the US?

Cricket Cricket. *pin drop*
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by red mpls

The irony of the constant barrage of threads like this is that those making them seem just as, if not more, obsessed with religion and God than the so-called religious fanatics... and are convinced that your point of view is the correct one just as much as the staunchest of believers... and attempt to force your beliefs on others just as much as those you mock and insult.
The religious had a couple hundred years head start and then like a 8 century movement. Those that subscribe to the opposite have only recently increased
No. Thats like saying straight people had a head start and those who subscribed to homosexuality have only increased recently.
Religion was started. Free thought was here since the beginning of time. 
Given I'm talking about a philosophy, ideals, and specific way to live your life according to it's dominance throughout history in many regions around the world, no it's nothing like that terrible comparison you made about heterosexuals and homosexuals.

I'm not just talking about free thought but more so the difference in objectivity of it on a general scale.

Hope I made that clear to you. There's a difference between free thought and being free to express those thoughts.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by red mpls

The irony of the constant barrage of threads like this is that those making them seem just as, if not more, obsessed with religion and God than the so-called religious fanatics... and are convinced that your point of view is the correct one just as much as the staunchest of believers... and attempt to force your beliefs on others just as much as those you mock and insult.
The religious had a couple hundred years head start and then like a 8 century movement. Those that subscribe to the opposite have only recently increased
No. Thats like saying straight people had a head start and those who subscribed to homosexuality have only increased recently.
Religion was started. Free thought was here since the beginning of time. 
Given I'm talking about a philosophy, ideals, and specific way to live your life according to it's dominance throughout history in many regions around the world, no it's nothing like that terrible comparison you made about heterosexuals and homosexuals.

I'm not just talking about free thought but more so the difference in objectivity of it on a general scale.

Hope I made that clear to you. There's a difference between free thought and being free to express those thoughts.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Why are atheists so obsessed with religion?

When children are taught fairy tales as fact in school, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When freedoms are abridged by religion, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When wars are waged because of religion, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When religion has such reverence that it influences and dictates policy in the United States, it's something that we all should be worried about.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Why are atheists so obsessed with religion?

When children are taught fairy tales as fact in school, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When freedoms are abridged by religion, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When wars are waged because of religion, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When religion has such reverence that it influences and dictates policy in the United States, it's something that we all should be worried about.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Why are atheists so obsessed with religion?

When children are taught fairy tales as fact in school, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When freedoms are abridged by religion, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When wars are waged because of religion, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When religion has such reverence that it influences and dictates policy in the United States, it's something that we all should be worried about.
1. What school?
2. Which of your freedoms is being abridged by religion?

3. You mean by the US? What wars have we fought based on religion?

4. Religion dictates what policy in the US?

I'm talking about the whole world, but I'll try to give examples in the US,

1. My public high school taught Creationism. I live in inner city Los Angeles too. Now go to the schools in the south where religion is much more prevalent like say Kansas, Creationism is given a bigger emphasis. There's also the issue of federal funding for abstinence only programs. My tax dollars going to something that doesn't work and is only being proposed because of someone's idealogies?

2. Gay marriage, abortion, Not affecting me, but that doesn't matter.

3. You don't remember when Bush said God told him to invade Iraq and kill the terrorists in Afghanistan? Or how about how the commies are "godless" during the Cold war/Vietnam war era?

4. I was summing up my previous points. But if an aspiring politician were to announce that he was atheist, that would kill his career. Removing the words "Under God" from our money and pledge of allegiance is out of the question. Mind you these words were added during the cold war to show that we are superior to other nations that didn't believe in the Christian God i.e commies... "Under God" certainly does abridge my freedoms as well as other religions' freedoms. So when resolutions or bills are brought to Congress or cases brought before the Supreme Court regarding religion, little is done.

Granted religion causes much greater problems outside of the United States, it's still a big issue and taboo today that most people aren't willing to touch. Religion has too much of an impact on our society to ignore. If atheists or people who aren't religious don't bring up these issues, no one else will.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Why are atheists so obsessed with religion?

When children are taught fairy tales as fact in school, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When freedoms are abridged by religion, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When wars are waged because of religion, it's something that we all should be worried about.

When religion has such reverence that it influences and dictates policy in the United States, it's something that we all should be worried about.
1. What school?
2. Which of your freedoms is being abridged by religion?

3. You mean by the US? What wars have we fought based on religion?

4. Religion dictates what policy in the US?

I'm talking about the whole world, but I'll try to give examples in the US,

1. My public high school taught Creationism. I live in inner city Los Angeles too. Now go to the schools in the south where religion is much more prevalent like say Kansas, Creationism is given a bigger emphasis. There's also the issue of federal funding for abstinence only programs. My tax dollars going to something that doesn't work and is only being proposed because of someone's idealogies?

2. Gay marriage, abortion, Not affecting me, but that doesn't matter.

3. You don't remember when Bush said God told him to invade Iraq and kill the terrorists in Afghanistan? Or how about how the commies are "godless" during the Cold war/Vietnam war era?

4. I was summing up my previous points. But if an aspiring politician were to announce that he was atheist, that would kill his career. Removing the words "Under God" from our money and pledge of allegiance is out of the question. Mind you these words were added during the cold war to show that we are superior to other nations that didn't believe in the Christian God i.e commies... "Under God" certainly does abridge my freedoms as well as other religions' freedoms. So when resolutions or bills are brought to Congress or cases brought before the Supreme Court regarding religion, little is done.

Granted religion causes much greater problems outside of the United States, it's still a big issue and taboo today that most people aren't willing to touch. Religion has too much of an impact on our society to ignore. If atheists or people who aren't religious don't bring up these issues, no one else will.
And it also  happens  the other  way around, too. Many atheists have suppressed peoples freedom to be religious  outside the US. Priests were  executed by the government in Mexico.  For a long time   china didn't allow people to be openly religious. Religious people in  the USSR  had it much worse  than non-believers in America.
And it also  happens  the other  way around, too. Many atheists have suppressed peoples freedom to be religious  outside the US. Priests were  executed by the government in Mexico.  For a long time   china didn't allow people to be openly religious. Religious people in  the USSR  had it much worse  than non-believers in America.
Gay Marriage and abortion are NOT religious issues. thought they were civil rights issues.

Propoganda does not equal political policy.

Bush was religous = fighting which war based on religion now? u lost me.
Gay Marriage and abortion are NOT religious issues. thought they were civil rights issues.

Propoganda does not equal political policy.

Bush was religous = fighting which war based on religion now? u lost me.
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